Ajax alarm system

Maybe this post could help you? see above Feb 23, 9:17am

Tried a bunch of ports, no luck at all :frowning:

So a couple of very basic questions:

Should I be seeing the port I set in the integration config now be open on my HA box (it’s not)?

How do I get the device ID? Is it displayed on the Ajax hub itself or do I just make ones up hub side and ensure it matches in the integration config?


Hello Ronan,
In Ajax app choose SIA DC-09 protocol
DeviceID is the one you set in Account (anything you’d like)
And choose any port that is available on your HA box.
Do the same on HA side, you should be ready with that.

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Thank you Kolia!

Turns out it was on me all along, was picking a privileged port :man_facepalming:

Can anyone help me understand what I need to do to get proper states?

I have 2 rooms (zones I guess) and 1 hub. Both show “unknown” and also the last code shows RP, which I don’t know what it means, because I couldn’t find it in the SIA code pages from Ajax.

EDIT: Well, it seems RP is the state when the Alarm is not Armed Away or Armed in Night Mode. Curious why it says Unknown, but I guess this might be a trivial state implementation, because with the Alarm card, it shows properly Disarm.

Is there a way to integrate Space Control + D1 Mini using the current integration or Alarm Card? If anyone did it, please share. Next week I will be soldering something :slight_smile:

Follow these instructions, I did it with success: space control

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Have this a go [Ajax alarm system - #442 by jb567](uses the same instructions as @koila, but with a little more)

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so RP is a basically the heartbeat message in the SIA protocol, so that is just the system telling the listener (HA) that it is online. Once a alarm state is changed it will show up as other then unknown (and that new state is kept across reboots of HA), so turning the alarm on/off/night/triggered should lead to a update of the state.

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Thanks for the explanation and for kolia and JB for their pointers!

Today I woke-up with the state as “Unknown”. I have Night Mode automated (entering at 23:59 and exiting at 6:59).

Looking at the last timestamp, it matches (UTC to UTC+1 right now due to Summer Time). What would be the reason to be in state “Unknown”?


EDIT: I’ve just confirmed via the Ajax SIA codes table that NO is tied to “Night mode deactivated automatically”. So, it would be expected that the Alarm state would be “Disarmed”.

Is this the reason for it to stay as “unknown”?

EDIT: Its easy to repro. Not even need the automated schedule to kick in. Just click Night Mode in the Ajax App to arm, and then click again Night Mode to disarm.

EDIT 2: So, NP or NO end up in “unknown” state.

EDIT 3: Someway, somehow, the Ajax entities came back to “unknown” and based on the code, after night mode arm and disarm (automated), it goes back to “unknown”. I’ve manually armed and disarmed the alarm, and then restarted HA to see if it would pick up an “unknown” state again, but it didn’t.
I’m unsure why the “unknown” state came back, which then eventually created this chain reaction of being used by “previous_state” conditions…

EDIT 4: What is the rationale behind the “PREVIOUS_STATE” condition? Why are they not “STATE_ALARM_DISARMED”? Is it because Night Mode overlays conditions like “STATE_ALARM_ARMED_AWAY”?!?

What version of HA are you running?

Indeed the behaviour is that night mode can be set from armed away or from disarmed and it needs to revert, what should work is disarming the system (causing a O-code) and then arming night. I’ve been thinking about setting the default to DISARMED but haven’t had time to make that change.

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@kolia Home Assistant Core 2022.6.7

@eavanvalkenburg , as suspected :slight_smile: Thanks for confirming.

HA and SIA codes apart, I already had a suspicious that Ajax would overlay night mode even when the alarm was manually armed.
Personally, I do not like this, because it diminishes the overall security of my setup.
I have an Ajax camera in the hall, that I disable while in Night Mode. That naturally I do not want it to be disabled when I manually set it in Armed Away (which happens once Night Mode kicks in).

Today I soldered a D1 Mini to the Space Control and tomorrow will configure it so that I can automate the Alarm via HA. This will allow me to ignore Night Mode if the alarm is already Armed Away, effectively overcoming the previous referenced issue. Still, I don’t know why HA Ajax entities state went back to unknown (couldn’t repro it).

Update 1: I’ve connected the D1 Mini + Space Control to the computer and add it to my ESPHome. Was about to configure it, and decided to change the current fob config, which had the long press setting enabled, back to the default.
While doing it, the center red light was blinking and I was unsure if the actual config change was applied. Decided to un-pair and re-pair the fob, to see if it was a mere association issue. Guess what? :slight_smile: I don’t have the QRCode anymore, and I don’t see any ID or QRCode inside the fob casing… LOL…
For those that opened their fob, do you have a QRCode inside the casing?

Update 2: Was able to find the original box with the QRCode :slight_smile:

It seems with the last version 2022.7 SIA integration is not working.

Any information or solution on it?

Same for me…updated core a few minutes ago, Ajax integration dead

hi guys, please report an issue in the HA core issues with logs etc. otherwise I can’t troubleshoot, make sure to include which Ajax OS Malevich you are running, I saw some other people who had upgrade that to 2.13 and that caused issues when used with encryption, if you encounter that make sure to also reach out and share the logs with Ajax, I am still on 2.12 and just upgrade my HA to 2022.7 and all works so not sure where the issue is without logs!

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Mine is working just fine. No issues. Just tested it and it armed the alarm in night mode, sync’ed the state and dashboards and entities where properly updated.

p.s. I have 2022.7 also.

p.s.2. While looking at the logs, I noticed a warning about the new format for alarm_control_panel. Read the HA article and changed my config.yaml to this:

    state_topic: ajax/alarmstate
    command_topic: ajax/alarm
    payload_arm_away: arm_zone1
    payload_arm_night: arm_zone1_night
    payload_disarm: disarm_zone1
    qos: 1

No more warnings :slight_smile:

What Malevich OS are you running? Are you using encryption? Thanks

Are you receiving information from the Ajax alarm via MQTT? How did you do that? I have so far only integrated through SIA. Has Malevich implemented MQTT support?