Airtouch 4 integration (AUS)

I tested with an AirTouch 4 simulator and my AirTouch 5 running at the same time and both were picked up by the integration.

There is an issue with spill zone configuration with multiple systems that I have had on my TODO list for a while, but otherwise it all seems to work for me.

Did the auto discovery work for your AirTouch 4 when the AirTouch 5 was turned off, or did you have to manually type in an IP Address?

As mentioned over in the AirTouch 5 thread, Iā€™ve just published v1.0.0 of the integration.

Note: This is a breaking update and will require you to delete and re-add the config entries for the integration after upgrading. However entity names will remain the same after the update so dashboards and automations wonā€™t be impacted.

The update includes improvements for houses with multiple AirTouch systems, including mixes of AirTouch 4 and AirTouch 5.

Iā€™ve also added an optional feature to allow Zone climate entities to change the main AC heating/cooling mode.

@rayd89 please try the latest version of the integration. It fully supports multiple AirTouch systems, including allowing you to add them via manual host name or IP address entry if the auto-discovery doesnā€™t work.

A couple of basic questionsā€¦ sorry I havenā€™t been following this thread.

  • Is this the default Airtouch 4 / 5 integration or one that weā€™d have to add on?
  • Does it provide direct damper control?

I use a different integration which works well, just curious mostly. Perhaps the github page especially features could be enhanced slightly?

This is a custom integration I developed that supports both the AirTouch 4 and 5. The integration can be installed via HACS (as a custom repo).

It does allow for direct damper control. Thereā€™s lots of information about the features and how to install in the README at the repo top level: GitHub - TheNoctambulist/hass-airtouch: Home Assistant integration for the Polyaire AirTouch AC Controllers

Ah, awesome. Thanks Benjamin :slight_smile: It looks really good. Itā€™d take me a lot of effort to change over to this because I have so many automations, but if I was starting again Iā€™d give this a shot :slight_smile:


Thanks Ben! your a legend
This now works perfectly!

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