Australia - Electrically Certified Hardware

Did the same with one of my Brilliant plugs. Not throwing away a perfectly good device. :grinning:

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I just came across these dimmers. Should be flashable via Tuya-Convert considering it’s a Brilliant branded device. I don’t have a need for more dimmers yet so perhaps someone else wants to give one a try and put ESPhome on it

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Cheapest price I found for them:

I nearly bought two for my dining room but remembered they require a neutral at the switch. Also note the virtual loop wiring in their datasheet is incorrect (L shorted to N):

After spending much more time with the Brilliant Fan Controller, and the Tasmota documentation, I think I now have a working configuration:

Firmware: Tasmota

# Configure Power1 (fnId=11) as Fan power (dpId=1)
TuyaMCU 11,1
# Configure Power2 (fnId=12) as Light (dpId=9)
TuyaMCU 12,9
# Configure Dimmer (fnId=21) as Light Dimmer (dpId=10)
TuyaMCU 21,10
# Dimmer is not working with my LED driver. Limit range.
DimmerRange 100,100
# Rule: Publish speed to MQTT when using the remote control.
Rule1 on TuyaReceived#Data=55AA03070005030400010016 DO Publish esp_fan_bedroom/stat/RESULT {"Speed":1} endon on TuyaReceived#Data=55AA03070005030400010117 DO Publish esp_fan_bedroom/stat/RESULT {"Speed":2} endon on TuyaReceived#Data=55AA03070005030400010218 DO Publish esp_fan_bedroom/stat/RESULT {"Speed":3} endon
Rule1 ON
# Rule: Set speed when commands arrive from HA via MQTT.
Rule2 on Event#speed=1 DO Backlog Power1 1; TuyaSend4 3,0 endon on Event#speed=2 DO Backlog Power1 1; TuyaSend4 3,1 endon on Event#speed=3 DO Backlog Power1 1; TuyaSend4 3,2 endon
Rule2 ON
# Set HA auto discover.
SetOption19 1

HA configuration:
The light automatically appears in HA when using auto-discovery. The fan’s speed configuration is anything but straightforward, but I think I’ve covered all use-cases when using the remote control as well as HA. The automation requests the current fan state from the controller at HA startup.

  - platform: mqtt
    name: "Fan Bedroom"
    availability_topic: "esp_fan_bedroom/tele/LWT"
    payload_available: "Online"
    payload_not_available: "Offline"
    state_topic: "esp_fan_bedroom/stat/POWER1"
    command_topic: "esp_fan_bedroom/cmnd/POWER1"
    payload_on: "ON"
    payload_off: "OFF"
    speed_state_topic: "esp_fan_bedroom/stat/RESULT"
    speed_value_template: "{% if value_json is defined and value_json.Speed is defined %}speed={{ value_json.Speed }}{% endif %}"
    speed_command_topic: "esp_fan_bedroom/cmnd/Event"
    payload_low_speed: "speed=1"
    payload_medium_speed: "speed=2"
    payload_high_speed: "speed=3"
    qos: 1
      - low
      - medium
      - high

  - alias: "Update fan power state on start-up"
      platform: homeassistant
      event: start
      - service: mqtt.publish
          topic: "esp_fan_bedroom/cmnd/POWER1"
          payload: ""
      - service: mqtt.publish
          topic: "esp_fan_bedroom/cmnd/Event/speed"
          payload: ""

If anyone has a smarter or shorter way to make this all work, please share your configuration.

One piece of work is still missing: I still have to connect the blades to check if the low/medium/high speed settings are actually working with my fan.


Not surprised - I was planning on buying one of their power boards when I was last in bunnings, luckily there was an open box so I had a look and it just really does look and feel really cheap and nasty.

I am considering the mirabella from Kmart instead… maybe :thinking:

Do you know if a Zigbee version on the RCM Sonoff is available.

The only Zigbee Sonoff device I know of is this one

I don’t think it is NZ/AU certified.

Just FYI if you have bought the Brilliant Garden Lights from Aldi recently:
I bought a Brilliant garden light 10 metre extension cord from Bunnings yesterday and to my surprise it did not fit the Wifi controller: the extension cord’s plug is slightly wider and the thread is also slightly different. Returned it today, took my controller and tried various other bits and pieces from the Brilliant garden light brand, but without any luck.

The am312 send a ON (motion) then a OFF (no motion)

where the HC-SR50 beater you can put a delay in when to send the off (no motion)

fyi, JD lighting have 40% off brilliant stuff again for black Friday

DAMN IT!!! I bought 2 of the garden light kits last week at full price because I couldn’t wait to get more :unamused:

I bought some 2.5m Brilliant RGB extensions from Tradezone, $12 ea.

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is there any difference in the JD lighting brilliant garden lights and the ones sold at aldi? i thought i seen the ones at aldi for like 70 bucks but they are 200+ at JD

This has always been my opinion of Arlec gear. I’ll be sticking with Clipsal switches etc and putting z-wave devices behind them I think.

Exactly the same. Aldi didn’t have them when I looked. Currently $215 at JD then down to $129 with black friday discount. If I could find them at Aldi for that price I would jump at it

Thanks for the hint. Bunnings did not have a 2.5m RGB cable, but a 10m RGB cable and I could not fit that onto my controller either. I just saw that the Brilliant website mentions that 2.5m RGB cable and a 10m single-colour cable. That 10m cable has a different SKU than the 10m single-colour cable I bought from Bunnings.
Continuing comparing SKUs: My controller is 20745/06 and the one sold at Tradezone is 20701/06… Strange.

If you bought from JD, they have 30 day returns - just buy some more! :slight_smile:

Thanks for the JD Lighting sale notice. Just ordering 4 more plugs. The Arlec ones from Bunnings are pretty rubbish.

Do you have any good quality photos of the brilliant switches? I’m struggling to decide if I want to go the DETA or the Brilliant ones

20% restocking fee, so I would only be 20$ better off for the hassle. Oh well…I’ll just see if I can fit more in the garden somewhere!

On another note, does anyone know if we could flash WLED onto these?