Add-on: Home Assistant Google Drive Backup

Works great for me, any way to change the backup location on Google drive?

I have a question. Is the database backed up when I use MariaDB? Or only when I use the standard SQLite-DB?

Yes, unless you tell the add-on specifically to exclude MariaDB from your backups.

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You can just move and rename the folder it creates, or you can manually select the folder it uses from the settings.

I’ve been using this backup method for a long time, however only just noticed something. When I’ve restored a backup in the past, it has normally been from the 4 that I store locally in HA, from the past few days.
After downloading a couple of different full backups from my google drive, I can’t seem to locate my ui-lovelace.yaml file anywhere in the backup? I can easily find it if I browse the extracted files in one of my local backups stored in HA, as it’s under the data folder:

however it doesn’t exist in the data folder in the google drive backups that I’ve downloaded:

Is the ui-lovelace.yaml stored elsewhere in the google drive backups for some reason, different to the locally stored backups in HA?

The backups in Drive sould be identical, the add-on doesn’t touch the contents. Since the one your looking at from Drive is much older (sept 2023) is it possible the file was created (or moved from somewhere else) after that?

Thanks for confirming. The file definitely existed when those backups were generated, and I don’t remember the file being moved to or from that location at any point. I’ll download some other full backups to check through them, and see if it exists in any of them.

Hello @sabeechen,

Can you please tell me the different status that the “sensor.backup_state” can have? It is always showing “backed_up” in the Developer Tools section, even if I trigger a manual backup.

I want to use the sensor status or a way to send a Telegram notification but I do not seem to find different status on the sensor.

The notification automation works but only if I leave all optional fields empty. The problem is that I receive three notifications.

Thank you in advance.

I am going to answer to myself.

I have been able to receive a single notification by monitoring the change of the state of the attribute “last_uploaded” of the “sensor.backup_state”.

This what I have came up with

alias: Google_Drive_Backups_Notifications
description: ""
  - platform: state
      - sensor.backup_state
    attribute: last_uploaded
condition: []
  - service: notify.bot_telegram
    metadata: {}
      message: Backup Completed
mode: single

I hope it helps if you are trying to receive a notification each time a backup is uploaded to Drive.

Just thought I’d put a quick update to say that I now have a successful GFS backup set for a year. 6 days, 5 weeks, 12 months and 1 year. I’m only backing up my config, so excluding history databases and I have 6GB of backups locally and in Google Drive.

Every once in a while I do go and check to make sure the backup is what I’d expect and the few times I’ve gone back to an earlier configuration of a script, automation, integration, add-on, etc it’s always been there for me.

Thank you!

How do you actually check the content of the backup as shown on your screenshot? In Windows explorer it does not show to me the detailed files, from my understanding because it is encrypted.

You just need to extract the files within the zipped backup file, using whatever unzipping software you have i.e 7-zip for example. Once extracted, you can see the various files within.

Just came here to say thank you for this. Integration runs smoothly and will save me a lot of nerves and manual labor.

Same. I installed new hardware today, a new NUC 12th generation box. Took the most recent backup, restored after installing HA, things worked perfectly. Nice test.

Hi, thank you so much for this integration.
I’d like to ask if it would be possible and if maybe you could add pCloud as destination.
Thanks a lot.

Have you tried the pCloud add-on? :wink: :slight_smile:

Can’t say if it works as I’m not using it (I use this very add-on), but should be worth a try. :slight_smile:

LOL didn’t know anything about it, thanks ! :slight_smile:

But I’m unable to find this add-on :frowning:

you need to add the repository first

yes, just did it, thanks :slight_smile: