AWTRIX 3 - Blueprint for creating simple apps for dummies

in “AWTRIX application options section”

color: "{{ 'red' if value_template.text > 0 else 'green' }}"

I had to use hex values for colors but it works!

color: "{{ '#FF0000' if value_template.text > 0 else '#00FF00' }}"
1 Like


thank you for your wonderful work.

It works for me. But i am able to show only one entity. I would like to show upto 5 entites one after another. Right now it displays only one of the entity.
Can you tell me how to achieve this ?

Thank you.

Thanks @10der , really like the component and blueprint. Your explanation here helped me to use it.

Just made a very similar prompt as @Klug
Showing my grid-exchange with other color and icon for positive and negative values:

alias: Awtrix_E320_momentan
description: ""
  path: 10der/awtrix-simple.yaml
    app_name: awtrix_e320_now
    entity: sensor.l_g_e320_momentan
      - 351487bc51fa3bff3b3dffc07bec38ea
      - 7df02022f0c025dc6e4e9ff7a260a78a
    suffix_text: W
      text: "{{ states(entity_id) | int(0) | abs }}"
      text2: "{{ states(entity_id) | int(0) }}"
      duration: 5
      color: "{{ '#FF0000' if value_template.text2 > 0 else '#00FF00' }}"
      icon: "{{ '52715' if value_template.text2 > 0 else '52648' }}"

Now i can see the direction of the power flow at icon/color, so i want to use absolute values.
I worked around with the non-absolute value at the “text2”-field. Im sure there is a better way, but it works :wink:

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I am not David Copperfield… but my crystal ball tells me that this field you leave as is instead of create a new name :slight_smile:

I tried to add the icon just like you did but I’m not getting anything.
While I can see the icon using the integrated icons browser on the TC001 and the color (green vs red) works.

        duration: 5
        color: '{{ ''#FF0000'' if > 0 else ''#00FF00'' }}'
        icon: '{{ ''52715'' if > 0 else ''52648'' }}'
        data: '{{states(entity_id) | round}}'
        text: '{{(states(entity_id) | round) | abs}}'
        icon: '{{app_icon}}'

delete the icon in the value_template section

I tried that before posting (and retried again), doesn’t work here.

Im using single quotation marks, maybe ist that?

It’s something else I think.

Now I’ve remove “icon” in the “value_template” section, I’m getting errors in the log:

2024-05-26 11:49:46.593 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.helpers.template] Template variable warning: 'dict object' has no attribute 'icon' when rendering '{
  {{('"icon"' if value_template.icon) ~ (":" if value_template.icon) ~ ('"' ~ value_template.icon ~ '"' if value_template.icon) }}
  {{"," if value_template.icon}} "text":"{{prefix_text~value_template.text~suffix_text}}"

Since the last update, the dynamic icons defined via value_template no longer work for me. Is there an explanation for this?

please move to AWTRIX application options

add predefined

so, now just override


in Additional options

awtrix (21)
awtrix (20)

alias: New automation - SAMPLE ICON
description: ""
  path: 10der/awtrix-simple.yaml
    app_name: awtrix_app_temp
    entity: input_boolean.test_button
      icon_template: "{{'405' if states(entity_id) == 'on' else '41181' }}"
      - c9678a92ae6e69605a8b90539f9e64d3
alias: New automation - SAMPLE ICON
description: ""
  path: 10der/awtrix-simple.yaml
    app_name: awtrix_app_temp
    entity: input_boolean.test_button
      icon_template: "{{'405' if states(entity_id) == 'on' else '41181' }}"
      value_template: "{{'Hello!' if states(entity_id) == 'on' else 'Bye!' }}"
      - c9678a92ae6e69605a8b90539f9e64d3

awtrix (22)

I can’t get the Blueprint to work! I have everything installed, but when I create an automation it does not send me any notification to Awtrix. Any ideas?


Hello. Please tell me, I added a second device and selected both in automation, but it doesn’t work. What am I doing wrong?

This may be related to the latest update to your code, I’ll check it out.
No, I checked. With two hours it just won’t start. =( Just when both are connected to MQTT.
The problem occurs when renaming…

Quotes should also work.

Let me clarify a little. When I change the device name but do not change the ID, the data is not displayed on the display.