Apple TV component does not work on TVos 13

That is an issue with mini-media-player: 0.107.b0+ warning · Issue #244 · kalkih/mini-media-player · GitHub

Hmm, that sounds similar to an issue from before pyatv 0.5.0. Can you verify the version that HACS installed and also that you have pyatv 0.5.0 installed (it should be the version that is installed by the component itself)?

I have tried with the media-player native in HA but no cover neither tittle is recognized when I play a music from Spotify.
It seems to be pyatv latest update (HACS give me the version « e9a6ac1 »)
HACS is v.0.23.2.

Ok, then I will need some logs to investigate further. The log points I mentioned earlier will do. Since it’s easy to reproduce I suggest that you set default log level to quiet everything else when doing this:

  default: error
    pyatv: debug
    custom_components.apple_tv: debug

Thanks for the reply …

pyatv is 0.5.0
AppleTV component is e9a6ac1 according to HACS.

Running latest HACS (0.23.2) and HomeAssistant (0.107.5)

Ok, thank you! I will have to add some additional debug logs to the component to sort this out. I’ll see if I can do.

I pushed an update with more debug logs, please update and try that. You should see some messages in the log.

Thanks for the quick efforts …

Updated the version - also updated one of the AppleTVs (not sure when that was released). Integration attempted again to both …

pyatv.exceptions.PairingError: ed25519 is not supported by this version of OpenSSL.

pyOpenSSL (19.1.0) is currently installed.

I feel bad as I’m sure this is something simple and stupid I’m missing, but again I appreciate your help.


Yeah, now I get it. I spent some time consolidating crypto libraries. Instead of using four different I ended up with only having to use one, also with the benefit of having all crypto performed in C rather than some j python (=potential performance increase). Unfortunately this led to a dependency of a newer version of OpenSSL due to lacking support in earlier versions. The python library merely wraps OpenSSL here. So the python version of the library is ok, but the underlying version of OpenSSL is not. You will have to upgrade that, which likely means that you should upgrade the entire OS version (I guess that you run an old version of raspbian?). The easiest solution is probably to run in docker instead since you will get a newer version of OpenSSL there.

So I am running OpenSSL 1.0.2 on my HomeAssistant instance. It’s running in a FreeNAS jail so the backend is FreeBSD. The FreeNAS version is 11.3 which looks like the base only supports 1.0.2 OpenSSL.

I’ll have to look into manually updating OpenSSL and let you know if I have any luck … I assume it needs to be latest stable 1.1.1?

Right, the you’ll probably have to update manually (I know very little about FreeBSD). I don’t know exactly which version is needed, it’s really hard to backtrack which release it was included in. But I would aim for the latest stable version, i.e. 1.1.1e if all other dependencies are up-to-date (that is needed to build that version).

I still do not manage to make the artwork working when I stream a media (Spotify or whatever else) from my iPhone to the Apple TV even if I am using the media-player native in Home assistant.

The logs is:
The websocket command media_player_thumbnail is deprecated. Use /api/media_player_proxy instead.
8:48:18 PM – Media player (WARNING) - message first occurred at March 25, 2020, 10:33:09 PM and shows up 21 times

As mentioned earlier, the artwork appears only when I stream something directly from my Apple TV such as a Netflix movie. Any more ideas?

I get this in my log. Do not know if there is a link with the problem above:

[GitHub returned 401 for] - Could not load HACS!
9:14:20 PM – custom_components/hacs/ (CRITICAL)

I tried it myself and indeed, no artwork (or other metadata) is available. My guess is that AirPlay manages this by itself without spilling it over to MRP. Since pyatv has very limited AirPlay support at the moment, there’s no way for me to get this information for now. But I guess it would be interesting to add support for it.

But short answer is: no, it doesn’t work.

Strange, a while ago. I will try to see when it was working for me?

I have reinstalled a 2 weeks old back up with:
Hassio 0.106.6 and Pyatv v. fc79765

And the result is that the artwork is working great!

That is interesting, great that you could find a commit! :+1: I will look into it. Can you get the logs with atvremote --debug ... playing as well? It would help me to see what is going on.

@postlund I will need you help/guidance into that (-:
What should I write in the configuration file? I have updated to Hassio 0.107.7 and the great artworks still is working in your nice pyatv integration.

With the Pyatv v. fc79765

You can do it in several ways. Are you running Home Assistant on HassOS or something else?