Awtrix (clock) notification [Custom Component]

As you mentioned, everything works perfectly; it was my mistake. Thank you again for the component - it’s outstanding.

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@10der Thanks for sharing this. Maybe i’m a bit confused but how get this running?

I’ve added the component with HACS, and files have been added under “custom_components” but can’t be found under “services”.

So, where can i call the service/how to test?

ca some one give hint to step by step tutorial?


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How can I disable weather_apps

alias: moon
description: ""
  - platform: time_pattern
    minutes: /1
condition: []
  - service: awtrix.awtrix_xxxxxx_weather_app
      weather: weather.pirateweather
      sun: sun.sun
      moon: sensor.moon_phases
        name: weather_night
        sun_event_minute_threshold: 60
          rainbow: false
          repeat: 3
          duration: 6
mode: single

this code does not work.

alias: moon disable
description: ""
  - platform: time_pattern
    minutes: /1
condition: []
  - service: awtrix.awtrix_xxxxxx_push_app_data
      name: weather_night
mode: single

sorry. Totally unclear what you wish to develop. :frowning:
1st what you want disable and what you want to see?
2nd yes this code does not work. You right. Maybe you should write a right code. for example, you can press example button


its ok ive worked it out change AWTRIX LIGHT to AWTRIX 3

how do I add my own spotify icon ?

create it for example via LaMetric: Web
get a new id
in awtrix3 save

thanks that worked can you tell me where these icons are for new outdoor weather there not showing on clock just temp
clear-night: a12181
cloudy: a2283
exceptional: a2364
fog: “17056”
hail: a2441
lightning: a630
lightning-rainy: a49299
partlycloudy: a2286
pouring: a49300
rainy: a2284
snowy: a2289
snowy-rainy: a49301
sunny: a2282
windy: a15618
windy-variant: a15618
full_moon: “2314”
waning_gibbous: “2315”
last_quarter: “2316”
waning_crescent: “2317”
new_moon: “2318”
waxing_crescent: “2320”
first_quarter: “2320”
waxing_gibbous: “36234”
home: “96”
sunrise: “485”
sunset: “486”
unavailable: “52176”

upload it via UI awtrix3

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could someone give me a hint why the “now playing” blueprint does not reconise my Awtrix display ?

Here the screen from the Blueprint:

The services are created correctly by the custom component :

Thank you

opps! It’s a very strange.

I think what you’re using a not last version of Awirix firmware.
the last ver is 0.96

Thank you for the very fast reply!

→ actually i do use the latest version

I do not know, cuz blueprint use standard method for filtering AWTRIX devices :frowning:

have a idea.
why you not use is actual blueprint?

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The blueprint worked like a charm! Thank you!!!

Now I need just to get the Payload right into the text input fields:

When I use this formula in the text prefix field :

{{ state_attr(‘media_player.spotify_XXXXX’,‘media_artist’) }}

My Display shows only


isn’t it this the correct synthax ?


text prefix - empty
text suffix - empty

additional options

playing_state: "{{ states(entity_id) }}"
title_template: "{{ state_attr(entity_id, 'media_title') }}"
album_template: "{{ state_attr(entity_id, 'media_album_name') }}"
artist_template: "{{ state_attr(entity_id, 'media_artist') }}"
playing_percent: >-
  {{ (100 - ((state_attr(entity_id, 'media_duration') | default(0, true) -
  (state_attr(entity_id, 'media_position') | default(0, true) +
  as_timestamp(now()) - as_timestamp(state_attr(entity_id,
  'media_position_updated_at') | default(now(), true)))) / 60) * 100 /
  (state_attr(entity_id, 'media_duration') | default(1, true)  / 60)) | int }}
value_template: >-
  {{ playing_state~': '~(artist_template ~ ' - ' if artist_template else '') ~
  (title_template if title_template else '-') ~ (' ÷ ' ~ album_template ~ ' ÷ '
  if album_template else '') }}

also you may add condition

      - condition: template
        value_template: "{{ playing_state == 'playing' }}"

it will be useful for hide player when player is not playing…

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Thank you soooo much! Everything works perfectly !

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