Shelly Pro Dimmer 2PM arrived, connected to power and a HPM 7w dimmable ceiling LED. Plugged into Ethernet, and connected to the device’s web page. 2 x firmware updates and it’s been running for a week.
Really like this device - it’s fast, no LED flickering. Integrated into HA easily and looks very promising for a new house build.
Every now and then I see devices in Aldi with a remote control and/or phone app and/or alexa/google home integration … which hint that they may be possible to integrate into Home Assistant.
But trying to get more detailed information is like extracting teeth Often they are sold under a different brand name with meaningless model numbers which are never seen again, and the importer/distributor has no idea of what is actually inside.
Is this thread the best place to ask if others have tried these devices … or a new thread here or maybe on Whirlpool; or is there an international Aldi forum ?
Smart lock availability in Australia is a dogs breakfast. Lots of Chinese based devices hitting the market now with dependencies on TUYA cloud or TTLock to get operational.
So my questions are general in nature
Do we trust TUYA cloud for our locks, home security and HA integrations or does this open up a giant security hole into our servers and HA installations?
Is “local TUYA” a security solution? Haven’t you already passed off fingerprint data,codes etc off into the cloud setting up the lock?
I looked at the TTlock alternative and integration into HA but again this is a Chinese based cloud service with web hooks back into HA in a similar set up to Spotify.
I can live with Spotify knowing what im up too- not sure about some random organisation over in China I know zero about.
Am I being paranoid here?
What serious alternatives to a half decent product line up for the myriad of different door frames in aus in the smart lock market do we have here in Australia?
I have a couple of Yale (branded Lockwood) smart locks that work well. Picked them up from a Telstra automation liquidation sale dirt cheap. Pretty sure the model is now discontinued though.
Not much choice for the myriad of door frames available
I’m after a half decent non Chinese smart lock for a thin framed aluminum door
I’m yet to find a half decent range of smart locks in this country that are non Chinese…
If anyone else has some solutions please let me know. But yes. I have little confidence in the Chinese solutions and something tells me this problem (lack of a wide range of alternatives) is only going to get worse….
The problems with smart locks is you have to do endless research before committing.
A cheap plug is one thing to trial and discard.
It’s another thing entirely to go the the process and cost of lock replacement, lock smiths etc etc then find API’s aren’t reliable, they change or get hacked etc ….
The main issue for my setup is that I am trying to find a Night Latch option that works, the only one that I have found so far that fits the style is this one:
But the issue is that its Tuya dev portal reliant and still has not been updated to be supported in HA (I made a post on my findings a while back once I got it in to test so avoid this one if you can)
The only other one I have tested was the switchbot lock but that was not working with my door since it did not have the torque to turn the main handle lock and kept getting stuck.
Now that its out I am thinking of looking at the Aqara U300 for my bottom handle lock upgrade whilst I still use the P2 door and window sensor to track the lock state of the night latch in the mean time as a work around for my setup:
I’ll prob find a use for that switchbot one somewhere it works.
In gen trying to keep modifications to the door setup as little as possible since its a fire rated door we have in the units here where I live so there is that to keep in mind as I update my findings.
^ Shelly relay in the powerboard. Some rated up to 30amp. Or others wired behind the powerpoint plate. Like this rated to 16A (SHELLY PLUS 1, Wifi Smart Switch, Home Assistant, Relay Control) Australian compliance. Need an electrician but worth it. Super reliable. I use one to run a pool pump. Get the newer BT versions. There are others that also add power monitoring. Again super reliable and accurate. Shelly and HA are a marriage made in heaven.
I don’t have too bad a run with the Tuya devices. I pair them all in the Smart Life app first, no matter what the instructions say. Then use through Tuya Integration or TuyaLocal. Few drops outs but overall reliable.