A raspberry pi turned into a Google Home, and it works!

Use this, is great

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i got it working now and actually with little trouble.

the only trouble i have is that i need to restart appdaemon when i restart HA, so i need to figure that out.

but at this moment i can do this kind of conversation:

me> Alexa mach assistant an. (i need to speak in german to Alexa)
me> translate livingroom to dutch (i need to speak english to google)
google assistant> woonkamer (the response is in dutch)

follow up questions are also a bit buggy for now.
i am trying to get that right.

oke, i uploaded the appdaemon app to use google assistant with an input_boolean in HA.

can be found here.


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Can I use a switch to invoke the Google Assistant?

an input_boolean.
when it is turned on you can talk, after the conversation it automaticly turns off.

off course you can also use any kind of automation to turn the input_boolean on.
for instance:

open a door and say ā€œhello i am homeā€ to google

its actualy the same, but maybe you understand the instructions better :wink:

here you find install instructions.

Not sure if this is of interest, but I will be buying a copy for the Google Voice kitā€¦! https://www.raspberrypi.org/magpi/google-aiy-voice-magpi-57/


Pretty cool, but imo pointless needing a button to activate rather than ā€œhey googleā€ voice activation

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MagPi folks said one could ā€œprogramā€ to use wake wordā€¦but no detail

You could use snowboy to do it or pocket sphinx.

Magic mirror, for?

Does this allow multi room synced music as the original Google home?

not yet, I think will come

There are a few variants out there as well.

Wake word


this method I do not like.

ANy python code that we can adapt, and use a switch like the xiami switch?

with the app i made you can use any switch you like :wink:

and with some rewriting it could be made to a script that you can call with a commandline switch.

thanks Rene, I just canā€™t install appdaemon, tried a couple of times and it did not work for me

like i said, you could also adapt that code to make a commandline switch.
and you asked for python code you could adapt :wink:

Sure, but my coding skill is below 0

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