Add integration for Hisense devices using ConnectLife

Does this require a custom piece of hardware or could a standard ESP32 be used?

Also, would this work on models that didn’t originally have a WiFi module installed?

No, the ConnectLife API is a Cloud API.

Official support of ConnectLife is in plan for development. They are preparing API management. No timeline for now.

THANK YOU MAN! Just installed yesterday 2 HiSense AC and this integration is perfect. The only thing to mention, is that you need to CREATE a ConnectLife account, and NOT login with other services like Google etc. This is perfect, thank you again

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It took some work to get set up but I can control my mini-split now. Thanks

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I wasn’t aware you can log into the ConnectLife app using other identity providers, but I get the options when I log out now. I’m happy to receive a PR if anybody figures out how to support it.

It uses a standard ESP32. You can built it from an ESP32-Devkit module too. The only need is a chip (SN75176) which transfers the UART port of the ESP to RS-485, because HiSense uses this communication method. I think you can put a WiFi module to all models, but you should check it. My module is able to work instead of AEH-W4x1 modules…

Hi everybody, nice to meet, I am quite new to the home-assistant world, but I have itegrated many device to control AC-split by window sensors and smart switch, to avoid waste of energy in case of forgotten open windows in the ambient.
At the moment, I was tryng to integrate HSENSE-AC in the hub, direclty, using the embedded wifi module to manage all features of these machines.
I have followed the above instructions, adding on the “Connectlife API proxy & MQTT Add-on”, Ihave added, but I am not shure it was necessary, also “Mosquitto broker” in the integration section of the hub.
I am logged to connect life App, an from there I can manage the AirConditioner.
I have entered in the “Connectlife API proxy & MQTT Add-on” my name and password of connect life app.
I have restarted home assistant.
Until now, no AC device is been discovered by HUB or any service.
Can somebody clear to me, if something wrong has been done or I have misunderstood someting.
Many thanks.

P.S. further more can somebody tel to me where and how to share some Node Red simple automations, I have written to manage , by smart swtch all “no WIFI” or “without integration” AC?
Thanks again

Hi every body again, first isuue solved, I paste belove the missed, from me, post by timewolf

who made me clear how to set name and pwd in the addon and in the integration to make all works.

this is a recap.
create a directory for the addon
download the zip from git
unzip it
execute docker build . --build-arg=‘BUILD_FROM=alpine:3.19’ -t ha-connectlife-addon
create compose.yml like this one

version: ‘3.8’

image: ha-connectlife-addon

  • LOG_LEVEL=info
  • MQTT_HOST=YOUR MQTT IP (dont use, it fail to me)
  • MQTT_PORT=1883
  • MQTT_SSL=false
    command: /bin/ash -c ‘php artisan app:mqtt-loop’

now launch with docker compose up -d

now you should have all a/c in HA under mqtt

It Remains the second question if somebody would like to addres me to the sharing options on Airconditioner Topic node red flows.

Thankyou in in advance

thankyou, it works

Thank you, it works perfectly with my Hisense model KC35YR03G

Hi Bilan and all

One topic: After some months working with bilan’s integration, Connect Life App prompts in my mobile that there is a new firmware for mi Hisense AUD105UX4RADH5 device (identified by home assistant as 009-106), with a AEH-W4G2 wifi adapter.

The apps says a new firmware was released 19-02-2024 but there are no details about what the upgrade contains… As I was a long time with integration (only after Bilan work, great thanks again), I am scared of upgrading and breaking the integration again. Any colleague has upgraded it? Any information that could be of interest in this new AEH-W4G2 firmware release?

Thank you in advance as always, community!

New Hisense owner here. Just got the air cons installed today and was reading about this integration today, I’ve updated mines and will let you know if it still works. Note that it’s first install so.

Humm it added the devices as two new mqtt devices but both are showing as status unknown.

I was going to also try the other integration. Is this one better?

****** EDIT ****

Yep it’s working with the latest firmware and I have the same WiFi module you mentioned

If it’s any use, here is my project on integration: GitHub - MatoXD99/homeassistant_connectlife_integration: ConnectLife intergration for HomeAssistant

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Sanity checking… I’ve installed @bilan’s add-on. I’m able to see my two connectlife Hisense ACs in Home Assistant and they are reporting the current temp settings and mode of all my devices.

However, when attempting to control the ACs from within Home Assistant, nothing happens. change temp or mode does nothing. Should they be?

Try this one GitHub - oyvindwe/connectlife-ha: ConnectLife integration for Home Assistant

I just want to say THANK YOU for the integration @omw

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i am not really sure that the sensors work. the Current Temperature stays at 29… no matter what… and i was hoping of getting more out of the sensors. like real temperatures inside / outside and maybe humidity?

my “hardware” is 009-104