433toMQTTto433 Gateway Device List

No the ID’s should be the same the message should be open/closed

Actually D026 sends 3 different codes (including tamper, when sensor is removed from its place - it has a switch on the back). The build quality of these items is quite good. Unfortunately they only come in white, however with a can of spray paint they can be painted in the actual color of the door (and paint doesn’t seem to affect RF range).
Look for reputable sellers on aliexpress and you’re likely get it.

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Doesn’t something like work? Always thought that’s how they should work

      - platform: mqtt
        name: "Window 01"
        qos: 0
        state_topic: "home/433toMQTT"
        payload_on: "OPEN ID"
        payload_off: "CLOSE ID"
        device_class: opening
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Well I’m talking about the 433Mhz signal not the intermediate MQTT messages.

I have ordered yesterday 3 of this from AliExpress, I will report back when they arrive


There is no ID reported in the MQTT topic if you use OpenMQTT, there is only the message. The on payload is 7 point higher than off. I have 12 D026 units and they all work great (actually more reliable than Z-wave D-link multisensors).

I think you were referring to RFLink (or other projects) where it identifies the device id and then the payload as on or off.

I have mine setup as following (might have included some additional steps around here but it works quite reliably):

#1. Initial sensor (it reads from the default 433toMQTT topic); this sensor is not published by gateway with retain flag

- platform: mqtt
  state_topic: 'home/433toMQTT'
  name: 'ODOpenDoorLiving'
  payload_on: '11111118'
  payload_off: '11111111'
  device_class: opening

#2. Modified sensor from no. 1 with (simpler) on and off payloads; when I replace the sensor I don’t want to make modifications based on the 8/7/9 digits code sent by the physical unit but rather look for on/off payloads.

- platform: mqtt
  state_topic: 'home/OpenDoorLiving'
  name: 'OpenDoorLiving'
  payload_on: 'on'
  payload_off: 'off'
  device_class: opening

#3. Automation that connects 1 and 2; the messages are posted with retain flag

- alias: OpenDoorLivingON
  initial_state: 'on'
    - platform: state
      entity_id: binary_sensor.ODOpenDoorLiving
      to: 'on'
    - service: mqtt.publish
        topic: "home/OpenDoorLiving"
        payload: 'on'
        qos: 0
        retain: true
- alias: OpenDoorLivingOff
  initial_state: 'on'
    - platform: state
      entity_id: binary_sensor.ODOpenDoorLiving
      to: 'off'
    - service: mqtt.publish
        topic: "home/OpenDoorLiving"
        payload: 'off'
        qos: 0
        retain: true

#4. The initial sensor is hidden from frontend (so only the one with on/off payload remains)

      hidden: true
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Also, based on the example payload above, the tamper code sent by D026 would be ‘11111115’

Hi Petrica,

Yep that’s what I was talking about and what I get from pilight-receive is currently not much use as the devices either change a unit id or have different system ids for on/off open/closed, which makes automations a bit tricky :slight_smile: All my other switches/lights/door and window devices give back the same unit ids and system codes for each device but with an open/closed on/off payload.


I also purchased these. But I have the RFXCOM and it takes 25 second to get a response but the Door sensors send a response straight away.

Do you have the same problems?

I’ve tried also RFLink with Domoticz (actually it was fancier than HA with OpenMQTT as the devices were all lined up and ready to be added into the system) however the device id would sometimes get decoded incorrectly.
I’m using OpenMQTT (on a Arduino Mega) for 3mo+ already and I still have to find a flaw in 433Mhz decoding. I have some other 433Mhz devices such as PIR sensors and wall switches (I replaced all wired switches) that control MiLight bulbs (through emulators on NodeMCUs) and the system is quite solid. The weakest link is the MiLight protocol however I’m re-sending each command three times so I cleared also those issues. Although there are multiple 433 Mhz firing the same time, there are no missing messages on the gateway. Also, MQTT stands great to 10-15 messages per second.

People please stop the write on this thread.
This thread its not for discussion of codes. Only to insert a new devices already tested.

Agreed we should take this discussion elsewhere :slight_smile:

Sorry about that.

Could we make the first topic sticky?

Also, some of the devices in the list have expired links.

I refreshed the link, but next time, anyone can edit the link and correct the broken one :slight_smile:


dont buy it - NOT WORKS

I’m using Kerui brand door contact. Check this out.

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Works fine

Works fine , and if you install alixpress android app, is more cheaper

each 4.36 eur

These Aukey outlets work.

So on the github page it says the Sonoff RF Bridge works with this firmware - does it also allow transmitting codes?