🔥 Advanced Heating Control

The boiler keeps defined flow temperature (knob, 1-6).
I have a HA switch, so i can “call for heat”.
I have a schedule for heating times for TRVs (currently using schedy).
i have heavy temp. differences depending on sun/no sun.

In first line i was curious about all this presence heating :slight_smile:
The time needed to heat up a room is not always the same and i have no idea how i could automate this. Need some AI for it :wink:

At least if you’re not home you can use proximity for preheating. If you’re smart you can also build a template based presence sensor and use your sleep data or programmed alarm in the morning. :stuck_out_tongue:

No, its not. This blueprint wont stop your thermostats. It just sets temperatures and toggles between mode heat and off if e.g. your window is open. That issue must be related to your integration or the performance of your thermostat.

:fire: New Advanced Heating Control v4beta is live :fire:

Hey people,

I recently replaced the common v4 version with the refactored one since everything runs pretty stable to me. So now it’s - let’s say - in beta stage v2. :wink:
Furthermore I’ve added the Heating Schedule Adjustments aka Comfort Heating Plan. It survives reboots, reloads and doesn’t overwrite the adjustments you’ve made.
Atm you can adjust the comfort temperature and turn on/off calibration. You have to set this up with timestamps and weekdays (optional). Some more filters and adjustment possibilities are planed.

Happy testing and let me know if anything doesn’t work as expected. I want to release this version as final if everything runs well for you.

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Oh god, this thread is running so fast :D.

Reportingmore details on my issued with Danfoss Ally.

  1. Seeing your logic – now I see my interpration of the events was wrong. You’re indeed not setting anything periodically. The thing is that Danfoss uses the -8000 (“-80.00°C”) as an undefined/unused value. So if the temperature does not get update by automation in due interval (180/30 minutes), e.g due to differences smaller than the delta, the TRV turns the feature off setting the externally set temperature to -8000. Then, the automation sees the difference larger than delta and sets it back in a few minutes.
    When I set the delta to 0, the situation practically resolves (unless the precise temperature would hold for 180/30 minutes, which could borderline happen… but well good enough now).
    The TRV documentation is almost fully available at ZigBee2MQTT, specifically here. Note the info on the need to be setting things periodically.

  2. However, I still have the problem that only one of the two TRVs has the temperature set by the automation at all. I’ve reliably tested that it’s always the second of the two listed in the automation configuration.
    Any idea what may be wrong there? Can I help you with any debug trace?

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Look for the posts by le_top here Danfoss Ally TRV working with remote temp sensor - #160 by le_top for a lot of info

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I will test these the next days again and give feedback. a special Service for the temp is not necessary

One question: can you set the hvac mode as a pulldown (currently he goes directly to mode “heat”), when this is manuell settable i can use your blueprint as air conditioner “heat/cool/dry” too, this would be great.

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@mukrop @allard77 Thank you for the information.

I just did an update for v4. Popp / Hive / Danfoss calibration gets triggered every 30 minutes (Maybe we make this adjustable) and when automation gets reloaded or after a home assistant restart.

I think traces wouldn’t help in some situations no more because I move much logic to jinja code. But it’s also easier for me to debug.

I just saw that I did a mistake in calibration logic for Danfoss/Popp/Hive. Just pull the new version and give it another try.

If it also won’t work for you I will provide some jinja code that can be pasted into the template editor.


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my temp config is not working . i used beta version it was working.
time is now 11:16 temp is now 23

Sorry for that inconvenience.

  1. All values need to be in quotation marks
  2. atm the day filter just allows one weekday (will expand this soon)


- time: "18:00"
  day: "Sun"
  temp: "21"

//EDIT: also fixed the example in the description. Sry again

can we use like this ?

  • time: “07:00”
    temp: “23”
  • time: “09:00”
    temp: “21”
  • time: “17:00”
    temp: “22”
  • time: “18:00”
    temp: “23”
  • time: “00:00”
    temp: “15”
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you can use for this scheulder for temp planing. exampler

morning sch. : 23
day sch : 21
evening sch : 23
night sch : 15

Yes, but I also want to differ between minimum and comfort temp in future.

Yes, a filter for scheduler is also planed.

I am not that fast and just want to provide a first stable implementation to build on.

thanks we are waiting, using and testing.

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if windows open temo si changing every sec


Do you use another integration? Temperature changes will be blocked when thermostats set to off.

Just enable debugging for the blueprint and check your logs and search for “changes”.

Changes should only filled when window is opened and after it got closed.

First off all, the blueprint is great. I use it for several weeks or month and it works perfect till the last update.

I have the same issue when window is opened, the TRV mode switches from off the heat and reverse. Also the days in the heating plan won’t saved in quotes. If i use quotes, they’re gone after saving.

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Thanks for reporting. I try to recreate that issue. I think it has something to do with that adjustment feature. Will check this!

This bad is that this it must formatted strictly.
This for example works for me:

- time: "09:49"
  temp: "22"
- time: "11:27"
  temp: "24"
  day: "Mo"
- time: "20:11"
  temp: "25"

//EDIT: cannot recreate that window open issue. Could you provide a trace log when window is open and the temperature kicks in?

I will try the format. Do i have to use only 2 letters for the day like in your example an is it possible to concat the weekdays like

- time: "11:27"
  temp: "24"
  day: "Mon,Tue,Wed,Thu,Fri"

only windows open have a problem. i am using one integration