I imagine a comment tag in the yaml so that we could add comments with more specifics about what an automation/script/scene does. Also to an entity, where is it located specifically, what component it is etc. Basically just free text. This could be displayed when you hover that entry, or show up in the popup box when you click it. Bonus if you can edit the comments from the frontend gui. Example of what i’m thinking.
- id: light_bath_dim
alias: 'Dim down bathroom lights'
platform: state
entity_id: sensor.fibaro_fgms001zw5_burglar
to: '0'
minutes: 10
condition: state
entity_id: light.qubino_zmnhdd1_level
state: 'on'
- service: light.turn_on
entity_id: light.qubino_zmnhdd1_level
brightness: 40
- service: light.turn_off
entity_id: light.sonoff_basic_3
- title: 'Dim down bathroom lights'
- content: 'This automation will dim down the downlights 10 minutes after the motion sensors last motion detection on the condition that the light are still on. The condition is to avoid that the lights will be turned on if they were turned off manually. It will also turn off the mirror lights immediately.'
I personally think this is a nice touch that can make it more user friendly for the end users. How nerdy and detailed the content is, is obviously up to the person making that comment.