πŸ”₯ Advanced Heating Control

yes but can we control this for all my rooms

Let me summarize:

  • you need one AHC automation for every room
  • each automation should toggle its own switch when heating is required

i am using your blue print for all room. i wantto cont dry concact open iff one room needs help and while closing chech other rooms state


You can realize it with the custom action like this. Don’t forget to replace the switch entity with yours. NOTE: this only make sense if you enabled off instead of eco. If you lower the temperature to eco temperature, you should evaluate the internal states of your thermostats. But this isn’t part of this blueprint.

  - condition: template
    value_template: "{{ states('switch.boiler') != iif(is_heating,'on','off')  }}"
  - service: switch.turn_{{ iif(is_heating,'on','off') }}
      entity_id: "switch.boiler"

Hi @panhans I am currently running v4_rc2 with Outside Temperature Sensor enabled however this feature doesn’t appear to be working.

Purely for testing purposes I have the Outside Temperature Threshold set to 5 - the current outside temperature is 5.9 C however heating is ON - I expected heat to be OFF.


But this doesnt take into account the other rooms in case of switching off.

Thanks for reporting. I will check this later.

@vajdum Yes, youre right. He needs for every room an input boolean that represents the heating state and then a 2nd automation that checks this entities or-wise.

@panhans Hi - Outside temperature has gone up to 6.4C (almost tropical :wink: and the heating is now being held off.

Is it possible there is some sort of delta built in that means the Outside temperature has to be a certain percentage above the Outside Temperature Threshold before it kicks in?

Outside temperature is now 6.8 C so I moved the Outside Temperature Threshold to 10 and the heating has come on. Whatever the reason for the earlier issue, the Blueprint does appear to be working as expected now.

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That’s very sweet. Thank you very much. :wink:

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Someone here using aggressive mode? How is it working for you?
For my use case i would like to have different range values for upper/lower border, so it opens the valve more if its to cold, but closes it earlier if its to warm.

Yes, I use it with a range of Β±0.3Β°C and an offset of 2Β°C. Works good for me. So you want to be able to set the upper and lower limits separately? I add it to the planned feature list in the initial post.

:fire: Advanced Heating Control RC3 is live :fire:


more breaking changes! But only for the heating adjustments. Now you can filter by scheduler, and multiple days. You also can adjust the comfort and eco temperature.

Furthermore if your enabled change temperature on physical change the eco or the comfort temperature will be changed depending on your current heat state.

Happy testing! (again)


I don’t know. Then you just increase the threshold for this amount since it’s not variable. Maybe it’s better disable the thermostats if

  1. the outside temperature is lower the threshold for a specific duration like 8h or so


  1. the outside and room temperature is lower than a specific threshold.

Thanks for your reply - seems to be working perfectly after final testing :+1:

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ESPHome (esp32) BLE proxies work very unreliably with the EQ-3 BLE units.
I recommend a workaround with Tasmota as a BLE proxy.

    - name: Wohnzimmer_Heizung1
      modes: ["off", heat, auto]
      min_temp: 5
      max_temp: 26.0
      temp_step: 0.5
      precision: 0.1
      mode_command_topic: cmnd/tasmota_67E854/EQ3/001A22087B17/mode
      temperature_command_topic: cmnd/tasmota_67E854/EQ3/001A22087B17/settemp
      temperature_state_topic: stat/EQ3/001A22087B17
      temperature_state_template: "{{ value_json.temp }}"
      mode_state_topic: stat/EQ3/001A22087B17
      mode_state_template: "{{ value_json.hassmode }}"
      current_temperature_topic: tele/tasmota_67E854/SENSOR
#      current_temperature_template: '{{ value_json["AM2301"].Temperature - 4.2 }}'
      current_temperature_template: '{{ value_json["AM2301"].Temperature }}'
      current_humidity_topic: tele/tasmota_67E854/SENSOR
      current_humidity_template: '{{ value_json["AM2301"].Humidity }}'

[quote=β€œpanhans, post:1043, topic:469873”]
ced Heating Control RC3 is li
[/quote]thanks. how can we set this

week work days

  • time: β€œ07:00”
    temp: β€œ23”
    calibration: β€œon”
  • time: β€œ09:00”
    temp: β€œ21”
    calibration: β€œon”
  • time: β€œ17:00”
    temp: β€œ22”
    calibration: β€œon”
  • time: β€œ00:00”
    temp: β€œ15”
    calibration: β€œon”


  • time: β€œ07:00”
    temp: β€œ23”
    calibration: β€œon”
  • time: β€œ09:00”
    temp: β€œ22”
    calibration: β€œon”
  • time: β€œ17:00”
    temp: β€œ23”
    calibration: β€œon”
  • time: β€œ00:00”
    temp: β€œ15”
    calibration: β€œon”


  • time: β€œ07:00”
    temp: β€œ21”
    calibration: β€œon”
  • time: β€œ08:00”
    temp: β€œ22”
    calibration: β€œon”
  • time: β€œ10:00”
    temp: β€œ23”
    calibration: β€œon”
  • time: β€œ00:00”
    temp: β€œ15”
    calibration: β€œon”

i set this is it true ?

  • time: β€œ07:00”
    days: [β€˜Mon’,β€˜Tue’,β€˜Wed’,β€˜Thu’,β€˜Fri’]
    comfort: β€œ23”
    eco: β€œ21”

  • time: β€œ08:30”
    days: [β€˜Mon’,β€˜Tue’,β€˜Wed’,β€˜Thu’,β€˜Fri’]
    comfort: β€œ22”
    eco: β€œ21”

  • time: β€œ17:00”
    days: [β€˜Mon’,β€˜Tue’,β€˜Wed’,β€˜Thu’,β€˜Fri’]
    comfort: β€œ23”
    eco: β€œ21”

  • time: β€œ00:00”
    days: [β€˜Mon’,β€˜Tue’,β€˜Wed’,β€˜Thu’,β€˜Fri’]
    comfort: β€œ15”
    eco: β€œ15”

  • time: β€œ07:00”
    days: [β€˜Sat’]
    comfort: β€œ23”
    eco: β€œ22”

  • time: β€œ10:00”
    days: [β€˜Sat’]
    comfort: β€œ23”
    eco: β€œ22”

  • time: β€œ17:00”
    days: [β€˜Sat’]
    comfort: β€œ23”
    eco: β€œ21”

  • time: β€œ00:00”
    days: [β€˜Sat’]
    comfort: β€œ15”
    eco: β€œ15”

  • time: β€œ07:00”
    days: [β€˜Sun’]
    comfort: β€œ21”
    eco: β€œ20”

  • time: β€œ09:00”
    days: [β€˜Sun’]
    comfort: β€œ21”
    eco: β€œ20”

  • time: β€œ10:00”
    days: [β€˜Sun’]
    comfort: β€œ22”
    eco: β€œ21”

  • time: β€œ17:00”
    days: [β€˜Sun’]
    comfort: β€œ23”
    eco: β€œ21”

  • time: β€œ00:00”
    days: [β€˜Sun’]
    comfort: β€œ15”
    eco: β€œ15”

You summarize the same timestamps of all days in one statement and simply overwrite them if needed like:

- time: "07:00"
  comfort: "23"
- time: "09:00"
  comfort: "21"
  days: ['Mon','Tue','Wed','Thu','Fri','Sat']
- time: "17:00"
  days: ['Mon','Tue','Wed','Thu','Fri','Sat'] 
  comfort: "22"
- time: "00:00"
  comfort: "15"
- time: "09:00"
  days: ['Sat']
  comfort: "21"
- time: "17:00"
  days: ['Sat']
  comfort: "23"
- time: "07:00"
  days: ['Sun']
  comfort: "21"
- time: "08:00"
  days: ['Sun']
  comfort: "22"
- time: "10:00"
  days: ['Sun']
  comfort: "23"

//EDIT: forgot the eco temperatures :wink:

is new version has problem open windows? windows open and heating

Nope, works for me.

  1. Set Debug Level to Warning in Blueprint settings
  2. Open your window
  3. Click on Trace in your automation
  4. Download and share the trace