2024.4: Organize all the things!

How did you get that display?

there is some progress here, see Filtering entities by label doesn't work ¡ Issue #435 ¡ thomasloven/lovelace-auto-entities ¡ GitHub

seems to work after all, though there is a definite suggestion (…) of ‘lag’ now

first check to see if you loaded the correct version in Inspector window though, as it ws tough to get that up to date

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I would love to see the labels in a separate column instead of a second row. At least on desktop. On bigger screens you have so much space and now with entities with and without labels it is fidgety at least for my eyes to have rows with labels and some without and in the middle of the space so much unused space, e.g. in scripts and automations.


Ah, thanks for showing me the edit button on bottom! Now you have to go to Settings → Areas, Labels and Zones, then select the Zones tab to add/edit zones. That is the function I was looking for originally.

Why doesn’t categories apply to devices and entities?

Auto-entities version ? , i know i updated to latest today, but maybe i should reboot, as i do notice higher cpu-usage, when adding these template/includes in the card

yes, auto-entities, check to see this:

cpu isnt higher here, just the Frontend lags on those test views I used (which admittedly have quite a few ‘auto’ filtering cards).
Still, the difference with the previous release is rather significant

Yes! Same here, big improvement. Good job developers!

Settings → System → Repairs → Meatballs in the up right corner

Edit: You found it already :slight_smile:

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Hmmmm, yes i have 1.3.0, but in Inspector#console it’s spewing 404, for god knows what(everything it seems )
My Cpu(on HA device) dropped 3-5% when i removed the templates(have 2 A-E cards on test-view ), will remove the cards, and check, then Reboot HA ( Never seen my browser-device spewing 404 like that

would be most helpful to post the auto-entities testing details on the repo there, and keep this topic clean of that.
Ive just established it has nothing to do with the label being configured in the AE config, and lag is also happening on other views with auto-entities cards.

guess that makes it a pure AE 1 13 0 thing (AE 1.12.x was really fast) , and not a HA issue :wink:

I did notice some generic cameras being frustrated because of the introduced lag and showing the broken image icon along with some errors in inspector. Maybe that also happened to you instance ‘spewing 404’)

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Actually, when you create an Automation in the UI, it is saved in your Automations.yaml file. So they already do it.

Not sure what it was, tested in EDGE also, removed the 2 AE-test_cards" and everything is fine again
No 404 in FF, Nothing in EDGE either
CPU on HA down to 1-2% As usual !
( And i have 5 or so other AE-cards running )
End of story here :slight_smile: , i will report in AE-repo when i setup a new test

However i’ll Reboot, before it move on to “daily” chores…ehhh :slight_smile:

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Just checked mine and still showing 1.12, cleared cache (already did F5) and it now works
Thanks for the heads up

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Very excited for this update! Is there a way to link to the Automations dashboard with a filter already set? I tried ?sort=LastTriggered and some other params but couldn’t get it working. I’ve had for the longest time a markdown card that listed the last-triggered automations with links to edit them, for ease of quickly updating automations. Would love to replace it with a link to the automation dashboard pre-filtered.

The new labels and categories are excellent! It would be great if we could collapse categories (the keymaster integration adds roughly 1000 automations that I never need to interact wiith) and/or a way to do an “exclude” filter in addition to the current “include” filter. Bonus points if I can choose to have a category automatically collapsed (or maybe categories with more than ~25 automations or something are auto-collapsed) so that I can navigate through all categories more easily.

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Anyone else having trouble with rounded corners? My theme uses them and they are there on most things, but are conspicuously missing on “child” cards of picture elements and custom button cards.

Hmmm… I’m also having issues with putting all the keymaster items into a category. Searching for automations containing “keymaster”, selecting all, and adding to category only moves about half of them. Manually selecting the remaining ones and moving to category does nothing.

A bit overwhelmed here.
I added several tags labels to organize my Zones.
however, when I open the entities table, those tags labels are shown ofc, while I probably wont use them on any other (type of) entity…

not sure how to proceed, because I fear the list of labels will become huge if we can not create dedicated labels for dedicated purposes.

maybe (probably) I am using the available new options the wrong way, but as it stands, I dont think this is how I should proceed.

I am wondering about this entry from the release notes:

The previously deprecated forecast attribute of weather entities, has now been removed. Use the weather.get_forecasts service to get the forecast data instead.

How do you set forecasts in template weather entities now? According to the docs the template weather provider still has these attributes:

  • forecast_template
  • forecast_daily_template
  • forecast_hourly_template
  • forecast_twice_daily_template

rounded corners works “overall” cant say of “childs” in picture elements and custom:button cards, as “childs” are transparent there
However i use The Default “rounded-corners” as that how cards are now , so could be your Theme Settings