I have a QNAP NAS that can run both virtual machines as well as docker and LXC containers. I also have a RaspberryPi 3B+ with an attached standard 7" Pi touchscreen. I am using the GPIO on this Pi to attach some I2C bus sensors but would also like to use the touchscreen as the main user interface.
It looks like there are a stack of installation options for HASS and I am looking for some direction on the best way to setup my system. i.e. should I:
- use the HASSIO OS on the Pi (seems to have no flexibility outside of the portal)
- run homeassistant docker containers on the Pi under the Raspian OS
- run docker containers on my NAS and communicate with the Pi GPIO remotely. I want to use Node-Red integrated with Homeassistant so would need to install the Supervisor version
Any direction would be appreciated.