Maxi Media Player

Nice card! Just installed it but wondering where the ‘Favorites’ coming from? Can one adjust them manually?

can this work with plexamp on my phone?

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I’m also wondering the same, did you find the solution already?

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If it shows in the built in media player, it should work

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Hi, it’s possible that the player switch to the currently playing media player automatically?. I mean, if I activate my home pod asking to Siri and starts playing is posible that the player show the HomePod media player without the need of interact with the player manually?

I tried with auto entities that works well with mini media player but I not able to make it work with maxi media player.

And a second question, it’s is possible to set the default image url with the content of a sensor? I have a sensor with the current playing Xbox game and I would like to show the actual cover of the game that I have stored in a sensor

Any help will be appreciated

fellow is trying to get this card into auto-entities, but were having a hard time populating the entities map

    - type: custom:auto-entities
        type: custom:maxi-media-player
          - domain: media_player
      card_param: entities

would be the minimal config for that, but we still see:

please have a look what this error means, and if we should try something else to auto-populate?

given the card_param: entities is default for auto-entities (just like when populating a core entities card) I shouldn’t have entered it here, but it makes no diffrence taking it out, so I gather it is indeed default, but not working with this particular card

Ive been chatting with the auto-entities author and that card generates a list like

  - entity: media_player.x
  - entity: media_player.y
  - ...etc...

however, when we do

    - type: custom:maxi-media-player
        - entity: media_player.googlehome_library
        - entity: media_player.googlehome_hal

the maxi-media-player card shows the same error, of not finding entities.

hope this can be fixed, FR FR add option to list entity: · Issue #52 · punxaphil/maxi-media-player · GitHub

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Hello, I’m using your code and it’s great. However there is a problem with my HOMEPOD, when it is paused there is no option to restart playback like on the original card. In my screenshot you can see the play function circled in red. How can I add it? THANKS

I’ll take a look

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Hello, very nice media player card with lots of useful functions. Specially the grouping of multiroom snapcast speakers is great.
I ve a few small questions:

  • How would i Set the favorites? Its not necessary, to do this dynamically. For me its enough, when i can set favorites in Settings or yaml.
  • Is there a way, to play complete media folders instead of single files from local disk? In my case i use mopidy, if it is necessary.
  • Is there a way to filter the sources?

Thanks very much

Hey @PunxsutawneyPhil, I recently wanted to change all my sonos card to this new card as I have none sonos media player. That said I have come across and error that I hope you might be willing to take a look at for me. 1) favorites from non sonos devices do not show up in the favorites section I have the go looking for them in media browser for them . 2) if I have a sonos media player and a non sonos media player I am only able to see the items from sonos favorites and none from the other. Is there any way for the card to show favorites from both media players at the same time?

Did you have any luck finding answers since there has been a reply posted

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I love the card and im using it with spotify. When i go to the favorites tab instead of showing me my playlists it shows me my spotify connect devices? has anyone found a solution for this?

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@PunxsutawneyPhil The card is just amazing, thank you! Would you be able to advise on how to set the favorites? It now shows only the radio channels, no matter what I set to topFavorites.

I am as well having this outcome too. Would like to display playlists as documented. Tried with SpotifyPlus as entity and same result. Any other means to show playlist?

@gbcatrinoiu @Aiden-King @the_badluck @windelwipper @TMidi
You can create your own favorites (for instance if the device platform you use doesn’t already provide it):
Maxi Media Player - Custom Favorites

cant seem to be able to install this with HACS. theres also no option for lovelace or frontend with the newer update.

HACS changed their UI. It’s called “Dashboard” now. I have updated this card’s documentation.

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Hi there,

I’ve followed the steps outlined and I can see the Maxi Media Player as doenloaded in HACS, but I don’t know how to use it. When I try and edit a dashboard and add a card, Maxi Media Player is not available. I’m probably doing something hopelessly (I’m still very much learning!)… I hope someone can give me a hint as to how to actually use this - it looks amazing!

Can you confirm that you did steps 4-9 of the install?

  1. click on the icon at the right top corner then on Custom repositories
  2. For the repository add this: GitHub - punxaphil/maxi-media-player: Media card for Home Assistant UI with a focus on managing multiple media players, but not excluding single player setups.
  3. For the category select Dashboard then click Add
  4. Now click on Maxi Media Player then on the Download button
  5. Go back on your dashboard and click on the icon at the right top corner then on Edit dashboard
  6. You can now click on Add card in the bottom right corner and search for Maxi Media Player

I have it installed, all the buttons are present, but how do I add media, or map to my shared network media?

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