A different take on designing a Lovelace UI

I tried it but it didn’t work.

I hope you can help me.

  1. the upper value is the outside temperature. how can I add the HA icon mdi:thermometer before this value?
  2. how can I add the decimal place, so that I have -1.0?
  3. how can I add °C after the value?
  4. is it possible to replace the bulb with the HA icon mdi:thermometer?


Thank you very much!


          - type: custom:button-card
            entity: sensor.netatmo_mein_haus_innen_temperature
            name: Außen
                  type: 'custom:mini-graph-card'
                    - sensor.netatmo_mein_haus_innen_temperature
                    - color: '#007BFE'
                      value: 1
                    - color: '#26fe00'
                      value: 15
                    - color: '#FF5733'
                      value: 20
                    - color: '#fe0000'
                      value: 33
                  line_color: blue
                  hours_to_show: 24
                  line_width: 8
                  font_size: 75
                    name: false
                    icon: false
                    state: false
              circle_temp: >
               [[[ {   return states['sensor.netatmo_mein_haus_innen_temperature'].state; 
               return ` <svg viewBox="0 0 50 50">
               </svg>`; } ]]]
              circle_hum: >
               [[[ {  return states['sensor.netatmo_mein_haus_innen_humidity'].state;
              circle_rain: >
               [[[ {   return states['sensor.netatmo_mein_haus_innen_regenfee_rain'].state; 
               return `<svg viewBox="0 0 50 50">
               </svg>`; } ]]]
                  [top: 60%, left: 0%, width: 100%, position: absolute]
                  [top: 5%, left: 60%, width: 50%, font-size: 2vw, font-weight: bold, text-align: left, color: white, position: absolute]
                  [top: 30%, left: 60%, width: 50%, font-size: 1vw, text-align: left,  position: absolute]
                  [top: 45%, left: 60%, width: 50%, font-size: 1vw, text-align: left, position: absolute]
             - graph_tempe
             - icon_hue


      - base_temp
    show_state: false
    show_icon: false
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hey @george_b – I like your sidebar, could you please provide the code?

A huge thanks to you Mattias_Persson !

I still have a few bugs (especially for the responsive interface ) but I’m already very happy with the result

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I was able to fix my input_select.conditional_media. Now it works and changes from gallery to spotify when it needs to.

I changed the trigger part of your automations:

  - platform: state
    entity_id: media_player.spotify_xxx
    to: idle

But now when I play spotify, the gallery card disappears and I get a blank space instead. So the spotify card doesn’t show.

These are still the only 2 conditional cards I have:

- type: conditional
                      - entity: input_select.conditional_media
                        state: gallery
                      type: custom:gallery-card
                        - sensor.gallery_images
                      menu_alignment: hidden
                      slideshow_timer: 120
                      maximum_files: 60
                      file_name_format: '%YYY_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S'
                      caption_format: ' '
                        style: |
                          ha-card {
                            border-radius: calc(var(--custom-button-card-border-radius) / 2);  /* card - rounded corners */
                            aspect-ratio: 1/1;  /* card - square */
                          figure {
                            margin: 0px !important;  /* remove card margins to line up with rest of dashboard */
                          figcaption {
                            display: none;  /* hide image caption */
                          img {
                            object-fit: cover !important;  /* fill the whole card */
                            aspect-ratio: 1/1;  /* needed for object-fit */
                          .btn {
                            top: 50% !important;  /* center buttons */
                          .modal-content {
                            aspect-ratio: unset;  /* undo image aspect-ratio when clicked */

                  - type: conditional
                      - entity: input_select.conditional_media
                        state: spotify
                      type: custom:button-card
                      entity: media_player.spotify.xxx
                      tap_action: !include popup/spotify.yaml
                        - conditional_media
                        - icon_spotify

I double checked every part of the base, base_media and conditional_media templates with yours and they match in every way.


EDIT: Now I get this for the media position (even though I didn’t change anything) :

And entity.attributes.media_title does exist.

Screen Shot 2021-12-23 at 8.18.53 PM

This will be my last question. Pretty sure…:sweat_smile:
Once I get my conditional set of course.

When I load up this beautiful setup on my Galaxy Tab A 10 (510). I am always presented wit this resolution:

But I want the resolution where I can see all the icons at once. For some reason when it loads up, it actually shows up for a half a second:

And then the loading changes back to the other resolution I showed first.

Anyone have any idea why this is happening?

is it zoomed on the tablet (like is the browser zoom set to higher than 100%?)

at the top of the UI-lovelace.yaml there is the “mediaquery” section where it decides how to layout the UI based on what the resolution of the display is set to. I would say it is treating your laptop like a phone because the resolution reported is too low. to test you could set the “max-width” in the media query section to be lower to force it to use the “full screen” version

If you are using Fully Kiosk Browser check the Web Zoom and Scaling option. You should disable the View in Desktop Mode option


Yes, this did the trick. Thanks.
Now how do you make the sidebar icons at the bottom smaller? (the ones for vaccum, information and updates)

Hi, this is such a good dashboard, thank you so much! My fonts do not seem to be the same as yours, where do I find the font files for SF fonts and where do I add these files to? Thanks in advance!

Hey All,
Still pluggin through this massive dashboard setup. This is more of a debugging question, but how can I use the browser console to watch or output (via console or otherwise) some of the values in these scripts? (eg. “variables” array in button_card_templates.) I am trying to thoroughly understand this code so I can modify it for my situation.

@chezpaul2 - Great layout. This is close to what I am looking for.

@Mattias_Persson Hi, is it possible to show the loader spinning wheel during particular states? I have a door lock that have ‘locked’ ‘unlocking’ ‘unlocked’ ‘locking’, I want to always show spinning wheel during ‘locking’ and ‘unlocking’. Thanks.

          - width: 78%
          - margin-left: -2%
          - margin-top: 0%
      icon: >
          if (variables.state === 'locked') {
            return `
              <svg viewBox="0 0 57 57">
                <path d="M16.5 28V12.601C16.5 6.77 21.675 2 28 2h0c6.325 0 11.5 4.77 11.5 10.601V28h-23z" fill="none" stroke="#9da0a2" stroke-width="4" stroke-miterlimit="10"/><path d="M7.5 25h42v32h-42z" fill="#9da0a2"/><path d="M28.5 45h0a3.01 3.01 0 0 1-3-3v-6a3.01 3.01 0 0 1 3-3h0a3.01 3.01 0 0 1 3 3v6a3.01 3.01 0 0 1-3 3z" fill="#3C3C3C"/><path d="M7.5 51h42v6h-42z" fill="#9da0a2"/>
          } else if (variables.state === 'locking') {
            return `
              <svg viewBox="0 0 57 57">
                <path d="M16.5 28V12.601C16.5 6.77 21.675 2 28 2h0c6.325 0 11.5 4.77 11.5 10.601V28h-23z" fill="none" stroke="#424a60" stroke-width="4" stroke-miterlimit="10"/><path d="M7.5 25h42v32h-42z" fill="#ebba16"/><path d="M28.5 45h0a3.01 3.01 0 0 1-3-3v-6a3.01 3.01 0 0 1 3-3h0a3.01 3.01 0 0 1 3 3v6a3.01 3.01 0 0 1-3 3z" fill="#424a60"/><path d="M7.5 51h42v6h-42z" fill="#ebba16"/>
          } else {
            return `
              <svg viewBox="0 0 57 57">
                <path d="M16.5 15.82v-3.219C16.5 6.77 21.675 2 28 2h0c6.325 0 11.5 4.77 11.5 10.601V25" fill="none" stroke="#424a60" stroke-width="4" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-miterlimit="10"/><path d="M7.5 25h42v32h-42z" fill="#ebba16"/><path d="M28.5 45h0a3.01 3.01 0 0 1-3-3v-6a3.01 3.01 0 0 1 3-3h0a3.01 3.01 0 0 1 3 3v6a3.01 3.01 0 0 1-3 3z" fill="#424a60"/><path d="M7.5 51h42v6h-42z" fill="#ebba16"/>

This is an awesome setup! Been playing around with it the past few days and it works great!

Only thing I can’t seem to figure out: how can I remove Home Assistant’s own header and sidebar? The customer-header addon is no longer supported.

This add on works for me kiosk mode.

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Can someone answer how “sensor.hass_version_installed” gets its data?

Update: Well mine works, but I do not understand how.

Thanks! Works for me as well!

This looks great and I’ve started experimenting with it. Can anyone give me some help as to where I can reduce the vertical gap between rows? I’d like to bring them closer to each other (for example the 2 rows belonging to a single grid card are too far apart for me)

grid card themes.yaml#L24

layout card themes.yaml#L44

Open your Home Assistant instance and show your service developer tools.
and reload themes



@keesvanbemmel Yes, it’s in configuration.yaml