Aqara FP1E

Confirmed FP1E working in ZHA.

These are the entities:

I tried setting motion sensitivity to Medium (default is High) and got an error, probably a minor tweak needed in the code:

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Thanks for catching that @thermseekr, I’ve raised PR Address incorrect attribute type error when changing Aqara FP1E presence sensor motion sensitivity by jeverley · Pull Request #3598 · zigpy/zha-device-handlers · GitHub to correct this and allow changing that setting.

Let me know of any other issues, aside from that sensitivity setting everything else should be operating correctly.

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I just set one up with Z2M and am finding it to be very unreliable, meaning it will frequently (at least every day) completely freeze in some state and no longer update until I reset it by pulling the power.

For example, I have it in a living room and when I leave the room at night to go to bed, it will change to show no motion/presence/distance but when I come into the room in the morning it will stay in this state and not change at all.
Or sometimes when I am in the room and can see the state updating as I move around (or stop moving), after a few hours I’ll see that it is stuck in a certain state e.g. it shows presence and movement with a certain distance, and even if I leave the room for some time it remains stuck in this state. Again, the only way I’ve found to get it to work again is a power cycle.

Has anyone else experienced this?

edit: also, z2m shows errors in the logs with timeouts sending commands to the device, which explains why hitting the “restart device” button doesn’t work:

z2m: Publish 'set' 'restart_device' to 'Living Room Presence Sensor' failed: 'Error: ZCL command 0x54ef441000db40e1/1 manuSpecificLumi.write({"232":{"value":0,"type":16}}, {"timeout":10000,"disableResponse":false,"disableRecovery":false,"disableDefaultResponse":true,"direction":0,"reservedBits":0,"manufacturerCode":4447,"writeUndiv":false}) failed (Timeout - 5018 - 1 - 123 - 64704 - 4 after 10000ms)'

Is there any way to expose the spatial learning in ZHA?

You can use the “Presence status reset” button to trigger this, make sure to do it whilst you’re out of the room.


Thanks to everyone who shared their experiences with this device so far. :beers:

At first, I assumed this was only using their “app”.

I don’t use any "app"s, I’m very interested in what can be accomplished in HA / Z2M only (without any vendor “app” nor cloud).

Later I found this post:

Pretty sure I am looking at “spatial learning” right there in the Z2M interface! Thanks for posting this, exactly the information I was looking for! :beers:

I am not sure how much experience you have with these mmWave devices, but often they require some initial fine-tuning. Once dialed in however, they can become very accurate.

I also can’t help but wonder if ZHA are behind Z2M (per usual) in terms of how much functionality (in particular, settings) have been implemented.

In my mind “timeout” implies issue with your Zigbee network (although I suppose it could be the device). Do you have a generally strong mesh, lots of routers, followed recommendations (channel, etc.) whilst building it out?

I am not trying to imply you don’t know what you are doing. It’s just that I have been On a quest to find the “perfect” mmWave device and currently very interested in this one. So just trying to determine if it’s the device or other factors perhaps.

I had at first discounted this device because of the 2 negative reports immediately above, but now circling back as it seems easier to get here in US (available on Amazon) than FP1 (which was only ever released in China AFAIK). Maybe I need to buy one and test for myself.

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Thanks. I actually seem to have found the issue and forgot to update my post. I had the FP1E plugged into a multiport USB adapter that supports USB PD. I moved it to a standard, basic, single USB A port 5V/1A adapter and this issue has disappeared, so I believe that was the cause. Basically just be careful of what you’re powering it with and what power it’s being fed.

Does make me really wish that it had a USB C port on it though, rather than a hard wired cable terminated in USB A.

I got a couple of these today, I tried to pair with z2m, which it did, configured and confirmed supported. However about 15 seconds later the device left the network, I tried to repair and the same thing happens. I hooked up my old USB Sonoff coordinator and setup ZHA and then paired via that and it works fine. Has anyone else had issues with z2m? I’ve just pair a door sensor to it and that works fine, so appears to be isolated to the FP1E. I’d rather only have 1 coordinator, I moved to the SLZ06 because it’s network based and connects better when I restart my VM.

I’ve paired the second one to z2m and it stayed, however all the sensors are unknown, so not actually doing anything.

This is giving me the urge to go re-unbox and set mine up :joy: :muscle:

I got mine paired via ZHA. It appears to have basic motion and presence capabilities. I’m going to do more research and see if someone comes up with an interface to access more of the features.

Have mine also set up via ZHA. Have been experimenting a few days with it and so far I must say I’m impressed

So far so good with the native ZHA integration.

Bought both the FP2 and FP1E and 100% agree with you. The FP2 needs a lot of configuring, sees a half open door as a person. You can configure the ‘dead zones’ but why they hell should that even be necessary, the FP1E doesn’t make mistakes like this and seems to work really well.


Is there a trick to getting the FP1E working in ZHA? I’m running 2025.1.2 and I’ve just paired the device. Whilst it was detected fine, the only entities I get are Diagnostics (Identify, LQI, RSSI)

I am sure you did this but did you try rebooting Home Assistant?

I did a service restart rather than a full reboot, no joy though unfortunately. I’ll try giving it a reboot later and see if that helps. Thanks

I wonder if it will ever be possible to enable AI Learning on the FP1E via HA?

Looks like this is down to $30 with a coupon. Going to order one to try it out.

Not quite a sweetener in the UK - dropped to £40 again which is the price I last bought one

@Kesna If you’re using ZHA you can trigger the AI spatial learning using the ‘Presence status reset’ button.
This should be done when no one is in the room so that the device learns what ‘empty’ looks like.