A different take on designing a Lovelace UI

cool interface, i’m a newbie and downloaded your code, I have import all the JS files in “www” folder, trying to start with Sliderbar. so why like this?

u did many custom command and i find the keyword in all folders no help

Hi, great work on this, i’ve learnt a lot from picking apart your code.

One thing though, when you tap a button on your dashboard on Fully Kiosk Browser on your tablet, do you get that horrible blue highlight across the entire button? It specifically happens when using ‘entity-button-row’. I believe it is something to do with this, -webkit-tap-highlight-color inside the app, but I wondered if you had any ideas on how to remove it, or set it to transparent.

I just tried adding this to a button-entity-row using your info and it works?

  -webkit-tap-highlight-color: transparent

Thanks btw, I hated it too

Weird! It works now…

Now we can go ahead and remove it from loads of cards. Hooray!

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@Mattias_Persson First of all, so pretty, and really like that you are using button-cards instead of having to draw up each icon. kudos.

One thing i am fiddling a bit with is the color of the lights, you are using the fill="var(--button-card-light-color-no-temperature)" on your svg icons, but that renders my “areas” white when turned off. Have you experimented with in some way of making them grey like the rest of the svg icon when turned off?

I’m not sure what you mean by areas. Do you control an area with a button-card? I would first check if there is a global theme-var for that or use a js template to return gray color when off. If you post an example I’ll give it a try.

Hey @coLATin,
The 'custom:hui-' is a trick to get cards layered inside other cards.
You don’t need to add it in resources, but you might need the ‘preload card’

That works for me…

@Mattias_Persson I will try and put some other words to it :slight_smile:
What i am trying to achieve is to color icons grey when state is “off”. As you can see from the snippet, right now they render white when they are turned off. (using the var(–button-card-light-color-no-temperature) ).


From you original screenshot i can see that your icons are grey when turned off, which is quite pleasing to the eye and easy to spot.

          icon_tracklight: &icon_tracklight >
            <svg viewBox="0 0 50 50"><path fill="#9da0a2" d="m 11.645469,1.05802 v 4.4706648 h 6.705997 v 7.6001302 c 0,0 5.589006,1.308307 4.470665,1.050606 V 5.5286848 h 6.705997 V 1.05802 H 11.645469"/><path fill="var(--button-card-light-color-no-temperature)" d="M 18.351466,13.128815 7.4206908,8.613443 1.43,23.05369 l 12.383741,5.141265 11.109602,8.226023 4.135365,1.721207 8.561323,-20.654472 -4.135364,-1.721206 -10.662536,-1.587086 m 24.163943,-1.296492 -5.163618,2.145918 1.698853,4.135365 5.163618,-2.145918 -1.698853,-4.135365 m -4.537724,16.273219 -1.74356,4.135365 6.236578,2.570633 1.698851,-4.135365 -6.191869,-2.570633 M 34.423506,41.137529 30.288141,42.836382 32.43406,48 36.569425,46.278794 Z"/></svg>
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Yeah, got it. So thats just a theme variable. In my themes.yaml I have paper-item-icon-color: '#9da0a2'


Thank you very much, that did the trick :smiley:

Or You can use when is off this:

          - filter: grayscale(95%)

This is an example with Grey icons.


Hey. I wanted to ask you about the reliability of the UI sounds on the tablet. I’ve set it up in the same way that you have, and they are either very delayed or don’t fire at all. It seems to be down to the speed in which HA analyses the automation, or the specs of my tablet? I’m on 500Mb/s broadband. I’m not expecting a fix, but what do you think it could be that’s causing the lag?

Which icon set are you using?

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I’m using entity_image with icons from Flaticon.

I don’t have any metrics but ha probably processes the automations in a matter of ms. It’s not your network either as the sounds are 4kb in size. Anecdotal, but my computer loads popups three times faster than my tablet. This is what we get for buying cheap tech.

Home assistant waits for real state changes which can make the ui feel less responsive. So if you open a popup something like this happens

Click → Load → Event → Automation → Sound

What would feel better is probably something like

Click → Sound → Load…

You turn on a light in for example homekit and it’s instantly assumed to be on before the bridge even communicates its state. As there is no perceived delay between touch and response it feels better. And if the command fails it just reverts back after a while.

You could maybe achieve something like this by making a script sequence with booleans.

As for the sounds not firing. I think it’s because of the condition that the switch.fullykiosk_screensaver has to be off. Remove the condition and you’d get sounds playing even if you control ha from elsewhere. Having the condition means that the screen state has to be determined before the automation can fire. So if I walk up to my tablet there is < 3s space where it may or may not fire.

But the biggest culprit is the tablet and while it’s not the best experience, it’s something…

EDIT: in 0.109 performance is a lot better

Hi Matthias,

Thank you so much for sharing this. This is absolutely brilliant and very smooth.
I came across your Corona information in one of your latest releases. What exactly is is you calculate “av sverige”?

Is the total amount of confirmed cases worldwide you divide with the confirmed number in Sweden?

{{ ((states('sensor.sweden_coronavirus_confirmed') 
| int / 10327589 ) * 100) | round(3) }}% av Sverige </font>

Include does work if you use UI editor. You need to switch to yams mode for it to work.

Not OP, but this is a calculation of the percentage of confirmed cases in Sweden’s population (~10,3 million).

Argh that was the number! Perfect thanks :slight_smile:

Hi Mate, are you able share one of your sidebar link code? how its done.

Many thanks

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