Amcrest video doorbell AD110 initial impressions

Not that I’ve heard, and I’ve had no luck. When listening to ALL amcrest/ad410 events and sending a quick response via the SH app, no events are detected. The API extensions for SmartHome communications haven’t been publicly documented either.

So it’s a mystery for now what the mechanism is.

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Thanks for the response @GaryOkie, appreciated! Hopefully it can be figured out, would be a handy feature! Trying all I can to avoid having to use the awful Amcrest app :joy:

Sorry, less HA and more just doorbell, but do you guys get a snapshot in the event list in the Smart Home app when someone rings the doorbell? We don’t really use this doorbell often it’s more just for the camera POV… so I kinda ignored it for awhile… but was curious if it was worth looking into. I’m pretty sure I have occasionally got an image, but not at all recently.

My Android SH app (for AD410) is showing thumbnails in the event list just fine. Don’t think it matters, but I do have “push notification thumbnail” turned off. (I’m also sending snapshots with a link to recorded video via Telegram to our phones so my reliance on the SH app is mainly limited to answering the doorbell, which is quite rare).

How are you sending the snapshots? I’d like to include that in my HA!

You will need an integration that can provide push notifications with the ability to include pictures. I’m using Telegram. There are several other integrations that can do this - PushBullet and the HASS Companion to name a few.

Creating local snapshots is simply done with the camera.snapshot service.

Until we can send quick responses via home assistant I’ll need to use the app on my iphone,
Has anyone been able to change the orientation when getting a ‘call’ on the ios app? for some ridiculous reason when I answer it forces landscape mode and stretches the picture distorting it, truly rubbish.

I wonder about that too, any success?

Afraid not! Hopefully someone can figure that piece out, it’d be really useful!

is it possible to detect the button press in HA for this doorbell?

welcome to the bottom of the thread. Several posts earlier…

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It seems the latest Amcrest integration now exposes this, but I haven’t upgraded yet. This is what I currently use:

- trigger:
    - platform: event
      event_type: amcrest
        event: CallNoAnswered
          action: Start
    - platform: state
      entity_id: binary_sensor.doorbell_rang
      to: "off"
    name: Doorbell Rang
    icon: "{{ (trigger.platform == 'event') | iif('mdi:bell-ring-outline', 'mdi:bell-outline') }}"
    state: "{{ trigger.platform == 'event' }}"
      seconds: 5

Otherwise, use the Dahua integration as suggested.

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It seems the latest Amcrest integration now exposes this (button press).

Well, it did very briefly. The PR to expose the doorbell press event (edit: as a binary_sensor) was initially approved and merged. However, it was then noticed by a different reviewer that it violated a rule that no integration that require NEW YAML config updates can be implemented, so this update was quickly reverted. See: New amcrest binary sensor to monitor doorbell button by PanicRide · Pull Request #66302 · home-assistant/core · GitHub

Incidentally, a previous update to add the crossline detection event as a binary_sensor with a corresponding YAML requirement did get approved. Apparently the reviewer wasn’t aware of this rule and it snuck by.

Thanks for posting how the doorbell event can be transformed to a binary_sensor via a template. I would point out that instead of using a binary_sensor, the relatively new “Button” integration would be a bit better since it doesn’t need to be turned on, then off.

Thanks for that feedback – good to know. I suppose the maintainer(s) will need to implement config flow (via the UI for setting up the integration) first, before these new features can be added. I kind of assumed no additional config would be needed to get this new sensor.

I could be missing something. The button would be to action something, not to monitor it, right? Would you want to ring the doorbell from HA? In my case, I’m using the binary sensor based on the event to send a notification (and in future do more things, such as displaying the camera feed on an Apple TV).

Hi Pieter, You are correct. I had thought that a template event trigger could change the state of a button entity, but it cannot. As the doc states “The button entities cannot be implemented manually, but can be provided by other integrations”.

Yes, we really need for the Amcrest integration to implement UI config flow to be able to add new features. However, what if the previous PR for button press that was reverted was changed to create a button entity rather than a binary_sensor? I don’t think a config change would even be needed if that was created automatically for the AD110/AD410. I’ll tag @PanicRide here to see what he thinks.

The new button entity type is used to add push buttons in the UI for triggering things. They’re not meant to monitor the status of physical buttons which are effectively just momentary switches. We still need binary sensors to monitor those.

Theoretically, it could be possible to add the new binary sensor without a config change, but I don’t know how to do it myself. I imagine it could be created dynamically the first time the event is seen, but it would be annoying to have the entity disappear until the first time the doorbell is pressed after every HA restart. If the model number is available from the API, perhaps it could be hard-coded somehow???

Either way, I’m not the person to do that at this time. The pull request was my very first potential contribution because it was simple. The integration already monitored for other events based on the config, so it was just a matter of copying what those other sensors did. Overhauling the integration to support tests and config flow is way beyond what I’m capable of doing so far, sadly.

I’m curious if the current amcrest integration owner would comment on the feasibility of those changes, but I don’t know how to tag him outside of github. 🤷

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(Sorry for accidentally deleting my previous post)

I am wondering if this method of getting playback videos is still valid or is the api for getting cam playback deprecated. I know the videos are getting stored on the SD card but I cant seem to access them via VLC. Realtime video via RTSP is working fine. Im on firmware 1.000.00AC006.0.R.200922

Does anyone know how I can turn on the flood light of the Amcrest AD410 via Home-Assistant?

The AD410 doesn’t have a flood light, unless you mean that tiny LED that shines below that Amcrest refers to as a “deterrent light”. With the Amcrest integration, it can only be controlled through CGI API calls, but with the custom Dahua integration, support was added for this feature last Christmas.

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Yes that light is what I meant. I should have called it a puddle light like what is found on our cars now a day.

[Edit] I can confirm that the Dahua integration worked and exposed many more options for the Amcrest AD410 doorbell. Now if there was only a way I could link in a SIP server like Asterik or FreePBX then this would be the perfect doorbell.

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