I really like and appreciate the flexibility of ApexCharts and its implementation in HA.
However, I’m severely struggling with the shared tooltip once combining entities with “normal” sensor readings (like actual PV solar production) with those populated by the data_generator function (for getting forecast values from an entity’s attributes.
But only one data point is shown as soon as I add the PV forecast data (read from attributes):
letting the data_generator push the forecast values in shorter intervals (repeating hourly value 60-120 times per hour → for getting one value per minute and also for every 30th second returned)
changing the generated data to UTC time format
None worked. I assume that there is some kind of misalignment - either on the time scale (which I doubt though, as the sensor values carry different millisecond timestamps each as well), or in format.
Does anyone have an idea where I could look for the error next?
Documentation can be updated by creating a fork from the github, modifying it and sending those back as a Pull Request … but if not known to github stuff this is not the easiest and that is imo also the reason wh a lot of doc remain untouched.
Hi all,
just startet with Apex charts. I created a bar chart that shows me per day for different power ranges for how long my solar panels produced in this range. I am trying to improve the orienatation to maximize the orientation to get above 100W for the longest time rather than a maximum power.
How can i change the time format so that it only shows hours and minutes rather than all the time until ms?
The question was not about crosshairs, but about increasing the thickness of all the horizontal grid lines, which are marked with arrows in my screenshot.
As a tip, you can start reading here for possible options (! not all will work) and then try out / search for similar things within the HA space to see if there are different annotations needed. Options (Reference) > yaxis – ApexCharts.js