Australia - Electrically Certified Hardware

You guys have it made. If I search mitre10 NZ website for “smart connect” I get garden hose connectors!

This is only a relatively new phenomenon for us… 6 months ago you couldn’t find anything to buy.

Not necessarily.
I can’t speak for @rowdybeans but my towel rail is rated at 40W
Assuming it runs 24hours a day for 6 months ( because… Summer ) and you pay $0.3/ kwh, the running cost would be $52/ year.

Now you add smarts to the heater and switch it so it only runs 12 hours a day, you’re saving $26/ year.

Factor in the cost of installation, let’s say $100 + the cost of the switch, and you’re looking at a five year payback.

If it’s SOLELY being done to save money, look elsewhere.

Assuming it’s tuya based, you’re best bet is using tuya convert.

Good tutorial here :

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The code to get it to work was similar to the zemismart

I’m not sure if mine has newer firmware or something, but it was unrecognized by zigbe2mqtt
If you check this link, it has all the code I needed to add

As @jivesinger suggests, this LED strip is indeed Tuya based, and Tuya Convert works fine - you just need to turn the strip on and off 5 or 6 times to get it into pairing mode.

I just submitted a PR with the configuration for ESPHome:

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Nice !

How did you determine the correct gpio for the outputs, was it trial and error ?

I have a Mirabella Genio strip light from Kmart turning up in the mail this week and am curious to see if the same config will work.

Luckily, many of these devices use a very similar configuration, and in this case someone even shared the Tasmota configuration that I simply transformed for ESPHome.

If it’s this one, then you can use the Tasmota configuration as a starting point:

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Thanks mate!

I went ahead and tuya converted it to tasmota, updated tasmota, then compiled your esphome settings and within tasmota interface went to “firmware update”, then chose the .bin file from esphome.

Tasmota won’t update saying Upload Failed Not compatible

The binary validated within esphome no problems, I’m confused

I had to Setoption78 1 in the tasmota console to disable capability check and allows for the update to esphome.

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That IS the one, thankyou !
Never though to look for Tasmota configs

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Well nothing stopping you from spending your money here,
Im buying vapours and pods from NZ online

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If you were planning to use ESPHome, then there was no need to take a detour with Tasmota. You can upload the ESPHome bin file during the Tuya Convert process straight away.

Good to see that you have found a solution. Apparently there is going to be a fix for this built into the next version of ESPHome as well.

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I had this problem about a month ago. It’s only a problem in the Tasmota version is > 7.2.
tuya-convert defaults with ? tasmota firmware (unless they updated), so there’s no problem if you don’t update the tasmota to the latest. I don’t think option 78 existed when I had my troubles, but loading version 7.2 would then let you then load other firmware.

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Yeah I noticed that part in the vid tutorial a little too late lol

Do you have an idea flashing WLED library?
I wonder how I can flash it to this led strip when it doesn’t have a USB port…
esp01_1m is supported

I don’t think WLED is going to work with the Arlec light strip. The info @exxamalte submitted show data pins like this

Pin Function
GPIO4 Red Channel
GPIO12 Green Channel
GPIO14 Blue Channel
GPIO5 White Channel

WLED is for specific led chipsets that have a single data control wire (WS2812B, WS2811, SK6812, APA102 to quote the WLED github readme).


Shame, I have some nodemcu boards and other devices with lights/strips, was hoping to group synchronise them

Edit, are you saying it won’t work because the arlec is RGBW? Because wled does work with RGBW apparently

I think the reason it won’t work is because the colours on the arlec are controlled by four different outputs (i.e. one for each colour) - whereas WLED is controlled by a single output.

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I’ve got a Bauhn (Aldi) smart plug (ASPU-1019). I flashed it with ESPHome and have it working but it has 2 relays. I’m guessing this is a DPDT relay.

  1. What’s the point of DPDT in a smart plug?
  2. Relay 1 is on GPIO4 and Relay 2 is on GPIO5. I just switching both replays on and off to make it work, that’s right, right? (that’s what I’m doing now, just making sure I’m doing it correctly)

My ESPHome .yaml if anyone is interested

  name: bauhn_plug
  platform: ESP8266
  board: esp01_1m

  ssid: "bigfellasinternet"
  password: "B1gfE11@5"

    ssid: "Bauhn Plug Hotspot"
    password: "B1gfE11@5"




  - platform: gpio
      number: 14
      mode: INPUT_PULLUP
      inverted: true
    name: "Power Button"
      - switch.toggle: relay1
      - switch.toggle: relay2

  - platform: status
    name: "Status"

  - platform: gpio
    id: blue_led
      number: GPIO13
      inverted: true

  - platform: gpio
    name: "Bauhn Relay1"
    pin: GPIO4
    id: relay1
  - platform: gpio
    name: "Bauhn Relay2"
    pin: GPIO5
    id: relay2
      - switch.turn_on: blue_led

      - switch.turn_off: blue_led 

*Identities in this snippet have been changed to protect their identity :face_with_monocle:

They are different technologies.

WLED is for individually addressable lights where each led in the strip / string can be individually controlled and switched.

The strips we are buying from Bunnings / Kmart are effectively dumb and can only be controlled as a group.

That’s not to say that two separate strips / strings can’t be sent the same message at the same time which may give you the effect your after.

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have a look at QuinLED, they are DIY controller boards for LED strips (digital and analogue) that work with ESPHome and WLED.

He’s designed the PCB and published the BOM (parts list) and you have to get them manufactured yourself via his links. He has designs for analogue “dumb” LED strips (see hardware guide), as well as the smart individually addressable type. He has examples to run with ESPHome and WLED.

His PCBs are designed to plug in Wemos D1 Mini (ESP8266) boards, as well as MH-ET D1 Mini 32 (ESP32).

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