A refreshed logo for Home Assistant!

if it deserves it - then it does. if someone feels disgusted then he/she is entitled to have this feeling and share this feeling (unless we went totalitarian). Feedback, and transparency in this matter are key things in cooperation and constant improvement.
How it will be taken by an author is another question. And actually, it’s his problem. Either can take it personally or professionally. Every creator must be ready for feedback: good or bad. And ‘eat’ it.

Please be not touchy every time. disgusting is an adjective. Not an insult.

BTW this is a menu of the Messanger app. Watch out for the first icon. A few months ago it had no door. They added it after HA’s new logo appeared likely to make it more home/house-like. And this is a menu icon, not the product logo!

Anyway, the new logo (even if geometrically symmetric) looks slanting.


Disgusting is a strong word. One can express oneself respectfully.

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Yeah, it’s strong but he has right to feel this way. why should he change his mind? using other words, hiding original meaning would be at least not transparent.


I can’t say for sure, but i believe there is a big different, between Designing a Logo, and Making an Icon or Button, using the Logo in an UI (Ui Designer)., And it is most likely performed by 2 different Persons.

Im Not sure here who various peoples “Disgusting” criticism is Directed towards ???

  1. The Logo Designer ( Who do a job upon request ) ?
  2. The Person/People who desides to “Addapt/Incorporate” The Logo ?
  3. The Person/Persons who use the Chosen Logo in an UI Design ?

Feedback is not always “presented” in a nice,or respectful way/manner, People who want to “Be Heard / Want Changes” or triying to make changes with his/her opinion should maybe think about this, OR just “Move On”

  1. The Logo Design is a Finnished Chapter !
  2. The decision to Use the Chosen Design is Done !
  3. The incorporation of the Logo, at varies places, here/there/every where, will go on

In Dominix “Example” ( Where btw his comparing model in his Context, The Phone Nap, is Way to BIG, everyone can see that, beside it looks more like a door-handle, so it actually just makes his “point/opinion” ridicules/childish.

In his “favor” (if he deserves one) , this Icons/Buttons Look can be changed by posting a FR, in the Github-Frontend

EDIT: If Comparing with other " Icons ", it’s VERY appropriate doing it with the actual Icon ( Who knows how the HA-Icon would look in the “messenger” Menu, btw is it “Default” or Custom Icons you use ?

In i.e Dominks example , It Looks like Custom on Android, i guess his “drawn” towards childish Icon-looks , but apparently the HA Icon became to Childish for his Taste

So to present another “Comparing” below is my standard Android Icons, on Standard-Background
Screenshot_20231013-124828_One UI Home

Regardless of the “Dimensions” of the HA-Icon , i do like the “Soft-Touch” it gives in this " Icon-Setup " And also here i don’t find it “disappearing” , it does “Stick-out”, The Google And Tapo icons ? Judge for your self

How Do You know ? , Based upon the time it has been “incorporated”, the reasons, or Upon the 31 Users Opinion in the “Poll” ( Maybe 32 if you Joined here for that reason )

Or is this, your “Opinion”, your First/Highest Priority/Reason to Join the Forum :face_with_monocle:

So it’s allowed to call some user acting childish, while it’s not for being hard on other persons? Do we really have double standards over here?


That was actually the Point, IF He or anyone “throwing stones , in and argument” , Be prepared for a landslide ! , OR expect i.e ignoring of the “opinion” …

So Do We want this “tone” here ? NO
How Do We Avoid It ? Be respectful ( Or try to )

Anyone who are not respectful in i-e Commends, does not deserve respect back , that.s the basic fact
And yes that’s goes for me to

You can call it double standards, but it’s still basic fact .

Don’t give me an excuse to close this topic.


The point is that you are throwing stones but refuse others to do that. It’s not fair. And it’s not how it goes.

It’s not about tone. But about being able to express. If I think that something is a little bad, bad or very bad - I should have a space to express that. Mature communities take that as feedback and may (but do not have to) take it into account.

And yes, I’m ok if someone evaluates my behavior. I agreed with that by signing in to a community.
But I expect I’m free to evaluate other’s behavior or work the same way. Especially in a straight and clear way. There is no need to obfuscate the message.


All of you should relax, I’m fairly sure this is just something missed in translation (OP isn’t a native english speaker). Move on please.


Just noticed the new logo.
Seems to be primitive if compared to the old one.
Not “simple & clear”, just primitive.
We all witnessed lots of examples of corporate re-branding - and sometimes it is just a waste of a time of “designers” & money.
The old logo was nice & reflected complexity & flexibility.


Hi, why what was the reason to make it so small, I don’t care about the design, but it just doesn’t fit between other apps… Any particular reason for making it small??


I don’t think anyone is realizing why there are 3 antenna instead of the prior multiple and the point is completely lost. Everyone is distracted because it is a little small. Whether size matters or not is an opinion we can discuss. Just being disparaging is not helpful.
Here’s why there are now 3.

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Some people prefer a “one card per view” design, huge sliders etc.
Some people prefer an “as more info as possible on a screen” way.
I like flexibility - it allows to create either complex or simple solutions.
Making HA “simpler and available for people” should not cause a degrading of functionality.
For me, the HA logo could be even just a solid blue rectangle - then it will be even more clear for someone; just keep the HA itself functional & flexible.

BTW, similar stories with simplifying corporate logos sometimes remind me this:
“A new Rubik’s Cube was invented for army people - it has one color; for high ranks the Cube is just monolithic”.
This joke was made for Soviet Army a long time ago to describe a stupidity (OK, call it “simplicity”) of many people in army.

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What are you talking about?

I think you are in the assumption that the poll is representative for the entire user base. It is not. Just the title of this post alone attracts a subgroup of users, and the tone of the content even more. I dare to bet a huge number of users will have skipped this post altogether, or stopped reading after a few replies and thought: Who cares! Get on with your life. It’s a logo. Watch the global news and put it in perspective.

Personally, I appreciate the thought that went into it. Regardless what I or any one else thinks about it.


Zha has been in HA since 0.44.

What changes are you referring to?

I wouldn’t say 74 votes is significant at all.

This says it all:

But if a picture is not enough and you need a thousand words:

  • childish vs mature
  • simple vs intellectual
  • ashamed vs proud (to be associated with it)

Despite that some are suffering from a resistance-to-change thing, maybe the old logo was indeed due for modernization. But what you now want to call a logo is simply put an insult to what the application has to offer.
Surely you can do better.

EDIT: This post was censored (hidden) because I may have hit too close to home? So I watered it down, let’s see if it will survive this time.


Don’t bother replying, he doesn’t understand that zha changes won’t affect z2m.