Australia - Electrically Certified Hardware

Same for me using postcode 2340

Iā€™ve converted 3 LED strips a couple of months ago and that was working without any problems. Is there anything in the tuya-convert log files? In smarthack-wifi.log can you see the LED strip connecting, after your tablet has connected? In smarthack-web.log you might find error messages related to the LED strip not being able to find a required resources or asking for the wrong one, or something like that.

Iā€™m done now too. Couldnā€™t have done it without that guide.

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Donā€™t know if itā€™s true what his saying.

Wow, if there can be so much confusion on whether a product is certified or not, how will a normal consumer ever be absolutely sure that the product theyā€™re holding in their hands is in fact certified or not?

I tried to follow that facebook thread, but like most things on facebooo it is incomprehensible

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There was a similar discussion on whirlpool but it made enough sense that I believed it

I have looked at the facebook thread again, and the argument boils down to this rider placed at the end of the certificate number GMA-504473-EA

2019/10/11 Modification 1

  • correction to the description - touch switch only not suitable for remote control (wifi)

The adertising states that all their products are certified, and all their products are wifi. Either they are in serious breach of the electrical regs, and the Trade Practices Act, or someone is reading too much into the above quoted Modification.

Generally anything purchased from an Australian outlet should be certifiedā€¦ If they are playing by the rules

FTDI arrived, soldered new connections, and all four flashed to new ESPHome firmwares in about 30 minutes. Thanks for the help everyone, apreciate it.

This should be true. However even an honest and diligent retailer might be fooled if the manufacrurer or distributor is cheating.

Also the company running a pop up website may not really care. The company may be a shell, based somewhere they canā€™t be prosecuted or even investigated.

Thanks for checking it out Jon. Iā€™ll upload another version today with the Solar FiTā€™s and will fix the double sensor issues (which should then ensure your postcode is correctly respected).

Once the base capability is working. Iā€™ll look at a way of returning the predicted values, so it can be used to schedule consumption based on low rates. Amber havenā€™t provided a capability to forward on their price spike notifications, so Iā€™ll see if I can just develop my own local service to identify forthcoming values that are out of the ordinary and raise an event.

Iā€™ll ping you directly once Iā€™ve got the fixes uploaded.


Iā€™m getting the following error

2020-06-01 11:35:56 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.helpers.entity] Update for sensor.amber_general_usage_price fails
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/", line 279, in async_update_ha_state
    await self.async_device_update()
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/", line 472, in async_device_update
    await self.hass.async_add_executor_job(self.update)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/concurrent/futures/", line 57, in run
    result = self.fn(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/util/", line 240, in wrapper
    result = method(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/config/custom_components/amberelectric/", line 132, in update
    self.amber_data = AmberData.from_dict(json.loads(response.text))
  File "/config/custom_components/amberelectric/", line 430, in from_dict
    data = Data.from_dict(obj.get("data"))
  File "/config/custom_components/amberelectric/", line 391, in from_dict
    static_prices = StaticPrices.from_dict(obj.get("staticPrices"))
  File "/config/custom_components/amberelectric/", line 240, in from_dict
    e1_tou = B1.from_dict(obj.get("E1TOU"))
  File "/config/custom_components/amberelectric/", line 124, in from_dict
    assert isinstance(obj, dict)

in the .psk log i get the following error msg

could not establish sslpsk socket: [SSL: DECRYPTION_FAILED_OR_BAD_RECORD_MAC] decryption failed or bad record mac

I posted it as an issue in github and have had the issue moved to another relating to a new .psk version that Tuya have released that is preventing the firmware upload.

I tried a fresh install of tuya-convert on a new pi and same issue. Was able to successfully flash an arlec powerboard and cocoon leds after so its not the pi or tuya-convert. Must be the tuya firmware.

Hi @lewisbenge, which instructions did you try to follow?

Mainly the blog post here: Iā€™ve had no luck with any type of serial communication from the MCU. Iā€™ve just flashed to ESPHome to see if I could at least get the light working. Itā€™s a little annoying, as the OOB firmware was working and itā€™s fully installed (which included cutting off one of the standard connectors) so returning it is not really an option.

I didnā€™t buy the Brilliant fan controller from Bunnings, so my blog post may be based on different hardware. Have you tried a few more combinations of pin assignments to Rx and Tx (TuyaMCU Devices - Tasmota)?

Iā€™ve just installed a new Brilliant Bahama smart ceiling fan and after initially using Tasmota 8.3.1 decided to give ESPHome 1.5.x (current dev version) a go, and it works quite well for fan and light. Iā€™ll write up on the weekend what Iā€™ve done, maybe that approach works with your fan controllerā€¦

Dumb question for the more electrically minded, just want to double check that this would work before I purchase things and get the sparky in.

If I could get a 4 gang version of these (or similar that can be ESPHome/Tasmota converted), would they be a viable replacement in my bathrooms. I have a 4 switches at the moment, with normal light, fan and then 2 lots of heat lamps. Would they be able to handle the current from the heat lamps to be able to turn on before my shower on these brisk mornings? I assume yes since they should be like-for-like replacement but I just want to double check before I continue.

Would these also be able to handle ceiling fans with lights controlled by remotes? At the moment I have 2 main fans that have remote controls, with then just a single switch which controls power, and the remote can turn the fans and light on independently. Could I get a single version of this, then use HA to control lights (smart bulbs) and fans (433 Mhz to MQTT which is sort of working via OpenMQTTGateway), or is there something else I would need to do.

Last one, has anyone seen outside power points with automatic control as well? I want to get an outside power point put in as well as part of our Christmas decoration plans, but I would love to be able to have this controlled via HA, so that if the wind picks up for instance, the inflatables automatically come down. I can down this via normal outside power point plus other equipment I already have, but if I can have the control there as well, that would make the WAF even better.

Are these Kogan smart plugs KASPEMHUSBA flashable? I have no idea what Iā€™m doing, Iā€™ve never flashed anything before. I followed a tutorial but I get this message - Device did not appear with the
intermediate firmware. Any help appreciatedā˜¹ļø

Yes. I did a box of four a week ago via the Tuya Convert method.
Edit: I used the 2.3 version on a Pi2B with WiFi dongle and a NodeMCU as the donor device.