For a few weeks now I have been missing all values in the DarkSky widget. They all show up in HA fine. Is there something that changed?
install winSCP and you wont have that problem
Works fine for me - are you getting any JavaScript errors?
Not that I know of. Is there some where I can look to see if there is any errors?
You need to find the JavaScript console for your browser - they are all different but you should be able to google it.
Oh - I didn’t realise you could enter commands from winscp - I’ve just been using it as a glorified file browser for the places my samba config won’t take me.
I had that problem but I am not sure if it is exactly the same. There was a thread a few weeks ago where a few people found dark sky was going over the daily quota - I didn’t find the cause but I’ve set mine to only check every half hour which fixed it. @rpitera found his key had been compromised.
- platform: darksky
api_key: !secret forecast_io_api_key
update_interval: '00:30'
I was thinking that to but all the values are showing up in HA.
I think you might be missing one of the sensor types - what do you have configured?
2017-04-16 07:52:41.330991 INFO hello_world: Hello from AppDaemon
2017-04-16 07:52:41.335123 INFO hello_world: You are now ready to run Apps!
2017-04-16 07:52:41.335498 INFO App initialization complete
2017-04-16 07:52:41.433894 WARNING Disconnected from Home Assistant, retrying in 5 seconds
Any Idea why I am getting This
ha_url =
ha_key = XXXXXX
logfile = STDOUT
errorfile = STDERR
threads = 10
cert_path =
dash_url =
dash_dir = /home/pi/appdaemon_dashboard/appdaemon/conf/dashboards
# Apps
module = hello
class = HelloWorld
Cert Path?
# DarkSky Weather
- platform: darksky
api_key: my key
- wind_bearing
- cloud_cover
- hourly_summary
- daily_summary
- temperature
- humidity
- precip_probability
- precip_intensity
- wind_speed
- pressure
- wind_bearing
- apparent_temperature
- icon
Comment out cert path if you are not using it. Also, you can try running with -D DEBUG
for more info.
I am using letsencrpt would that cause a fail
NO, letsencrypt is fine and you don;t need the cert_path for that.
Can you try it without the custom skin?
commands directly not. but editing files is very easy with it.
just find the file and double click.
i also love it because you can see the filerights and manipulate them very easy.
Trying it now…I have been have fits with this probably my fault…old and cranky…lol
yes. same thing.
commented it out now shows no connection…where do i put the -d