Yes, I think I have to sort some things in the configuration UI.
Just add your external sensor in the calibration section.
Yes, I think I have to sort some things in the configuration UI.
Just add your external sensor in the calibration section.
The sensor ID isn’t appearing in the list, though it behaves like a temperature sensor.
I have a Tado system for the gas central heating (CV), and I’d like to combine this with the HVAC. I might just use the Tado temperature sensor for both. The only challenge is that this sensor is within the line of sight of the HVAC, so it heats up faster. I can mitigate this by lowering the maximum temperature to compensate.
On a related note, combining the HVAC with the CV would be ideal for optimizing the floor heating. Would using the Tado temperature sensor make things easier in this case?
In the summer, I plan to use the HVAC’s external sensor with an additional automation based on your blueprint. Hopefully, by then, this sensor can be included in the calibration list.
Yes, that’s the right way. If I open this selector for all sensors I will get a flood of support requests. xD
//EDIT: but you can navigate to line 627 in the blueprint or search for input_temperature_sensor (line 609) and delete following as a workaround. Don’t forget to reload your automations.
- temperature
I will reach out to the HVAC sensor development team, as it seems we might be missing some classes, which could be limiting us in terms of available blueprints, automations, and selectors. There might be a valid reason for this, so I’ll confirm.
In the meantime, I’ll use the Tado temperature sensor. Do you have any thoughts on integrating a central heating system with HVAC? Using the same sensor for both systems seems more efficient. I’m currently considering whether to prioritize central heating to provide some warmth from the floor, then top up with HVAC, or vice versa. Any insights would be helpful.
More info here by another user: Smart heating: Floor heating and AC
Putting in the Tado sensor (measuring 21.3 degrees now) as Calibration Temperature Sensor the HVAC turned off just fine
Depends on your configuration but triggers are:
But the entity values gets evaluated in template triggers and further more in the variable section. As a result the evaluation produces a set of changes. If there isn’t any change the automation gets blocked in condition section.
In the automations view the last triggered timestamp only gets updated if the action part of the automation gets executed. In reality the automation gets triggered more often but mostly there is nothing to change for your thermostats.
I was wondering. You added the option to select multiple TRV’s, but under calibration I can only select 1 temperature device. Would it not make sense to add also multiple temperature devices to control the different TRVs in the different rooms?
My only option now is to duplicate the blueprint, while i am actually very happy with the rest of it and did not have the need to do so.
Yes, this blueprint is designed for one room only. It’s to diffcult to add connections between thermostats, schedules, sensors ect. in a single automation/blueprint when every room has other conditions and requirements.
is it possible to solve this problem?
Logger: homeassistant.helpers.template
Quelle: helpers/
Erstmals aufgetreten: 09:41:00 (6 Vorkommnisse)
Zuletzt protokolliert: 09:57:00
Template variable warning: No first item, sequence was empty. when rendering '{% set selected_scheduler = none %} {% if input_schedulers | count == 0 %} {% set selected_scheduler = none %} {% elif input_schedulers | count == 1 or input_scheduler_selector == none %} {% set selected_scheduler = input_schedulers[0] %} {% elif input_schedulers | count > 1 %} {% set selected_scheduler = input_schedulers[0] %} {% set selector_value = states(input_scheduler_selector) %} {% if is_number(selector_value) %} {% set selector_value = iif(selector_value | int > (input_schedulers | count), input_schedulers | count, selector_value) %} {% set selector_value = iif(selector_value | int <= 0, 1, selector_value) %} {% set selected_scheduler = input_schedulers[(selector_value | int) - 1] %} {% elif selector_value in ['on','off'] %} {% set selected_scheduler = iif(selector_value == 'off', input_schedulers[0], input_schedulers[1]) %} {% else %} {% set selected_scheduler = input_schedulers | expand | selectattr('attributes.friendly_name', 'eq', selector_value) | map(attribute='entity_id') | first | default(none) %} {% if (selected_scheduler == none) %} {% set selected_scheduler = input_schedulers | expand | selectattr('attributes.friendly_name', 'search', '(?i)'+selector_value) | map(attribute='entity_id') | first %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {{ selected_scheduler }}'
Did you add a schedule selector but no scheduler? Without your configuration I can’t solve your issue.
aaah your right, my mistake
@panhans Is it possible to enable hysteresis with this blueprint? I want to avoid short cycling where possible.
Hi Panhans,
thanks for this blueprint, using it with pleasure already quite some time :-).
It looks like in one of the latest versions something broke the window closure detection or trigger.
Opening a window seems to work fine, temperature is lowered. But when closing the window (and I checked, HA is seeing it as closed), it doesn’t change back the temperature to either eco or comfort temperature (depening on schedule).
When I then start the Automation manually it sees it as closed and sets the correct temperature.
Is it possible that there is an issue with the trigger and hopefully can be fixed?
Could you give me more context? Most triggers ect. have durations before changes get executed.
The window detection is working with scenes now. The states of the thermostats get stored in a scene. After closing the window the scene will be applied so the state before opening the window will be recovered. If e.g. a schedule changed heating conditions during airing the scene will be destroyed and after closing the window there is a fallback to the evaluated temperature.
I just had a idea why this could happen. If the window is open and climates turned off and the window gets closed and open again for a short duration the scene is overwritten with the off states. In this case, the thermostats are restored with the off scene.
Thanks for reporting. I will improve the logic and fix that issue.
I’d just pushed an update in order to prevent recreate the scene when window closes and opens again during airing. Feel free to update, test and give some feedback if the issue still exists for you.
Hello panhans, thank you for the great blueprint!
I was able to set up almost everything succesfully. However, i’m still having trouble with the physical temperature change. No matter what i’m trying, the temperature always jumps back to the comfort value shortly after changing it via the valve or the app. Do you have any suggestions?
Thank you for the very fast response!
I just imported 4.3.10 and restarted automation. Will monitor and update ASAP.
Really appreciate the effort you put in this blueprint! It’s just brilliant
Could you share your automation configuration in yaml?