Add option for switching places of target and current temperature in the new climate cards

Never seen such a rude moderator .


I’m sorry you feel that way. I was meerly disagreeing with you and divulging facts. However if you feel I have violated the Code of Conduct please feel free to report me to a forum administrator.

No I won’t just show some respect to other people and understanding for their opinions.

This seems like behaviour I expect from Microsoft, for instance removing the start button where MS say, we like it and therefore you must like it, we tested it and you lot didn’t complain too much, thus we conclude everyone likes it so we are not changing it and now why are you complaining?

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You can have all the opinions you want. Nowhere did I say you can’t. I just proposed an alternative view and let you know that the devs are not interested in making options for everything.

You should read those code of conduct. You certainly havent said or done anything that goes by unacceptable behavior, but above that paragraph are examples of behavior that contributes to a positive environment - of which you are behaving the opposite. I understand that you have a use case where the “new” thermostat card is more suitable, but for a couple of us it is a breaking change so to speak. Also, I understand that this is open source and we cant demand or expect anything, but in this and thread you really have shown that you dont give a damn about anyones use case but yours.

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It has nothing to do with me “giving a damn”. This is the crux of the matter that you are not listenting to:

This has been said publicly many times.

By all means, try to convince them it is worth it in this case.

Dude, seriously, learn when it’s time to move on. You haven’t written one constructive sentence. Better if you simply don’t write anything. Not giving a damn is exactly what you have been doing since your first post. You are just selfishly hanging on to your specific use case, and your broken thermostat. Along with your belittling the subject and arrogant talk of a “vocal minority”, “blue murder”, “trivial requests”, “don’t make a fuss over font size”, “300k people like it”, “who cares about the 63 of you” etc. Zero constructively, zero argumentation… just putting people down, and pretending your opinion means something. Who are you anyway do advocate what it a worthy change, and what the devs should or should not do. You shouldn’t be a moderator of anything. Just leave this topic and move on


For any FR to even get an eye, it would be better if things quieted down a bit here on the personal level. Keep it civll and to the point please.

as for the testing in beta, we did. and also in beta remarks were made on the design. And upon release. As a result the dev team already changed the sensitivity of the ring, so yes, civil discussion does lead to improvements.

besides the point of the target/current temp, my personal issues with this new design:

  • lack of a flame when heating (aware the word ‘heating’ changes the layout of card if so, and that is an even further distraction of the card design if you ask me)

  • I find the colors way to subtle, and can hardly distinguish heating from not heating. even in default theme, but more so many other themes. Not sure if we can set that color to something more eye-catching without misbalancing the complete card.

  • lastly: the slider itself. Not used to sliding 2 dimensionally (the iOS app doesnt like the either, I seek a horizontal slider really, if must be. even prefer buttons. But not the circular slider

I checked the other card mentioned above, but that requires yet another integration. Trying to keep custom to a minimum personally, so I am using the tile card for now, which I also find a bit playful, and wasting space because we don’t have a layout: horizontal yet…

this is what I settled for currently:

combining a tilecard without slider, with custom button-card (because my thermostat integration cant see the correct icons for the presets…

All in all, for me, I find the current card unsatisfactory, and hope the team will develop through, so we can have the best in core some near time in the future.

Not sure if going back is an option (it hardly ever is).


It works perfectly fine without the integration its meant for.
I have it running and do not use that integration, just have the frontend version in HACS

Good to know.
I only mentioned that because it is explicitly stated at the repo :wink:

Btw Frontend Feature Request should go to the Discussion section in the GitHub Repo where devs can comment/ have a a looks

Sorry for not mentioning that sooner

Oh, that’s a nice thermostat card. I need to try that one.

So it fully works without the better thermostat integration ? Because the repo readme cleary states you need it.

I’m like 99.9999% sure
And my integrations are just HACS and Afvalbeheer, nor is it on the normal integration list.
There are options in it for window and other things that i just disable with the toggles.
So maybe if you have them on you need the integration.

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I can confirm that it works to an extent without the integration mentioned in the documentation. But how did you get it to scale the arc to somerthing else than 0-100C ? I’ve generic thermostats and programmable thermostats and this card does not seem to scale to their min_temp: and max_temp: attributes

They all follow the max and min setting. I just have generic thermostats as they just feed into a template for the opentherm thermostat. And that one i do not control directly.

- platform: generic_thermostat
  name: Woonkamer
  unique_id: thermostat_woonkamer
    minutes: 10
  heater: input_boolean.heating_woonkamer
  target_sensor: sensor.woonkamer_sensor_temperature
  min_temp: 7
  max_temp: 24
  target_temp: 19
  hot_tolerance: 0.1
  cold_tolerance: 0.0
  initial_hvac_mode: heat
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Thanks. I doublechecked and this was definitely my mistake. The Better Thermostat card works. I’ve now replaced all my thermostat cards wirh this one. Just a few clics per each.
It’s still a shame that the stock card got this enormous usability decrease. That can even lead to splitting of the Home Assistant user and developer base, together with all the breaking changes introduced recently, if those who support end-user stability and usability over developer dictatorship decide to branch.
And if they do, I’ll join.

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You will be pleased to know that changing the focus font (largest) from target to actual temp is being discussed.


Thank you for the update. Let’s have our fingers crossed now on a good outcome.

How can you become a beta tester ? ( I like to see how remarks and requests are treated during the Beta testing)

You don’t have to be part of the beta program to see the beta discussion (though it would help, and we do need more testers). Just join the Discord channel,

Here’s how you enable beta updates:

Settings → System → Updates → → Join Beta Channel.

Make sure you have backups off your system before installing beta updates. The testing starts last Wednesday of the month. They rarely cause issues that a simple rollback of version via the command line can be done, rather than a backup restore. But best to be safe.

Having said that the frontend discussion all occurs here: home-assistant/frontend · Discussions · GitHub