Thanks but not exactly what I am looking for. I would like to have ‘conditional’ coloring but it was already a long shot. With your solution I can at least color the ‘limit’ red
issue seems to be with Chrome and Firefox. On Edge the graphs are displaying correctly
I’ve already got an entity which calculates the average value, how can i add the following sensor to your vertical stack. Because removing - ‘y’: ${average} and change to - ‘y’: ${sensor.nordpool_today_average} wont work.
Do not change anything in the Apexcharts card, but try it with this:
type: vertical-stack
- type: custom:config-template-card
entities: sensor.nordpool
average: states['sensor.nordpool_today_average']
type: custom:apexcharts-card
If i add the line the apexchard is gone, when i remove state i see the following without the correct value at the moment
This is silly…
Replace the variable “average:” “states[‘sensor.nordpool_today_average’]” and change it in eg. “48”
Now you should see a line on 48.0
If not, then you have to check if everything is properly copied from my example.
type: vertical-stack
- type: custom:config-template-card
entities: sensor.nordpool
average: 48 # change this
type: custom:apexcharts-card
does anyone know if its planned to implement
reverseData: true
horizontalBars: true
So that i can have hours top to bottom with data values going from left to right ?
I’ve rebooted the nas and it works fine now, thanks!
I have 2 questions;
How do I configure the vertical gridlines.
And is it possible to get 2 entities in the same place (column).
See my post above with windmolens as a background. It has a brief grid section and also covers stacked columns. More info for all options can be found here
I could make horizontal bar (column), but I still can’t figure out the rests, like swapping Y and X entities.
Hopefully someone else knows.
horizontal: true
columnWidth: 80%
enabled: true
textAnchor: middle
enabled: true
offsetY: -12
fontSize: 12px```
starting to use ApexCharts. Spend a lot time in the thread and with searching.
Can someone help we.
Can I increase the textsize of the current states:
Thank you
How to use if then else in a formatter function? The below code works, but some of the data value might be not available / undefined, so the tooltip will display NaN.
I want to catch that NaN, and convert it to 0.
Anyone can help?
enabled: true
format: MMM dd
formatter: |
EVAL:function(value) {
let text = parseFloat(value).toFixed(3);
let result = text.replace(".", ",")+" m3";
return result;
SOLVED the issue by adding fill: zero in the group_by:
- entity: sensor.helper_gas_consumption
type: column
float_precision: 3
fill_raw: zero
fill: zero
func: last
duration: 1d
Then catch the value in the datalabels formatter:
enabled: true
formatter: |
EVAL:function(value) {
if (value == 0) {
return " ";
return value;
@Lunkobelix I solved the yaxis stacked max auto by adding this code:
forceNiceScale: true
min: 0
max: |
EVAL: function(max) { return max }
Unfortunately, that’s not what I mean, what you have is stacked vertically
Sorry for digging up such an old post, but I’m browsing throughout the forum to increase my knowledge on Apex, and see that you are able to combine bars and line with the line in front of the bar.
Can you please share config of that card (if you still have it), so I can see the magic that I’ve missed
Thanks @Kertz1954 for your link but the situation is as follows;
i have 4 entities;
- Sun,
- own use,
- consumption (net) and
- production (net)
There is always either consumption or production.
So I want consumption and production as stacked column.
And “sun” and “own use” in a normal column.
Is that possible?
Unfortunately you cannot have a mixture of stacked or not stacked in the same chart.
I also believe you are looking for a horizontal type column/bar chart based on your previous reply to my earlier response.
This is not supported with the current version of the Home Assistant ApexCharts card.
I guess that is true:
- if you have recorder set to purge 7days,
- and your sensor is not configured as long term statistics.
You can configure your template-senors as long term statistics, and then get long term data stored.
I have configured a bunch which I’ve used custom history explorer card to show, but now looking to dive into a Apex hole as well