Perhaps a good idea to add some short explanation in the app on what the difference is between WiFi and GPS tracking mode. I forgot what the difference is and can’t immediately find it
Also are Period and Position settings working together? E.g.
period: 15min
position: 300m
Is every 15min the position checked and updated
If some API tells Ariela that the position has changed 300m, the update is sent
every 15min the position is checked, if changed more than 300m the update is sent
I noticed I now have 2 entities for my phone, any ideas why? Seems like the _2 is the one that is being updated. Strange thing is, in the entity registry, only the _2 is shown…
Is camera support working now?
I have a camera that refuses to show up in Ariela and not sure if only specific camera types are supported?
P.s absolutely amazing work on this app, every half year/year i’d check in to see what client apps were available for HA and end up uninstalling them all because they weren’t quite good enough. Ariela is the first & only one that has managed to stay.
You mean camera’s from HA or camera from phone that register via mqtt to HA?
If you had / have problems with camera from HA, just send me the Ariela logs and i will check out. Thank you.
I am having an issue with the app not reporting that I am home. I am connected to my home wifi which I have set, also the map shows me at my house, I assume that’s using GPS location. Any ideas?
Hi, thanks for your hard work with this app! I’m wondering how I can display these history graphs? I have a standard lovelace history card to show watts from a smart plug. it doesn’t display on the main screen, or even when I click the entity itself for more detailed info.
In the zones menu, when the dropdown is ‘open’ I am unable to see the text, when opening the dropdown and holding the arrow icon to open it, you can see it though (see screenshots below).
I used the dark theme from within Ariela, Settings > UI > Theme
Currently it is set to default (the screenshots I have taken are with the default theme). Is this correct then? I don’t believe the menus should be black when the theme is set to default, or should they?
You also have dark (black theme) enabled in your phone which was enabled from phone settings.
LE: i will add a method that will not going to use system theme in the Ariela.