๐Ÿ”ฅ Advanced Heating Control

Your temperature should be 21ยฐC. I should add climate values to the log. But could you update to the latest stable first and try again?

I did but since I have activated the heating schedule, the comfort temp is not to be set

Thatโ€™s what the log says:

is_anybody_home: True โ†’ Somebody is home.
is_somebody_on_way_home_state: False โ†’ Nobody is on way home.
is_presence_sensor_defined: True โ†’ There is a presence sensor defined.
is_presence_scheduler_defined: True โ†’ And also a presence scheduler is defined.
state_presence_sensor: False โ†’ But the presence sensor didnโ€™t detected someone.
state_presence_scheduler: False โ†’ Also the presence scheduler didnโ€™t allow presence at this time.
is_presence_on: False โ†’ All in all no presence was detected
is_scheduled_heating: True โ†’ But there is also a heating scheduler.
state_scheduler: False โ†’ But the scheduler state was off at this time
is_scheduled_heating_on: False โ†’ Like presence detection there is no scheduled heating active.

You also can have a look into your history/logbook to verify if presence was detected and check the states of your schedulers. There always can be a bug in my code. But for me presence based and scheduled heating worked for months like this.

Thanks for your blueprint and effort!

I have a question about the Temperatur Calibration Sensor feature. I have some Meross TRVs with a calibration entitiy. Now, if I enable this feature in the automation, should I see an offset of the calibration entitiy in the device overview or how exactly do I know if this is working correctly? I ask, because it seems like it is not. My sensor says 19,5 degrees and the TRV shows 20,x degrees. With temp set to 20 degrees there is no active heating.

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Thanks for your feedback. It might be that your calibration entity is able to consume integers only. Mine allows floating values but it just saves integers.

You can enable the debug level to waring in blueprint settings. Then just wait a bit and search for AHC REF CALIBRATION in your log to find something like this:

2024-03-20 03:47:10.244 DEBUG (MainThread) [blueprints.panhans.heatingcontrol] AHC REF CALIBRATION
calibration entity: number.kueche_thermostat_temperature_offset
offset: 0.0

To force the calibration you also could warm up/cool down your external sensor or manipulate the state in developer tools. If you canโ€™t see that entry in your log just give some feedback and I will provide some code for your template editor to dig a little deeper.

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:rabbit: AHCv4.1.0 :rabbit:

:new: selector for hvac mode cool, heat, auto
:new: tweak: off if sensor temperature is above (for heating) or below (for cooling) target temperature
:new: multiple party entities
:new: temperatures in names of party entities
:new: links to home assistant documentation in selector descriptions
:adhesive_bandage: manual execution of automation triggers temperature change again
:adhesive_bandage: guest mode didnโ€™t work for a certain case

:fried_egg: Breaking Change :fried_egg:

Just check your party timer selector. I recommend to delete your selection and (maybe in yaml) and reselect your timer or maybe timers now. :wink:
Tweak Auto Means Heat is dropped with this version since the hvac mode is now selectable.

Happy Easter! :egg:


This is amazing. Thanks so much

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Good morning - some people have noticed that the TADO integration in Home Assistant is not working today, see TADO Not Working This will clearly impact anyone using this blueprint with TADO valves like myself. Just note this is not an issue with this blueprint.

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Tado integration is working again :+1:

It was a Tado server outage apparently. Lots of people, including me, reporting it is working again.


Hi @P6Dave did you have to do anything to bring/force it back up. Iโ€™ve restarted HA, clicked on Reload, disabled/enabled the integration however iโ€™m still getting โ€˜Failed to Set upโ€™. Thanks

It took me a few reloads to get it working again. Hopefully yours is okay now.

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Cheers @P6Dave all sorted thanks

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Happy Easter to all of you!

ok, there seems to be a problem with my boiler thermostat with the newest AHC version:

I want to set the comfort temp to letโ€™s say 20+ degrees, and no matter which HVAC mode I set (auto or heat), AHC always sets 5 degrees:

HVAC auto mode: 179dd7d5 - { "trace": { "last_step": "action/5/default/7/if/conditio
HVAC heat mode: b558558e - { "trace": { "last_step": "action/5/default/7/if/conditio

The thermostat itself should use auto mode theoretically

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Did you check your outdoor temperature sensor? I donโ€™t log the value atm but your threshold was set to 15ยฐC. Maybe it was warmer today?

Thank you! It seems like I was wrong though. By setting an offset in the Netatmo App for the Indoor Module I could verify that the Meross Thermostat is getting an offset value in HA.

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yes, that was the case, thank you :smiley:

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:fire: AHCv4.2 :fire:

:new: away temperature - for person based heating combined with scheduler or presence sensors
:new: custom event with ahc data to react in other automations to variables or just visualize AHC-Data in the UI

You can setup a template sensor in your configuration.yaml like this:

  - trigger:
      - platform: event
        event_type: ahc_event
          automation: automation.ahc_v4 #CHANGE YOUR AUTOMATION ENTITY-ID HERE
      - name: "AHC Test Room Data" #SET A NAME FOR YOUR SENSOR
        unique_id: AHC Test Room #SET A UNIQUE ID
        state: "{{ trigger.event.data.is_comfort }}"
          automation: "{{ trigger.event.data.automation }}"
          target_temperature: "{{ trigger.event.data.target_temperature }}"
          comfort_temperature: "{{ trigger.event.data.comfort_temperature }}"
          eco_temperature: "{{ trigger.event.data.eco_temperature }}"
          mode: "{{ trigger.event.data.mode }}"
          is_comfort: "{{ trigger.event.data.is_comfort }}"
          is_away_temperature: "{{ trigger.event.data.is_away_temperature }}"
          is_somebody_on_way_home_state: "{{ trigger.event.data.is_somebody_on_way_home_state }}"
          is_party: "{{ trigger.event.data.is_party }}"
          is_guest: "{{ trigger.event.data.is_guest }}"
          is_window_open: "{{ trigger.event.data.is_window_open }}"
          active_scheduler: "{{ trigger.event.data.active_scheduler }}"
          state_scheduler: "{{ trigger.event.data.state_scheduler }}"
          is_person_based: "{{ trigger.event.data.is_person_based }}"
          is_anybody_home: "{{ trigger.event.data.is_anybody_home }}"
          state_presence_sensor: "{{ trigger.event.data.state_presence_sensor }}"
          state_presence_scheduler: "{{ trigger.event.data.state_presence_scheduler }}"
          is_presence_on: "{{ trigger.event.data.is_presence_on }}"
          is_frost_protection: "{{ trigger.event.data.is_frost_protection }}"
          last_temperature_change: "{{ iif(trigger.event.data.is_change,now(),this.attributes.last_calibration) }}"
          last_calibration: "{{ iif(trigger.event.data.is_calibration,now(),this.attributes.last_calibration) }}"
          state_presence_sensor_presence_scheduler_combined: "{{ trigger.event.data.state_presence_sensor_presence_scheduler_combined }}"
          is_presence_based: "{{ trigger.event.data.is_presence_based }}"
          is_force_max_temperature: "{{ trigger.event.data.is_force_max_temperature }}"


Works great Thank you. :+1:

Idea / Question. Make it sence to integrate a Helper, that shows the state of ADH.
For example he shows diretly in GUI (Comfort Temp, Eco Temp, Away Temp or no person @ home to visual direct which mode from ADH is activ) maybe this helps to analyze it easier by everyone.

Currently i have made templates for these, but this cant check all things

Itโ€™s a little tricky but possible. The automation has to fire a custom event with all this data. On the other side it needs an template sensor that listen to this kind of event and stores the data in different attributes. I will check this.

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Just have a look in the latest changelog. If youโ€™re missing information just give some feedback.

//EDIT: just added some more information to template sensor (last_calibration & last_temperature_change)

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