šŸ”¹ Auto-entities - Automatically fill cards with entities

yeah ok i got that already, just checking, thanks for the reply :slight_smile:

That did not work, but good news! ScottG on the discord helped me work through the options to get a working version! For all those struggling to get Auto Entities to work with Mushroom Chips, here is a working code block:

type: custom:auto-entities
show_empty: true
card_param: chips
  type: custom:mushroom-chips-card
  alignment: justify
    - domain: scene
      area: Living Room
        type: entity
        content_info: name
          action: toggle
  exclude: []
  method: friendly_name

Here were my mistakes, in order:

  1. Options are your friend for the auto entities card. For scenes to work, the chips must be of the entity variety, and I really recommend having the name
  2. You really want to use the tap_action: action: toggle blurb. This has to be separate lines! ScottG pointed out I was trying to make tap_action: toggle work when in the chips card it is passed as an object, not as a string (therefor the action part must be indented on the line below)

I hope this helps, and if it does, you should buy Scott a coffee:

cant be.
the config I posted works fine.
ofc all choices you can make have an effect, so yes, using the content_info: name adds the name in stead of the state.
setting a tap action other than default makes a difference.

as long as you use the magic card_param to populate the correct parameter in the auto-entities config, and set a few options of your choice, you should be good. as I suggested here

Hi , I need help with auto entities and the Maxi media player card. I do not if itā€™s posible but I would like to show the correctly playing media player. With mini media player I have no problem. I made a group of media players and with auto entities I show the currently player one but I,m not able to do it with the Maxy media player card.

This is the code I use for mini media player and I do no know how adapt it to Maxi media player. Any help will be appreciated.

    - type: custom:auto-entities
        type: entities
        show_header_toggle: false
          - domain: media_player
            state: playing
            group: media_player.media_salon
              artwork: full-cover-fit
                power: true
                icon: true
                source: true
                progress: false
                volume: true
                controls: true
                name: false
                info: false
              type: custom:mini-media-player
        exclude: []
        method: last_changed
        count: 1
        numeric: true
        reverse: true
        show_empty: true
        type: picture
        image: /local/stand-by-tv-card.jpg
          action: none
          action: none

did you test it without any of the configuration options, and only set options to use the maxi-media-player card?

next step would be to add any of the config options you require it supports, not just copy and past options from another card

Yes I tried but show no supported players found

Sorry the code as image Iā€™m on my phone and I cant paste clean code on iOS, all with strange characters

tbh, I dont use that card, but I have installed it quickly, and can not get it right eitherā€¦ seeing the same as you do, and inspector clearly shows its the mapping not getting it right.

might have to go back to the author, or check auto-entities documentation hereā€¦

btw see Maxi Media Player - #16 by Mariusthvdb, Ive asked the author in the dedicated thread to check the error being reported

and also found the reason this cant be done, as auto-entities author explained, that generates a list like

  - entity: media_player.x
  - entity: media_player.y
  - ...etc...

which cant be handled by maxi-media-player card because it wants:

  - media_player.x
  - media_player.y
  - ...etc...

see: FR add option to list entity: media_player.abc Ā· Issue #52 Ā· punxaphil/maxi-media-player Ā· GitHub

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Thanks you for your help. Hope this can be fix

this works :slight_smile:

    - type: custom:auto-entities
        type: vertical-stack
        template: >
          [{{ dict(type='custom:maxi-media-player', entities=states.media_player | map(attribute='entity_id') | select('has_value') | list) }}]
      card_param: cards

@petro made this in a separate chat (thanks!), and weā€™ve not yet added other config options to that. downside of template in auto-entities is that you have to get all other options also inside that template. so, depending on how complex you want it to be, you might be up for a challenge yet :wink:

should be able to add those options to the dict

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pretty sure you can use options too, the normal way. Youā€™d have to try it out.

This is awesome I will try that. Thanks!

there still is something iffy about that card, because even after I deleted all configs, I still see this in inspector

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and your question is what?

please dont put large irrelevant configs here, only the auto-entities section you need help with

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The following template is working in Dev Tools but I cannot get it to work in auto-entries, any suggestions?

type: custom:auto-entities
  template: >-
    {{  states['binary_sensor'] 
    |selectattr('entity_id','in',label_entities('External Doors'))
    |selectattr('state','==','on') |map(attribute='entity_id') |list }} 
    type: custom:mushroom-entity-card
    layout: horizontal
    secondary_info: last-changed
  type: custom:layout-card
  cards: []
  layout_type: masonry
  method: friendly_name

Not checked your template - but you cannot combine ā€œtemplateā€ & ā€œoptionsā€.
All options must be defined as a part of ā€œtemplateā€. See examples in the thread.

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You can only do that with advanced templating.

type: custom:auto-entities
  template: >-
    [{% for e in label_entities('External Doors') 
          | select('search', '^binary_sensor.') 
          | select('is_state','on') %}
    {% endfor %}]
card_param: cards
  type: custom:layout-card
  layout_type: masonry
  method: friendly_name

why not first select label_entities and next domain binary_sensor? in my setup, that at least starts with a smaller set of entitiesā€¦


sure, I was just being lazy and correcting what they had

{% for e in label_entities('External Doors') | select('search', '^binary_sensor.') | select('is_state','on') %}
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exactly :wink: those label_entities templates are really powerful!

and probably your first post (without the select) would be ok too, considering there wont be other entities than those binaries with on/off stateā€¦

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I only have one left I want to rewrite if possible:

      template: >
        {%- set alert_level = states('input_number.battery_alert_level')|int %}
        {%- set ns = namespace(batt_low=[]) %}

        {%- set ns = namespace(batt_low=[]) %}
        {%- for s in label_entities('batterij')
          if is_number(states(s)) and states(s)|int < alert_level
          or not has_value(s) %}
        {%- set ns.batt_low = ns.batt_low + [s] %}
        {%- endfor %}

selecting all batteries below alert level or lost contact :wink: