Ajax alarm system

Hi @Den901. Thanks for your good news and for your great job shared with us… I’m strongly interested to a “quite formal” integration with Ajax alarm system based on standard API. Is there some news about that ? Do you think something could be realised on short term? Thank you

Hi @alpat59 I believe that if someone in the group is able to develop native integration, there are now possibilities. unfortunately I do not have these skills but through nodered I was able to integrate it perfectly with the API in my possession. hopefully someone from the group is interested.

Thank you @Den901. Unfortunately I’m not able to develop … so I hope that someone could be interested and that at some time we can have the integration. Maybe @frenck could give us his position about that. Thank you to all.


I don’t known how HA works but I known how ajax api work. There is some tricks :

  • with http request you can get some informations (not all) and set state (activate alarm for example) but it’s limited to X requests/min (for me it’s 100 requests/min). If you are alone on your x-api code no problem. But if you are about 100 users or more, this can be an issue…
  • there is a AWS SQS system wich send all information about your ajax system. With that no need get request to known state of door sensor for example. But you need to ask Ajax about your SQS id and Nabu casa need a cloud server to get all information from these SQS and send this information to HA.

I have an ajax alarm, hardware is fantastics and it’s always works but they need to add more information on SIA like door sensor state or temperature. For (de)activation it’s possible to deal with ESP and SpaceControl.

Maybe there is also a possibility with Ajax translantor, I don’t known how it’s work.

@Zoic21 thank you for the precious information. If I understood well, the issues your explained us could be in some way managed, specially the first one because I think that each one will work with a separate Token and Client_id, so 100 requests/min means practically no limits…
Anyway there is a good real experience done by @Den901 creating NodeRed flows with function nodes incapsulating Ajax http API calls and that works …
That could be a good way to follow and the expectation now is that some good developer, starting from that, could create a “standard” integration … or, in my opinion better, someone by Nabu could ask to Ajax if the company is interested to join the “Work with Home Assistant” program and develop theirself the integration.
My personal opinions … thank you for this discussion

I created a feature request here: Ajax integration


I hope nabu casa will take a look at this. Maybe they can insist to add door sensor on SIA even when alarm is desarm. For me it’s the most anoying thing we need to add another door sensor to have door state…

I think people need to understand the difference between SIA and Ajax.

SIA is a standard protocol that is not made by Ajax.
SIA will never expose door sensor that opens and closes if the alarm is not armed.

Are your sure ? DSC alarm do that do I think it’s possible. With Sia manufacturer a free to add any new code so Ajax can create a new Sia code for door is open and alarm is desarm and same for door is close


I hope Nabucasa will take the lead for the Ajax integration


Hi folks!

I’ve sent an email to the Ajax Developer Team for propose them to join in the home assistant community and develop an official integration.

I’m waiting for the official response. Usually they answers me in 7 days…


That’s great news. I’m sure you will let us know what they say.

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Does this still hold true?

Already posted in this thread but don’t forget to vote for the feature (integrate with HA) here: Home Security System Suggested Features — Ajax Systems

Edit: direct link.

Just did it. Here is the direct link: HA integration
Likewise please vote for its HA counterpart: https://community.home-assistant.io/t/ajax-integration-with-regular-ajax-api/484308

Maybe also this one: Home Security System Suggested Features — Ajax Systems a public API would enable all of the integrations requested and has higher vote total already!

I am using homeassistant plugin for ajax (sia) ; I was wondering if its possible to get into the HA user which armed/disarmed ajax?


Thanks for the guide !

I was wondering if the triggered state could also be added with another automation, such as:

    state_topic: ajax/alarmstate
    command_topic: ajax/alarm
    payload_arm_away: arm_zone1
    payload_arm_night: arm_zone1_night
    payload_disarm: disarm_zone1
    payload_trigger: trigger_zone1
    qos: 1
alias: (Alarm) Alarm Automation Triggered Locally
description: ''
  - platform: state
    to: triggered
    entity_id: ******** #change this to your SIA entity that reports your alarm state
  - platform: mqtt
    topic: ajax/alarm
    payload: trigger_zone1
condition: []
  - delay:
      hours: 0
      minutes: 0
      seconds: 5
      milliseconds: 0
  - service: mqtt.publish
      topic: ajax/alarmstate
      qos: '1'
      retain: true
      payload: triggered
mode: single

What are your thoughts on that ?

@eavanvalkenburg hey, any view on that? :slight_smile: regardin to user ID propagation to has? thanks!

The attribute last_message is linked to the device (ajax app user, space control attached to user) that armed/disarmed the alarm.