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You may not get an answer as this is not going to be a common question and may not even be in the docs. I would guess it won’t support detached mode as this isn’t really a high priority in zigbee devices as you are really just creating a power remote. Zigbee remotes can run on batteries for years.

If your up to it an input device like the Shelly i3 could be replicated by soldering and wiring to a zigbee remote.
Use an ikea light button and swap the 2032 battery for something bigger and you probably won’t need to touch it for years. And it’s not mains connected at all so you only need to think about keeping it separated from your mains cabling.

Just for clarification, I assume you meant detached mode as the relay not being operated by the input connection of the relay. Essentially have two devices, a relay and a remote input.

Really we are talking about what in the zigbee world you will find under “remote” or “remote controller” - a device that sends an on/off/dim (or whatever) signal to HA which then controls any device you like, whether it is a light, an audio volume, whatever. Such devices don’t need power, because as @tinglis1 says, they will work on batteries for years. And don’t think that they need to look like a remote control for your TV. Take a look here Database of Zigbee devices compatible with ZHA, Tasmota, Zigbee2MQTT, deCONZ, ZiGate and ioBroker

I have a few of these Xiaomi Aqara Opple Wireless Scene Switch 6 Button WXCJKG13LM Zigbee compatibility

6 buttons, four functions per button, it is hard to find a use for all the functionality.

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Bump… I will be trying the ozsmarthings zigbee dimmer - they are (allegedly) zigbee2mgtt but i need ZHA… I will get one and test it for the good of the forum :grinning:

I think I know what you are trying to do here, I want to do the same but can’t figure it out.
You want a Zigbee remote but you want to wire up real buttons in a Clipsal wall plate to it. I think probably the best option is to get a sparky to remove the 240v from the cavity and use the Philips hue button puck things but I have gotten that far.

Hey, essentially yes it’s a scene controller. Detached mode is just Shelly nomenclature, it removed the relay firing when the switch is pressed and instead sends info to home assistant to act on.
I’m wanting the same with zigbee so that I can bind it to the hue downlights that are currently controlled with the Shelly.

I’ve considered a zigbee remote, but i’m pretty keen to find a solution that would allow me to keep my current switches. I’m not against zigbee buttons really, I just quite like my iconic bell press mechs!

My plan B is finish the rollout with shelly 1’s, get a zigbee button for a backup plan if the server goes down that is bound to the hue, and hope the Matter integrations will allow for direct binding.

nice! Cant wait!
I didn’t realise their normal relays were still in pre-order.

They’re white labeled from what I can tell, but couldn’t find the manufacturer to see what their firmware docs said.

This looks like what you want JetHome WS7 control via MQTT | Zigbee2MQTT


I found some reviews of them online a while back that did not rate them highly. Plus battery powered behind a wall plate strikes me as really annoying before too long.

That being said I am considering them for a spot where I probably should have installed a switch originally. I think they have a use case somewhere.

Took me a second to realise they were battery powered. That’s actually a really neat find for the price! Quick look at the docs show direct binding is not supported, but appreciate the suggestion. I have somewhere in mind I can use this for a different project

Yeah I was pleased to find them myself :slight_smile:

I don’t have direct binding as a requirement, so I think I will invest.

EDIT: although not sure if it is permitted to import from Russia at present.

Yeah I was wondering if we were boycotting Russian kit?

Before this gets into a political debate (which I recommend we stay out of), we may find that there is no way to ship them or pay for them if they are Russian sourced.

The Blakadder page for them has an AliExpress link, I didn’t explore very far but worth looking into

Yes but it doesn’t link to the product as far as I can see.

Is some one able to recommend a zigbee module for automating some led lights, behind an existing flick switch ?
Need to get one quickly before going on holidays :wink:

Edit: Needs to work with zigbee2mqtt, I also have neutral at the switch (red and black wires)
Zigbee globes might also work, but 5 on the circuit gets a bit expensive (unless someone knows of cheap ones like wifi (wifi signal is too weak at one location)

Anyone know if this one works with zigbe2mqtt ?

Or there is this one (but it says preorder)

Coincidentally I saw this today A hassle free Zigbee LED controller for Home Assistant that just works » The smarthome journey

For low voltage LED strips etc looks good
Might look at that for lighting in the new pantry when I build it :wink:

I’ve got those Mercator mechs in zha so I’d assume so.