2024.8: Beautiful badges!

Well, this new “Modified” column is strange.

HA (.8) started at ~01:10, now ~01:41.
Many entities have been changed between 01:10 & 01:41 - yet only these 6 entities have some “modified” property.
This MAY mean that this “modified” is not same as “last-changed/last-updated”.
Somehow only these 6 entities were “modified” on HA start.
Have to guess since there is no official description about these new “created/modified” properties.

Created a new input_number from UI at ~01:50.
It was added to the Entities table:

Then opened more-info & changed “step”, “max”, “entity_id” - and the entity is NOT “modified”.
So, “modified” is not about changing a state, not about changing settings.
Then what does “modified” means ? ))))

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Anyone else have the Database upgrade take a long time?

Going on 2+ hours and still chugging.

How big is your DB?

I’m not sure why you are calling it new? I have used badges in the top row for many years. What is new is the entity and mushroom addition to the badge and all the features that were added in this release. I have been playing with the different properties since beta.0 and find it very useful for some of my dashboards. It allows you to see at a glance what is going on with critical items in your home.

Mine took awhile during beta. I’m sure it depends on size (as Tom mentioned) and hardware you are running on. I wish there was a percentage done while running, but that would most likely slow it down.

Yes I have the same issue some times.

Seems like the zha configuration for OTA has changed but there is no updated documentation for it. This warning is logged

2024-08-07 19:47:46.216 WARNING (MainThread) [zigpy.config.validators] The `ikea_provider` key is deprecated, migrate your configuration to the `extra_providers` list instead: `extra_providers: [{'type': 'ikea'}]`
2024-08-07 19:47:46.216 WARNING (MainThread) [zigpy.config.validators] The `thirdreality_provider` key is deprecated, migrate your configuration to the `extra_providers` list instead: `extra_providers: [{'type': 'thirdreality'}]`

For the following configuration:

      ikea_provider: true                        # Auto update Trådfri devices
      thirdreality_provider: true

Yep. Same for me. It’s been like that for a few months.

@AntonH @Ross1950

checkout this issue. It looks like the dev noticed some issues with certain protocols and the missing special characters and updated the handling in the integration. It probably should have been in breaking changes. You can create a new admin account and use it to authenticate with HA so you don’t have to sign out of any other systems

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Is there a way to update to 2024.8 but keep the old badges? The new badge style rendered mine completely unusable. When I updated, the badges that show me and my wife’s locations just said the location, not who it was, the 3 different temperatures just showed the temp but not what the temp was for, and the rest of them just became a bunch of numbers with no way of of knowing what each of them was for. I did see where I could make it show the entity name and then the entity state, but then they all became a mile long and looked even worse than the default 2024.8 style.

2024.7 version

2024.8 version

2024.8 version with entity names added

Even with adding shortened names, the old version is miles better and more legible. With the new version, you have to look for the numbers of the measurements the blend in with the text that’s the same size and font. Before, the numbers you were looking for stood out plainly with small font under it to give more context as to what the reading was for.


Here is my code for person badge:

   type: entity
    entity: person.bill
    show_entity_picture: true
    display_type: complete


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Has anyone noticed time sensors (e.g. those provided by Google’s travel time integration) are no longer respecting the default precision? In the entity config, I have the default selected, which should be minutes only. However, the rendered value includes seconds as well. I can manually update it to the desired precision, but I have a bunch of time sensors and don’t think I should need to update them if the default precision was actually being respected.



That service/action change is just a wording change, right? Nothing changes functionality-wise?

Correct. And there is no need to change your previous yaml that uses service:

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Yeah some custom components are waaaay too essential to be broken by these updates

Yeah, for the last few releases it gets stuck on me as well and just stutters in place. This is on my Samsung s23 Ultra in the Firefox for Android browser.

Actually, the last two I had the issue but I can’t reproduce it today.

Noticed a strange glitch.
I am not using labels, just have 4…5 labels for testing - and they WERE associated with some testing helpers.
In 2024.8 this association mysteriously disappeared - i.e. these helpers are not associated with labels.

Daikin Climate fails on 2024.8, https://github.com/fredrike/pydaikin/issues/3#issuecomment-2274868360


Love new badges! I wish there was option to place separator “|” anywhere between them, or/and some gap.


Yup, seeing that same issue here, too, sadly.