Airtouch 4 integration (AUS)

Thanks. Are you able to pull out the log entry for the AcAbility message which should have come through just before that part of the logs? That message has the mapping from ACs to zones which is probably where this is going wrong.

There’s nothing too sensitive in the logs other than the AC and zone names, but you’re welcome to send me a direct message if you want to keep the logs out of the public thread.

I’ve just published a new version of my integration v0.3.0 which adds support for manually setting the AirTouch IP address when broadcast discovery doesn’t work.

This release also adds a configuration option to select if you have a bypass damper installed. Currently this configuration just prevents the creation of unnecessary spill entities.

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Thanks for the update! I have installed it and I can confirm it is working wonderfully :tada:

Thanks for the new option to try!

I’ve had nothing but crickets from polyaire and the technician.

I’m trying to install this yet I am getting stuck at the spinning wheel in HACS?


“Download failed - Got status code 404 when trying to download

This may have been my issue, done the manual installation and all detected and connected.

I noticed upon connection it has made new areas for everything based on what the zones were called in the Airtouch, gotta delete the extras =)

Glad you got it working.

I set up the integration to populate a “suggested area” for each zone based on the zone name under the assumption that most people would have their zones and areas named similarly. To be honest, it seems a bit like a bug in Home Assistant that the suggested areas are automatically created even if you don’t accept them!

If the suggested areas annoys people I can turn that feature off or make it optional. Or, now that I think about it, perhaps it would be better if I just cross check with the area registry first and only add the suggested area if there’s a match.

Perhaps the suggested area could also be adjusted to look for areas containing the name supplied first?

There is an 8 character limit for zones in AT4, also users naming conventions that are unique to them, Area “Living Room” vs Zone “Living”

Not like a massive dealbreaker, I’m sure we’re all used to some sort of cleanup every now and then =)

Thanks again

The AirTouch tablet really doesn’t like wi-fi band steering, I’ve found. Turning that off makes a big difference.

Yeah, that’s a good idea. I’ll roll that into the next update.

I’ve just published v0.4.0 which will only suggest existing area names. The integration uses some basic fuzzy matching logic to try and pick the best area for each zone.

The release also includes a couple of other fixes including an issue with spill/bypass entities not restoring correctly when Home Assistant is restarted.


Has anyone done MQTT push events to SEND commands to this integration and had it work OK ?

On my main Node Red instance i do not have (and do not want) the Node Red Webhooks integration running so i do not get access to the entities etc. However as of 2023.8 MQTT events should be supported in the core - so i could theoretically use those to activate entities (such as the main AC in heat mode) and set ITCs on and off etc.

Wondering if anyone has gone down this path


I’m not sure how MQTT events integrate into Home Assistant, but the climate entities exposed by the integration support all of the standard climate service calls such as climate.set_hvac_mode and climate.set_temperature, so if you can trigger Home Assistant services via MQTT it should all work.

OK good one thanks - will have a look at going that way


Hi there and thanks Ben for your continuing effort
i’m running into an issue ;
I have 2 AC systems on my property - one running an AirTouch 4 and another running an AirTouch 5
Whenever i try to add your integration it scans the network for an airtouch controller and it adds the AirTouch 5 unit by default and once it does that i can’t add a second unit.
I tried to turn off the AirTouch 5 controller temporary and while it did find the AirTouch 4 module in that instance - once it was finally finished the setup i then switched the AT5 module back on again ; but it seemed like the integration was having a hard time loading the correct entities as it kept listing the AT4 entities as unavailable.

any advice?

It is supposed to work out of the box with the auto discovery, but you’re the first person I’ve heard of with both an AirTouch 4 and 5 on the same network. It sounds like the AirTouch 4 discovery isn’t coming through when both are turned on, or maybe I’m just not handling multiple systems properly somewhere.

If I get some time this weekend I’ll try to fire up my AirTouch 4 simulator in parallel with the AirTouch 5 to see if I can reproduce the problem. I never really tested two systems together before.

In the meantime, are you able to send through some debug logs that includes the initial adding of the integration?
You should be able to do that from the integration details page by turning debug logging on, then deleting the “hub”, then clicking the “Add” button to reinitiate discovery.

I tested with an AirTouch 4 simulator and my AirTouch 5 running at the same time and both were picked up by the integration.

There is an issue with spill zone configuration with multiple systems that I have had on my TODO list for a while, but otherwise it all seems to work for me.

Did the auto discovery work for your AirTouch 4 when the AirTouch 5 was turned off, or did you have to manually type in an IP Address?

As mentioned over in the AirTouch 5 thread, I’ve just published v1.0.0 of the integration.

Note: This is a breaking update and will require you to delete and re-add the config entries for the integration after upgrading. However entity names will remain the same after the update so dashboards and automations won’t be impacted.

The update includes improvements for houses with multiple AirTouch systems, including mixes of AirTouch 4 and AirTouch 5.

I’ve also added an optional feature to allow Zone climate entities to change the main AC heating/cooling mode.

@rayd89 please try the latest version of the integration. It fully supports multiple AirTouch systems, including allowing you to add them via manual host name or IP address entry if the auto-discovery doesn’t work.

A couple of basic questions… sorry I haven’t been following this thread.

  • Is this the default Airtouch 4 / 5 integration or one that we’d have to add on?
  • Does it provide direct damper control?

I use a different integration which works well, just curious mostly. Perhaps the github page especially features could be enhanced slightly?

This is a custom integration I developed that supports both the AirTouch 4 and 5. The integration can be installed via HACS (as a custom repo).

It does allow for direct damper control. There’s lots of information about the features and how to install in the README at the repo top level: GitHub - TheNoctambulist/hass-airtouch: Home Assistant integration for the Polyaire AirTouch AC Controllers

Ah, awesome. Thanks Benjamin :slight_smile: It looks really good. It’d take me a lot of effort to change over to this because I have so many automations, but if I was starting again I’d give this a shot :slight_smile:


Thanks Ben! your a legend
This now works perfectly!

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