🔥 Advanced Heating Control

if windows open temo si changing every sec


Do you use another integration? Temperature changes will be blocked when thermostats set to off.

Just enable debugging for the blueprint and check your logs and search for “changes”.

Changes should only filled when window is opened and after it got closed.

First off all, the blueprint is great. I use it for several weeks or month and it works perfect till the last update.

I have the same issue when window is opened, the TRV mode switches from off the heat and reverse. Also the days in the heating plan won’t saved in quotes. If i use quotes, they’re gone after saving.

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Thanks for reporting. I try to recreate that issue. I think it has something to do with that adjustment feature. Will check this!

This bad is that this it must formatted strictly.
This for example works for me:

- time: "09:49"
  temp: "22"
- time: "11:27"
  temp: "24"
  day: "Mo"
- time: "20:11"
  temp: "25"

//EDIT: cannot recreate that window open issue. Could you provide a trace log when window is open and the temperature kicks in?

I will try the format. Do i have to use only 2 letters for the day like in your example an is it possible to concat the weekdays like

- time: "11:27"
  temp: "24"
  day: "Mon,Tue,Wed,Thu,Fri"

only windows open have a problem. i am using one integration

Have a look here. Atm this is not possible.

I’m sorry, i missed this reply :wink:

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No problem. I found the issue with the temperature. Will fix it soon.

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my old config is here for beta . is it true or i must delete it.

So u don’t need any trace?

time config and windows is crashing. if delete time config not problem

Should work like this.

Yep, not needed anymore.

Just checkout v4 again. Window open problem should be solved.

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For me it looks like this after adding it over ui. (automation.yaml)

  - time: 09:49
    temp: '22'
  - time: '11:27'
    temp: '24'
    day: Mon
  - time: '20:11'
    temp: '25'

But UI interprets it like this:


Seems like quotation marks aren’t not needed. I am not quiet familar with this selector.

I’ve just put it on the feature list.

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thanks windows problem is ok

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I can confirm. Window open problem is solved, there’s no issue anymore.

Should i format the days with 2 letters in the heating schedule or 3 letter? I used this one atm

- time: "05:35"
  day: Mon
  temp: "23"
- time: "05:35"
  day: Tue
  temp: "23"

like in the description.

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Sorry for confusing you. :smiley: Yes, three characters.

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Actually, the undefined value is 0x8000, and it’s part of the zigbe standard. If converted directly to a value that would be -327.68 °C

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You can adjust your temperature by your comfort temperature entity. It will get overwritten if a new adjustment entry gets into the game or after a home assistant restart.

- time: "08:00"
  temp: "22"
  calibration: "off"

I can omit temp to use the defined comfort/minimum temp. entities?
For now i will try using scheduler helpers.

Btw. minimum temp. with snowflake looks like frost protection.
What about the icons the climate card uses? leaf for eco, sofa for comfort?

Temp is mapped to comfort temperature atm. I will provide some more variables.
If you provide a helper the value of the helper will be set. But if you don’t need i you can also drop them. This should work as well.

Thanks for the ideas. I will revise it when the logic is stable enough. Also the docs need some update. :smiley: Yeah! Fun!