433toMQTTto433 Gateway Device List

My Hunter fan broadcasts at 350mhz. Yours is 433mhz? I’ve been wanting to automate my fan for a long time now and am interested in what you find.

are you sure it is 350mhz?

I know 315mhz exist but didn’t heard about 350mhz

This is what the label says:

hmmm, it is surely not compatible with the traditional receivers and emitters that you are going to find on the market (315/433).
Is there a way to control it by plugging it to a RF wall plug?

This is a ceiling fan. It’s hard wired into the power coming from the ceiling.

Sorry, no.

I’ve given up on trying to get this remote to work. It’s a completely lost cause.

I’m pinning my hopes on the new Sonoff fan controller (ifan02). I haven’t heard too much about support for it from Tasmota or anything yet. But I haven’t really been looking lately either. Maybe it’s supported now.

If it works I’ll try to post back here to spread the word.


Well, never mind. It looks like it is supported by Tasmota now. I just got a notification from another thread I posted about it.

Thank’s for your links. I read myself thru the wiki but couldn’t find anything mentioning my IR send&receive module (YR-IRTM) and no wiring where RXD and TXD is involved.

Is there any threads/documentation or pictures with wiring hints? I have no idea what to do :confused:

I went over here:


With the same module I couldn’t connect to any Arduino project so I de-soldered the emitter and receiver modules from the board and they’re fine to go (for the emitter you can also dismantle an old IR remote). The emitter module is easy to connect to (either by direct solder or with jumper cables), however the receiver is a little more difficult as the three pins are quite close together. As an alternative you can use the following receiver:

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thanks for your feedback. I choose this solution (hardware) because it’s solder free and I thought it’s supported software wise.

I will look deeper in it. Maybe we get it running :slight_smile:

Just upload this to a esp

and im getting this

the last line is me press the remote heap of time

he it is with a 1 press


all remote doing the same thing

some point down the right manual


This thread is for listing and questions related to OMG compatible devices, not for support.
If you have question please send them to the dedicated community:

thats the Manual i wanted


Hello, I am trying to find information somewhere but no luck. I am planning to connect multiple door/window sensors and I don’t know if it can be identified, I mean like I want to know which window triggered. Is it possible ? thank you


It depends on the sensor but most of 433 Mhz open door sensors work with OpenMQTT Gateway.

If looking to go 433 Mhz way then D026 is the best you can find (you should try it first against the other devices in your home as I’ve seen 433 Mhz sensors to cause interference with the DVB-C CAM CI+ on several TV channels, especially HD channels; my TV is not affected but I have a different provider than the one where I’ve seen the interference; anyway, it was possible the cable was not properly wired from the socket to the TV in the first place).

D026 sends 4 codes (different) for open/close/tamper/low battery and all of them are received. I posted link to Chinese Aliexpress site in one of the comments above.

Sole downside is the battery life (at 3-4 events/day it should keep around half of year but with highly circulated doors you should probably go with something else, maybe a full time powered device). However, as it has a low battery signal sent you will be notified when battery starts to degrade (at around 7.5V from what I think but it still works at 5.5 V).

Okay, and do I undrestand right that each door sensor have unique radio code or ID so I can see if it was door sensor in bedroom or door sensor in other room ?

Yes, of course. You won’t have interference between two 433 Mhz sensors. The warning above was in regard of 433 Mhz interfering with other devices in your home.

In OpenMQTT you will see the codes from D026 as following (low battery code doesn’t appear when brand new, obviously :slight_smile: ; for normal use you could set a binary sensor with only on and off payloads):

  • minor code: close;
  • major code: open;
  • minor + 4: tamper;
  • major + 1: low battery.

Each sensor sends all of these 4 codes different than the others (haven’t seen two units with same codes).

For example (from what I’ve found codes are from 5 to 8 digits but for simplicity purpose I considered shorter codes) one sensor sends (close/tamper/open/low battery) 11/15/18/19 and other 31/35/38/39.

great informations, many thanks for explanation.

@lokiberra Could you please explain how you got them to work?

Smart Home Wall Panel Remote Transmitter 1/2/3 Button Sticky RF TX Room Living Room Bedroom Wireless Remote 315mhz 433.92Mhz

They are transmitters, right? So there must be a way to save the payload message to trigger switching on and off. How do you put them in record mode? I was thinking of transmitting payload message via pi-rf in the raspberry pi.

Thank you for any comment,

That’s just like a remote control, you press one of the button, it send one code.

There is not much more to it.

Just press the button and see what code home-assistant receive. Then do whatever you want in home-assistant when this code is received.

@mixpc @touliloup Right, I just got the codes that OMG published to MQTT when I pressed the buttons. Then I set up an automation to toggle a light when that code is received (only one code is sent when the button is pressed). I now have the automation in node red. Does that help?