Hi, this is part 2 of the enourmous thread located here:
It contains a lot of info, but also a lot of unnecessary info as well
So we decided to create a new one, with only relevant info…
Here is the Add-on:
The addon can also run as STANDALONE DOCKER for users that don’t use the add-on store
Confirmed devices : DS-KV8413, KD8003 and DS-KV8113 KV8213 DS-KV6113 and others…
What can it do?
- It listen for events: callstatus/motion detection/door unlocked/tamper alarm/dimissed alarm
- It can open a door, usefull for older devices where ISAPI is not possible, when port 80 is blocked
- It can send a callsignal command, like answer/reject,hangup … very usefull if you have for example a zigbee door sensor, if you open the door by hand, you can drop the ring signal on the indoor stations/or stop hikconnect devices ringing
Offcourse you need to have local access to your outdoor station, if not, then there is a nice alternative created by @tomasbedrich based on HikConnect Cloud
The addon is based on the SDK Supplied by Hikvision, so no polling needed anymore!!
If still interested in the ISAPI stuff, here is a downloadlink for all ISAPI info i was able to find:
The Addon doesnt create a camera entity (yet), but you can use the generic camera component and use the RTSP link… Some models also support Onvif, so that can be used as well …
rtsp://admin:[email protected]:554/Streaming/Channels/101
rtsp://admin:[email protected]:554/Streaming/Channels/102
Here are some other usefull ISAPI commands:
curl -i --digest -u admin:xxx http://192.168.0.x/ISAPI/VideoIntercom/callStatus?format=json
curl -i --digest -u admin:xxx -X PUT -d '<RemoteControlDoor><cmd>open</cmd></RemoteControlDoor>' http://192.168.0.x/ISAPI/AccessControl/RemoteControl/door/1
curl -i --digest -u admin:xxx -X PUT -d '' http://192.168.0.x/ISAPI/System/reboot
curl -i --digest -u admin:xxx -d '{"CallSignal":{"cmdType":"reject"}}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT http://192.168.0.x/ISAPI/VideoIntercom/callSignal?format=json
# Two Way Audio:
curl -i --digest -u admin:xxx -X PUT http://192.168.0.x/ISAPI/System/TwoWayAudio/channels/1/open
curl -i --digest -u admin:xxx http://192.168.0.x/ISAPI/System/TwoWayAudio/channels/1/audioData
curl -i --digest -u admin:xxx -X PUT -d '' http://192.168.0.x/ISAPI/System/TwoWayAudio/channels/1/audioData
curl -i --digest -u admin:xxx -X PUT http://192.168.0.x/ISAPI/System/TwoWayAudio/channels/1/close
A usefull automation for example, when someone pressed the doorbell, all indoor stations will ring together with your android/iphone, … i have placed a zigbee sensor at my door, so when i open the door, i want to drop the ringing!!
- alias: Reject call when door is opened manually
initial_state: 'on'
- platform: state
entity_id: binary_sensor.openclose
from: 'off'
to: 'on'
- condition: template
value_template: "{{ (as_timestamp(now()) - as_timestamp(states.sensor.hikvision_callstatus.last_changed)) < 30 }}"
service: hassio.addon_stdin
addon: aff2db71_hikvision_sdk
input: reject
Lots of users are asking me if its possible to use HA with a Lovelace card, to answer the call, well yes, it was possible, using Asterisk and SIP, but PBX is quite complex!
I have written a tutorial to use Frigate, with their card that supports TwoWayAudio… NO SIP is needed
If you want to try out Asterisk and SIP, read this alternate approach:
I do this for fun , like me work?? you can give a donation
Have fun and enjoy!