A Home-Approved Dashboard chapter 1: Drag-and-drop, Sections view, and a new grid system design!

Yes, but with lots of custom cards, no? These arenā€™t standard cards, the picture entity card for example occupies three standard row heights whereas the current one doesnā€™t align.

The point I was making was that I thought the above represented a vision for the standard cards and layout.

Noā€¦ thatā€™s all built in cards.

Picture entity cards height depend on the input imageā€¦

Thatā€™s the current system, not a ā€˜visionā€™ of the future.

Iā€™m really not trying to be irritating or argumentative here but no, you canā€™t make the same layout as what I was highlighting with the stock cards:

  • the styling of the cards (colours etc) is not possible with stock options (the double height tile cards that are filled yellow when the light is on)
  • the mushroom chip card showing the temp in the top left is not a HA standard card, and it sits level with the section title, which isnā€™t possible with the current implementation of sections
  • yes, if you set your picture to the exact pixel height of three rows then you can get it to look aligned with tiles in other sections, but changing the size of your window will resize the picture and take it out of alignment. the gif seems to be advertising consistent alignment of picture cards with other entities

Hey all,
Sections is pretty awesome! Amazing work!

I have a question: Is it possible to have a tile card extend the full width of the section without using a grid/vertical-stack? I am running 2024.4.1

Thanks in advance and again loving this new feature!


You can - add this to the code editor in your card:

  grid_columns: 4
  grid_rows: 1

That worked! Thank you very much! Looking forward to having these exposed in the ui configuration but until then this works for me.


There are several posts about setting a minimum number of columns. While you canā€™t do that directly, this method worked for me:

You will just need to do some trial and error to find the values that work for you.

Iā€™m still not sure I understand how this was achieved


I assume itā€™s a grid of 4 tiles, but I am missing how to remove the titles:


Hard to tell what you mean/done, judging by ā€œNo Codeā€
PS: Somehow i think you mean ā€œremove nameā€
which is done by

              hide_state: true
              name: []
              icon_color: orange

Itā€™s a button card, not tile. Remove the name and state and then add:

  grid_columns: 1
  grid_rows: 1



Loving this grid based system. Was hoping for a little bit more control from this months release, but hey can also wait :slight_smile: This is our wall tablet dashboard, note camera feed is blanked out of the screenshot top right. Spacing between main grid cards and within grid cards, also being able to choose the columns within a grid. 1, 2, 3 and 4. Would also love it if the main title of a card would go the second line rather than be cut off.

I would love this issue to be fixed, it looks like hidden cards are still showing up in sections currently

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I really like the theme your using, which theme is this?
Also would love to see your complete dashboard, the different sizes buttons look very nice!

One thing I would like to see is to be able to force the number of columns displayed. I have a 3 column dashboard running on a tablet, but using sections it shows 2 columns and puts the rightmost column at the bottom of the first column. Is there a way to set the width of a section?


set max column width lower

Even weeks after this release I still do not understand on how to use the grid layout. If I create a new dashboard these are the options I see. The current view type grid is coming from the layout card I have installed and not the new one, or am I doing something wrong?

You need to select this one:

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Do you have any idea how to not show blank space for conditional card when conditions are not fulfilled?

It should work with the latest ha version : condition is tv is on

If itā€™s off


Is this default HA card? How can I get this? Thank you!