Aeon Labs Minimote with zwave js?

With 2021.05 update my minimotes stopped working, I cannot see the event for zwavejs but I can see the button presses in zwavejs2mqtt.
Anyone else facing any issue?

No problems here. Make sure the node Interview status in zwavejs2mqtt is Complete and the device Node Ready status in HA is Yes. If none of those, HA will not see the events.

Thanks. Turns out there was some big driver update for Aeon minimote and I had to reinterview it. But for interview to complete, had to wake up the device atleast 6-7 times.

Perhaps someone can shed some light on this for me.

I’ve got my minimote paired and I assume it’s ok.

Device info
by AEON Labs
Firmware: 1.19
Z-Wave Info
Node ID: 5
Node Status: Asleep
Node Ready: Yes

I had to re-interview it to get it to go “ready”.

If I go to “configure Device” then “logs”, when I press buttons I get log entries :-

Subscribed to Z-Wave JS Log Messages...
2021-10-02T17:36:00.727Z SERIAL « 0x010c00040005042b010100bc0061                                      (14 bytes)
2021-10-02T17:36:00.729Z CNTRLR   [Node 005] [!] [Scene Activation] sceneId: 1                      [Endpoint 0]
2021-10-02T17:36:00.731Z CNTRLR   [Node 005] [~] [Scene Activation] dimmingDuration: {"value":0,"un [Endpoint 0]
                                  it":"seconds"} => {"value":0,"unit":"seconds"}
2021-10-02T17:36:00.733Z SERIAL » [ACK]                                                                   (0x06)
2021-10-02T17:36:00.737Z DRIVER « [Node 005] [REQ] [ApplicationCommand]
                                      scene id:         1
                                      dimming duration: 0s

However, trying to listen for events on zwave_js_event end pressing buttons gives nothing!

Any ideas where I can look now. I’ve tried a couple of restarts just in case.


I believe there’s been a name change. Instead of zwave_js_event, it is now called zwave_js_value_notification. At least, that is what I am now using in my button automation…

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I just worked this out this morning. I found a blueprint (ZWave-JS - AEON Labs (Aeotec) Minimote) that worked and when I looked into the code I found the different event name.

Thanks for your comment though - at the very least it reminded me that I should come back here and report!

Thanks for the tricks!

I converted everything over today, a bit grudgingly, after the old solution completely stopped working. It took a while but everything seems to be working except the Minimote I use. I’m currently on 2021.10.7 (though I tried 10.6 as well) but the /developer-tools/event pane still shows nothing when I press the buttons on the MInimote, however I can see the data in the Zwave-JS log and in the HA debug log:


2021-11-01 18:15:40 DEBUG (MainThread) [zwave_js_server] Received message:
WSMessage(type=<WSMsgType.TEXT: 1>, data='{"type":"event","event":{"source":"node","event":"statistics updated","nodeId":17,"statistics":{"commandsTX":0,"commandsRX":158,"commandsDroppedRX":0,"commandsDroppedTX":0,"timeoutResponse":0}}}', extra='')

Z-Wave JS

18:15:54.909 CNTRLR   [Node 017] [!] [Scene Activation] sceneId: 1                      [Endpoint 0]
18:15:54.909 CNTRLR   [Node 017] [~] [Scene Activation] dimmingDuration: {"value":0,"un [Endpoint 0]
                      it":"seconds"} => {"value":0,"unit":"seconds"}
18:15:54.912 SERIAL » [ACK]                                                                   (0x06)
18:15:54.913 DRIVER « [Node 017] [REQ] [ApplicationCommand]
                          scene id:         1
                          dimming duration: 0s

Weirdly, even if I put in * (to listen to all events), while I see lots of events, I don’t see anything from the minimote. I’ve tried doing the “Re-Interview Device” several times, and it looks like that succeeds based on the Zwave-JS log.

It feels like something else is going on if I can’t see the remote when showing all events? Before the old deprecated Z-Wave failed on me, this worked without issue.

Any thoughts?

Did you confirm the node is in the proper state?

Ah I must’ve missed that while reading through all those. Indeed, Device Ready shows No. I’m using Z-Wave JS (not the MQTT one). At first I thought the Re-Interview was completing, but looking at the logs again yeah it looks like it indeed doesn’t complete (getting stuck on querying node info):

08:34:01.968 CNTRLR   [Node 017] Beginning interview - last completed stage: None
08:34:01.969 CNTRLR   [Node 017] new node, doing a full interview...
08:34:01.971 CNTRLR » [Node 017] querying protocol info...
08:34:01.979 SERIAL » 0x0104004111ab                                                       (6 bytes)
08:34:01.980 DRIVER » [REQ] [GetNodeProtocolInfo]
                        payload: 0x11
08:34:01.984 SERIAL « [ACK]                                                                   (0x06)
08:34:01.986 SERIAL « 0x0109014112960001010133                                            (11 bytes)
08:34:01.988 SERIAL » [ACK]                                                                   (0x06)
08:34:01.990 DRIVER « [RES] [GetNodeProtocolInfo]
                        payload: 0x129600010101
08:34:01.995 CNTRLR « [Node 017] received response for protocol info:
                      basic device class:    Controller
                      generic device class:  Remote Controller
                      specific device class: Portable Remote Controller
                      node type:             Controller
                      is always listening:   false
                      is frequent listening: false
                      can route messages:    false
                      supports security:     false
                      supports beaming:      true
                      maximum data rate:     40000 kbps
                      protocol version:      2
08:34:02.000 CNTRLR   [Node 017] Interview stage completed: ProtocolInfo
08:34:02.001 CNTRLR » [Node 017] querying node info...

In poking around, the best advice I have seen is to do the Re-Interview and continually wake the remote up by using the join or blank button (underneath the cover). I’ve gong through a few cycles of Re-Interview and keeping it awake and nothing yet. I recall reading it can take several go rounds (which means it takes several minutes to do). I’ll report back if I have any luck.

Stop using Re-Interview. Each time you do that it restarts the process. It has never taken me more than 1 or 2 times of wake ups.

To make sure, how long does re-interview last? I was getting flashbacks from those Lost episodes about having to constantly press a button before something bad happens :slight_smile: I was doing that for at least 15 minutes after firing off a re-interview. Alas, I never saw the process complete though I understand it might be a bit finnicky to get this right.

It can take a few seconds to a few minutes, depending on the device. Locks, for example, seem to take a long time. A battery device that goes to sleep could take hours or days unless it’s manually woken up. I would suggest watching the driver logs and seeing if you are actually waking up the device, it sounds like it might not be happening.

It’s definitely waking up - I can see the button presses in the Z-Wave JS logs. Those are both very consistent and speedy as well. It’s the communication over to HA that seems to be the problem (which I suspect is related to not fully being able to re-interview the device - I haven’t seen that fully complete in the logs yet)

That is not the device waking up.

This is the minimote sending a scene event. It is not waking up and it doesn’t cause the interview to continue.

2021-11-02T18:33:31.024Z SERIAL « 0x010d00a8000109042b01010000b0cd                                    (15 bytes)
2021-11-02T18:33:31.027Z CNTRLR   [Node 009] [!] [Scene Activation] sceneId: 1                      [Endpoint 0]
2021-11-02T18:33:31.029Z CNTRLR   [Node 009] [~] [Scene Activation] dimmingDuration: {"value":0,"un [Endpoint 0]
                                  it":"seconds"} => {"value":0,"unit":"seconds"}

This is the mimimote waking up, by holding down the Join button for ~3 seconds. This allows the interview to continue.

2021-11-02T18:33:58.566Z SERIAL « 0x0111004984090b0101018672709bef852b2658                            (19 bytes)
2021-11-02T18:33:58.568Z SERIAL » [ACK]                                                                   (0x06)
2021-11-02T18:33:58.570Z DRIVER « [Node 009] [REQ] [ApplicationUpdateRequest]
                                    payload: 0x090b0101018672709bef852b26
2021-11-02T18:33:58.572Z CNTRLR « [Node 009] Received updated node info
2021-11-02T18:33:58.574Z CNTRLR   [Node 009] The node is now awake.

AHA!! Ok yep. I wasn’t holding the button down long enough. The 3 second hold immediately caused the interview to complete (even though it had been waiting to interview for at least an hour). And now “Device Ready” is Yes AND I see events in the event view! Woohoo!

Thank you very much for the help!

For other folks, while there’s blueprints for the minimote, my config predates all that stuff and I kinda prefer the old school way of doing it (I know HA is moving further and further away from using the configuration yaml files but I really enjoy them). Anyways I thought I would prefer another example on how to use the Minimotes with the newer Z-Wave JS stuff:

In configuration.yaml:

automation: !include_dir_merge_list automation

In my automation/minimotes.yaml:

# Bedroom Minimote
- alias: Bedroom Remote Button 1 Pressed
    platform: event
    event_type: zwave_js_value_notification
      node_id: 17
      property: sceneId
      value: 1
    service: fan.turn_off
    entity_id: fan.bedroom_fan_level
- alias: Bedroom Remote Button 1 Held
    platform: event
    event_type: zwave_js_value_notification
      node_id: 17
      property: sceneId
      value: 2
    service: switch.toggle
    entity_id: switch.bedroom_lamp_switch

Thanks for this last bit of information.

Just some hints for those that also had the same problems as I did when converting to zwavejs from the old zwave integration…

Try as I might, I could never get the Aeotec Minimotes to complete their interview process. Perhaps if I woke them up by pressing and holding the “Join” button for 3 seconds, that would have done the trick? But I didn’t learn that until later. So I removed the devices and re-added them, and they completed the interview process during that process. (Though I had to try a couple of times with one of my 2 Minimotes…)

Then I had to go through the process described to set the modes for the 4 buttons. I had forgot about needing to do this until I discovered this post. These setting must have been cleared when I reset the Minimote to re-pair it.

These devices work really well… once they’re working. Otherwise, these seem like fairly crappy z-wave devices as compared to the 30 others on my network. Oh well, the pain seems to be over by now…

The one bit of information that seems to be missing is how do you wake up the device? Until I had read it here in this posting, I didn’t know that pressing and holding the JOIN button for 3 seconds was the way to do this. Had I known that previously, maybe the Interview process would have completed and I could have avoided the re-pairing?

Thanks @kan84, years later, for your very helpful post.

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I don’t have the issue of joining but Converting the buttons. I can’t seem to finish that process and every time I think I have completed it, it doesn’t work. I have 4 of these remotes and it would be awesome to keep using them. They were flawless on my Hubitat, as long as I kept them charged lol.

By “converting”, do you mean setting the modes for the buttons? That took me a few tries to get through the process, but eventually succeeded. You might try pressing the “JOIN” button under the slider to keep the remote awake while setting the mode.

And yeah, the batteries don’t seem to last very long. I think the ones that I got were the first version of the minimotes and old stock. I ended up buying replacement LiPo batteries and soldering them in, which improved things a bit but a few years later, they seem to be getting “soft” again. Seems like I need to charge them every couple months?