Any Support for Midea A/C?

Any clue about the update with fan workaround?
I think that the problem is in the base command that triggers the fan mode, I can’t find the previous mentioned code with chinese comments.
I’ve also tried to grab data from the android apps (Nethome Plus and Midea Air) but I can’t understand the query-response. It seems that there is a plain-text query to with: applianceId, src, format, sign, stamp, language, sessionId, funId, order. I think that the command is the latest one but I can’t decode/understand that and/or relate this tho the known base command.

It seem’s that my modified lib solves the update-fan-issue in midea-ac-lib, now I’m trying to get it work in HA. here the repo

UPDATE: moved to LAN readings with fake cloud, the midea-ac-lib modification made works on HA (to do that, I’ve directly modified the py file in hass venv) but after while I start getting the unauthorized message (too many connection by hour to the cloud).

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Hi @mac_zhou , hope you’re doing fine!

I just realized that when I restart HASS from the web interface I get the following errors:

Oct 08 20:27:35 microserver hass[26526]: Traceback (most recent call last):
Oct 08 20:27:35 microserver hass[26526]:   File "/srv/homeassistant/lib/python3.8/site-packages/homeassistant/helpers/", line 278, in async_update_ha_state
Oct 08 20:27:35 microserver hass[26526]:     await self.async_device_update()
Oct 08 20:27:35 microserver hass[26526]:   File "/srv/homeassistant/lib/python3.8/site-packages/homeassistant/helpers/", line 469, in async_device_update
Oct 08 20:27:35 microserver hass[26526]:     await self.async_update()  # type: ignore
Oct 08 20:27:35 microserver hass[26526]:   File "/home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/custom_components/midea_ac/", line 114, in async_update
Oct 08 20:27:35 microserver hass[26526]:     await self.hass.async_add_executor_job(self._device.refresh)
Oct 08 20:27:35 microserver hass[26526]:   File "/srv/homeassistant/lib/python3.8/site-packages/homeassistant/", line 350, in async_add_executor_job
Oct 08 20:27:35 microserver hass[26526]:     task = self.loop.run_in_executor(None, target, *args)
Oct 08 20:27:35 microserver hass[26526]:   File "/usr/lib/python3.8/asyncio/", line 775, in run_in_executor
Oct 08 20:27:35 microserver hass[26526]:     executor.submit(func, *args), loop=self)
Oct 08 20:27:35 microserver hass[26526]:   File "/usr/lib/python3.8/concurrent/futures/", line 179, in submit
Oct 08 20:27:35 microserver hass[26526]:     raise RuntimeError('cannot schedule new futures after shutdown')
Oct 08 20:27:35 microserver hass[26526]: RuntimeError: cannot schedule new futures after shutdown

Do you think you can take a look on that?
Thank you.

Hi been trying to read through the 1.2 million posts here to add midea heatpump to home assistant and have a huge headache. :slight_smile:
Can someone point me to the latest and easiest way to get this working


Hi there,

Did spend a couple of hours trying to integrate my Midea AC with Home Assistant but it seems like I’m out of luck.

I’m using the WiFi Pen CE-SK103 and running the midea-discover command is returning my AC unit as “unsupported”.

INFO:msmart.cli:Midea Local Data 837000b8200f04015a5a0111a8007a80000000000000000000000000ba460000001d00000000000000000000000000003c5172d3d0a4df844ee8df64f035a7fe64e10262e80db9f1f6aa496389544fd6eca23a289a63df94c3329e3b9fec32def646686eec66b7b29f616b9c4bcbee4c55fd6e01d5cd6102e942d91d7c28c18790b13be000894715b606127e07c2fecff31443d17c3aac03a7656614ae1dca44458727958a779ee5e6fbb540f6db8302dfa542a14e63271e56d829714f7d5ba5
INFO:msmart.cli:Decrypt Reply: 8601a8c02c19000030303030303050303030303030305131353032444242354233343338303030300b6e65745f61635f333433380000000001000000040000000000ac00000000000000502dbb5b3438069fcd0300080103010000000000000000000000000000000000000000
INFO:msmart.lan:Couldn't connect with Device
INFO:msmart.cli:*** Found a unsupported device - type: '0xac' - version: V3 - ip: - port: 6444 - id: MY_ID - sn: MY_SERIAL - ssid: net_ac_3438

Still, I did install and configure the HA component found here and my unit is correctly listed on HA entities, but the AC state is wrong and sending commands don’t do anything.

Is there anything I can do to fix this or it’s simply not supported yet? Any extra information I could provide to help?


Looks like it is finally working!
It is awaiting the pull-request into esphome
but you can already obtain it here

Thanks Mac-Zhou, ReneKlootwijk, SergeyDudanov, Fraschi for awesome collaboration.
(it already works, but development still ongoing to support more models and functions)

I’ve secured all info in a new topic here:

Great, ty all for you hard work. Can you please provide some info on how to test it ?? (download the repo and add it as custom component) ?

From Fraschi:
Easyest way to use ESP home integration is (assuming python and pip already installed):

pip install --upgrade git+

esphome yamlfile.yaml run

example yaml:

# Example configuration entry

  name: mideahvac
  platform: ESP8266
  board: esp01_1m

  ssid: "mywifissid"
  password: "mywifipassword!"

  # Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails
    ssid: "Midea-Hvac Fallback Hotspot"
    password: "53416ef6123"

# Enable Home Assistant API


# Disable logging over UART
  baud_rate: 0

  tx_pin: 1
  rx_pin: 3
  baud_rate: 9600


  name: "Midea AC"
  beeper: true

see also:


Thank you very much :slight_smile:

Sorry guys,
I feel I may need some more info on the development of this.
So, I’m actually using the USB Wifi for my Midea-like AC (it’s a Giatsu but the Midea integration works with it).
I managed to get the ID of my split (splits actually, as I got two) but most of the times it’s offline (also in the nethome plus app).
What I want to do is to get rid of the wifi dongle itself and use a CC2531 instead (I use another CC2531 as coordinator already).
I read a user said some months ago they managed to do it. Any info about this?
The CC2531 would be an extremely cheap and available alternative (it costs around 3.5€ at the moment).
What do you reckon?

This uses a ESP01 dongle, over wifi;
So it doesn’t use cloud nor zigbee nor RF433

my ESP01 + voltage converter was a whopping €2.38 :yum:

Hey @aceindy,
Thanks a lot for the info!

So, if I got this right, I should buy an ESP01 dongle AND a voltage converter.
Would something like this be what I need?

Or maybe you can share a link to get both items?

Thanks a lot! :slight_smile:

Oh, the esp01 alone was €2.81…sorry abt that…total was €4.35…
ESP8266 ESP-01 WIFI Transceiver Wireless Module With Adapter Module

And you can also go fancy by ordering the pcb’s made by Dudanov and Klootwijk (follow links on previous posts)

@aceindy Thanks a lot!

I’m very bad at components and stuff but I suppose this is the same and would work fine (the 3rd choice):

Also, how do I program it? Sorry for the questions but I’m really new to all this.

Whenever you confirm me, I’ll buy it :slight_smile:

Thanks again!

Hmm, I never managed to get the ESP01 into programming mode with that USB dongle;
I used this one: USB Serial Adapter CH340G 5V/3.3V USB to TTL-UART to program it.
And is how I connected it for programming:

And the AC itself doesn’t use USB (even though it uses an USB connector), so you cannot use the programmer adapter there either, you need the 5V/3.3V Adapter.
So mine looks like this (my A/C was both equipped with USB as well as header plug, so I could choose)

PS:If I understood Rene Klootwijk correctly, you can order them pre-assembled, have a look here

(I just did some reading on the USB serial port adapter, and it looks like you can use it for programming, but it requires some modifications:

Also available on YouTube

@aceindy Thanks a lot for all the info once again, hugely appreciated :slight_smile:

So, to recap a bit:

  • Since I have two AC splits, I can buy two sets of the ones I posted in my previous comment + one extra ESP8266 to use as programmer.

  • I make one ESP8266 a programmer for the ESP-01.
    I found another video explaining how to join the pins to make it a programmer (no need for a button to toggle, given the price of the board, I prefer to have an extra ESP8266 just for programming :slight_smile: ):

  • Once I have the little “programmer” ESP8266 ready, I can connect it to the PC to program both ESP-01.
    What will I need to do that? What tool (I’m on windows 10)? What file?

  • Once I’m done programming both ESP-01, since I do have a female USB plug in the AC (something like this:, I understand I can plug the ESP-01 into the ESP8266 (the original one, not the “programmer” one) and the ESP8266 into the female USB plug of my air conditioner.

  • At that point, I would need to configure it in Home assistant

As you can see, I still have doubts about the tool/files I need to use to program the ESP-01 and if I will indeed have to plug the whole thing (ESP-01+ESP8266) to the AC female USB plug.

Thank you once again for your patience and time (I will write a guide in ES and IT once everything is working fine on my end, I promise).

I’ve been reading the ESPHome guide and, if I got it right, that should actually answer my questions from above:

  1. The tool to flash the ESP-01 is, in my case, the ESPHome plugin in Home Assistant itself.
  2. What to flash in the ESP-01 comes directly from the configuration I use in ESPHome, that is basically pushed to the plugged USB by selecting the Upload option in the WebUI.

Am I right?


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2 x ESP8266 Serial Wi-Fi Wireless ESP-01 Adapter Module 3.3V 5V
2 x ESP8266 ESP-01 Remote Serial Port (with the earlier posted modification for programming)
1 x ESP01 Programmer Adapter UART

Normally ‘programming’ would be done from the ESPHome add-on

But unfortunately, the MideaAC pull request did not make it into the main git repository yet.
So until it makes it into the ESPHome addon, you’ll have to compile the required binaries manually (I also used W10) and flash it on the com-port assigned to ESP8266 ESP-01 Remote Serial Port
An example of the configuration yaml you find here.

cd c:\workshop\esphome

pip install esphome
pip install esphomeflasher
pip install --upgrade git+

esphome mideahvac.yaml wizard
esphome mideahvac.yaml compile


using the compiled C:\_workshop\esphome\mideahvac\.pioenvs\mideahvac\firmware.bin


Assuming you already installed python :wink:

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@kokuo81 do not use the usb male plug of the 8266, but use the voltage converter 3.3/5v…
(remember, the ac uses a usb connector, but is is not using the usb standard :thinking:)

Hey @aceindy,

It’s almost everything clear now :slight_smile:

I’ve already put in my cart the following:

2x (option with ESP-01)
2x (just the ESP adapter, put 2 in case I do disasters while soldering the mod with one of them)

With the time I have to wait for them to arrive and the xmas break, I’m pretty sure the MideaAC pull request will be implemented into the main rep once I’m ready and all set up, so I will probably use the “programmer” embedded in the EASPHome.

Remaining doubts:

  1. Why should I mod the ESP-01 if I already mod the ESP8266 to program it?
  2. I will check if I have the other cable to connect to the AC but in case I don’t, what cable should I buy?

Thank you a billion and sorry for all the (probably dumb) questions!

  1. Only the programmers hardware is modified (to put it into programming mode).
  2. Any USB cable will do (i cut off the connector on one side)

ps, very confusing that the terms esp01, esp8266, serial programmer seems to be mixed up everywhere…

so to be clear

and to program it
1x image
or with soldered links to put it into programming mode

And asking questions is never dumb…people not asking them stay dumb :wink: