2024.8: Beautiful badges!

Never used badges before, but started now. Nice, but I am missing a name+icon button as short cut to more-info (in the night some sensors get unknown which looks not nice).

you can configure the tap-action

So having this set, will open the more-info dialog whenever you click the badge. (or it will perform the configured behaviour)

12 hours in now. Maybe itā€™s already done but the waiting time out. No clue about whatā€™s going on.

I had cases, where I needed a table of them in the past. Both, esp. the difference of them. So great enhancement.

But why do you not just hide the columns you donā€™t need as this is possible now? I would expect, that they are then not read either before rendering the table.

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Hope that Studio Code will update soon as well for the change of - service: to - action:

Now everything is become red with: Property action not allowed :smiley:


Have same issue ā€¦ :frowning:

Issue is already made on Github: aiohttp.client_exceptions.InvalidUrlClientError: /errors/validateCaptcha Ā· Issue #2418 Ā· alandtse/alexa_media_player Ā· GitHub

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You can submit that change yourself: HowTo: Update the schema's Ā· keesschollaart81/vscode-home-assistant Wiki Ā· GitHub


Yes, but I was talking about the badge itself, I am missing a symbol and name view. Would also be very very helpful for buttons.

For the time being a badge button with name looks like this:

All good except I noticed that even though I have Wake On LAN entities still there is no Wake On LAN item in the integrations section shown as installed? Does the update import the old config into the GUI?

No, because it does not support all the options. In particular the switch off command.

Can anyone play music through the new Linkplay integration? I use some Audiocast M5 dongles for multi-room music, and none of them are able to play music through the integration. Previously, I integrated them with DLNA.

Yeah, considering the addition of badge types it would have been better to have both styles available for choosing.
This change broke several of my card templates (I am using badge-card inside of button-card) because the badges are ridiculously small now and have a different information placement.

UPD: It was earlier here in the thread but you can use
type: custom:hui-state-badge-element
instead of
type: entity
in text editing mode to have old badges back.

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KNX GUI is HUGE - Iā€™m planning to install KNX in my house and was already dreading having to manually configure every entity, the dashboard will make it much easier, many thanks @farmio!

Ok - thanks, does that mean it wonā€™t show it up as an integration with the YAML indicator either?

Since the update to 2024.8 (HAOS) I have the following issue:

Not certain if I am the only one, or have missed something, the issue is with automations (scripts have no issues, while scenes and blueprints not tested).

Automations which do not use services can open in the UI with no issues. Automations which use services cannot open in the UI, although they function with no issues and can be edited with no issues using YAML.

For example trying to UI edit an automation which calls services, I get a blank editing screen.

Completely deleting references of any service calling in YAML does not resolve the issue of not being able to edit the automation in the UI. I have tried fast reload, restart, reboot and complete shutdown but issue persists.

One more issue I noticed since the upgrade is while adding helpers, the HTML DOM does not refresh properly or at all, requiring manual page refresh. No issues experienced with versions prior to 2024.8.

May be a browser cache issue. CTRL F5 is one of my friend in such case.

Itā€™s nice to see all the integrations made in YAML back in the UI. Would be even nicer to see the difference. The block of the YAML integration a darker grey or an orange line on the bottom. Something that you can see this is a YAML integration.


Thanks. For the time being, I reverted back to 2024.7 and am gonna try again towards the end of the month. Seen a number of people posting about odd issues with 2024.8 and I donā€™t want to update to what amounts to a beta version. If they havenā€™t fixed the new badges to be decent/usable by then, Iā€™ll give your suggestion a shot. Thanks.


sure, find it posted above in 2024.8: Beautiful badges! - #10 by nickrout

if you cant read that:

      - type: custom:hui-state-badge-element
        entity: light.alarm
          action: toggle
          action: more-info

will get you sorted (if you set specific styling, thereā€™s no promises those will be retained, as this now is another type, and adjustments will need to be made )

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Thanks for the reply!

@madelena and @frenck, as the refreshed website was released around 2024.7, the site started to produce a weird behaviour. Is there an issue tracker for this sort of issues?