Ajax alarm system


We’re outfitting a new house, and are considering Ajax. I assume that I can see the armed state of the alarm, but how fast does this update in Home Assistant? Is it somewhat instant?


Have u been able to succesfully add other components as doorprotector or/and motionsensor?

I would say it is instant, takes maybe a second before I can see the status. Works really well and is reliant. But please note that you can only read the status, not arm/disarm the alarm from Home Assistant.

Same question here. Would be very interesting if we could get the state of motion sensors, otherwise I need to outfit my house with double motion sensors in some places…

I see in your previous reply that this is not possible. Double motion sensors it is!

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Wel, the firedetector as the leakdetector has been succesfully added, what is holding back the other devices? I am just curious as i couldn’t find the answer within this topic.

I want to know how far the developer has been…
Are there any other MQTT → Ajax (SIA-DC09) add ons?

I have seen why this is impossible, the SIA-DC09 protocol is not telling when there is a motion detection or door/window opened/closed. Only triggered when system is in alarm is been sent.

Does anybody know how to send “sia_event” to HA to revert to previous state after alarm has been triggered? Nothing works. Maybe there’s a special format of message?

Gentlemen, can anybody explain how to use the documented Event Handling for this component?
Maybe some example…?

Each event that comes into your systems through SIA is also forwarded to the internal HA event bus, which can then be used to trigger automations directly on the codes that came in there. The events are created with event_type set to sia_event__ . The event_data holds many fields, see details below.

I need to make automation depending on SIA code received from Ajax.

I just seen that Jeedom, a home automation software, is capable to drive the Ajax alarm. Armed/Disarmed and all the sensor status.
Did you know if someone is working on it for Home Assistant ?

I looked at that, but there are two problems, 1) Jeedom isn’t open source, so couldn’t see what they were doing and 2) it seems they have bought a installer license from AJAX itself in order to do this. It is such a shame that Ajax uses that model rather than something more approachable!

Ok thanks for this informations. Maybe it’s a kind of test for Ajax and they will open their API one day :slight_smile:

I think it is a commercial model (with a quality justification), I believe they could easily open things up!

Been having issues since a couple of months but haven’t been able to look into it until now.

My logs give me the error message:

2021-07-22 19:35:05 WARNING (MainThread) [pysiaalarm.base_server] Event timestamp is no longer valid: 2021-07-22 17:40:50+00:00

This makes me think that the time on the ajax hub is off, but I have no idea how to make that correct.
I’m running latest core-2021.7.4 the official integration.

In the options of the integration you can disable the time check so that should fix this, my ajax also has this issue and I’ve put in a service request but they were very slow in responding so please also do that so they figure out that this is a broader issue!

Yes I found that now when installing the latest beta from HACS instead. That seems to solve it for me. Thanks :slight_smile:

By the way, the zones thing, is that the Rooms in Ajax, or is that something completely different?

Were you ever able to use the SIA integration with the ATS1000? I am looking to do the same to help my parents with their system but I would like to know if someone was able to get it to work before trying to mess up with their system.

I would love to get this working, so turn on the logging especially for the package (pysiaalarm) and let me know, if possible on github! Both logging and github links are in this thread multiple times.


still no news on the addition of information in SIA events that we can view on HA event bus ? (for Ajax)

Yeah, I have that working for me with a Template sensor, just replace with the port and account (case sensitive) your system uses:

    - platform: event
      event_type: sia_event_<port>_<account>
        code: "RP"
    - name: "Ajax Alarm Last Heartbeat"
      state: "{{trigger.event.data.timestamp}}"
      device_class: timestamp
      unit_of_measurement: ISO8611
      icon: mdi:alarm-panel

The code is one of the fields in the event_data, if you use the dev panel event to listen for that event_type you can see which other fields it sends back, the state of my sensor I’ve set to the timestamp, but off course you can add other info there, with full jinja syntax, based on the trigger data.