đŸ”„ Advanced Heating Control

There only were breaking changes with the update from v2 to v3. If you setup v3 already you just need to update the content of the blueprint and reload your automations.

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Observation. This may already have been mentioned. Calibration when using Tado TRVs with external temperature sensors only appears to function when using the Tado integration and not via the HomeKit integration. Is this as designed, has it ever worked via the HomeKit integration?

Currently using v3.2 and I thought it worked prior to upgrading to v3 but I could be mistaken.

Sadly don’t own a Tado valve and I am also not a homekit user. I implemented the tado calibration with help of some users. Atm Tado valve will be calibrated using the tado.set_climate_temperature_offset service.
If you could let me know how tados get calibrated using the homekit integration.

Could you provide a screenshot of the state section of a tado trv? Is there a service which I can call or even an additional entity?

//EDIT: you wrote to me some time ago but have not received feedback after my last posts. can you tell me what offset value your TRV is set to?

{{ state_attr('climate.YOUR_VALVE_ENTITY', 'offset_celsius') }}

also check your logs for errors. If the offset is still null or none with version 3.2, I assume that the reason is an error with the integration used. The calibraion logic says that if no offset set it will set to 0. If this is not the case, there is something wrong. When you enable debug logger for this blueprint you will see if the service gets called frequently.

You can try it by yourself. Just call the service in developer menu with your trv as entity and a number of your choice. Then check if the offset is set.

Just look what I’ve found:

Tado set offset using separate temperature sensor - #33 by pbeumer2001

The only workaround is to add the offset of the real temperature. That feature is planned for v4. So it seems there is a real problem with some tados or the integrations.

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Many thanks for this and the great work (coffee and croissant on route). I have implemented with Tado Integration which working and I’ll live with the latency introduced as a result of cloud for now, the benefits of the external calibration make up for this.

The post from pbeumer2001 looks very interesting, thanks.

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I get the following error with all my thermostats when setting the comfort temperature via an input number helper. I use both Tado and Aqara thermostats. Do you have any idea where this could be coming from?

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Thank you for your feedback. I have some questions:

  1. Did you enable Force Mimimum Temperature in blueprint settings?
  2. Are you using Tado with HomeKit integration? Seems it has some real problems reading out TRVs attributes.
  3. Can you provide a screenshot of the state section in developer settings of your tado and aqara trv, please? Maybe it needs some other conditions or the attribrutes have different names.

Here is an example:

Thanks for your help!

Force Mimimum Temperature is disable
I use the Tado integration and the HomeKit Bridge so that I have the thermostats available in HomKit.
developer settings Aqara:

developer settings Tado:

Thank you. It would be nice to have a trace log when this error occurs.

I think there is some point where the properties of one of your TRV aren’t defined. Maybe it’s unreachable for some time or there is an error in the integration reading out the values. So hvac_modes and min_temp is none at this point. When there is no off in hvac_modes the logic tries to set the min_temp of the TRV but this seems also be none at this point which results in an error.

So what I could do? I will add some conditions to check states of required attributes to prevent the logic from being executed. Nevertheless, a trace log would be an advantage.

Are they other errors in the log in connection with your TRVs / integrations. Maybe a message could’t be send or a timeout?

I get this error

Stopped because an error was encountered at 16. November 2023 um 14:03:11 (runtime: 0.06 seconds)

Error rendering data template: ValueError: Template error: float got invalid input ‘None’ when rendering template ‘{{ off_temperature | float }}’ but no default was specified

Just click in the upper right corner and download the json trace log. You can upload and generate a link here. Then simply share it. Thanks!

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I have a look into this this evening. First it’s occured when opening windows. And yes force minimum temperature is enabled:

"input_force_minimum_temperature": true

Maybe theres is an error in my logic. But I can remember that there was a problem with the aqaras and off mode.

Now force minimum 
 is deactivated

My actual problem is also that the comfort temp. scheduler does not work. The automation does not react at the configuration times

I think I have no error in the automation log