🚿 Bathroom Humidity Exhaust Fan

Sounds interesting, thank you Blacky! I would also be keen to follow this. My setup looks similar to that of vaclavIII where the original wall switches still control the fan and light through the ZB T2 dual relay module, but I’m currently unsure how to use that in your blueprint and have not yet started to experiment with that whilst i was dialing in the fan / humidity part.
Happy to be a tester if you need one :wink:

Hello Blacky (and Vicusj),
I look forward to seeing your new version of the blueprint. I still tried to work around the independent triggering problem by introducing a “helper” so that the automation thinks that the manual triggering is a different switch, but I failed (I honestly didn’t have much hope…). I think the problem I described is fairly general - it’s nice to be able to control switches both by automation and manually - relatively independently.
Thanks to both of you for your comments!

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Just to add into this to show there is demand, I can also operate my fan via the original wall switch but also control it’s status via a smart relay.

@vaclavIII @vicusj @GTunney

I have looked into it again. It is a little bit tricky in the one automation but I have come up with a solution that could work. Below this post I am going to post a FAQ on how to make your actual fan switch control the fan manually in ‘Manual Fan Switch’ or the ‘Bypass’. Try it out and let me know how you go.

Stay tuned as I will do the FAQ now.

Blacky :smiley:

That’s great! I’ll definitely check it out, I’ll let you know. Thanks!

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FAQ - How to use the same ‘Fan Switch’ also in ‘Manual Trigger’ or ‘Manual Fan Switch’

I have a new blueprint :stop_button: Manual Control Status Tracker that will work better than a template binary sensor. Check this out first and I will update this FAQ when I get time.

If your wall-mounted physical switch controls the fan and you want to use this same switch to control the ‘Manual Trigger’ or ‘Manual Fan Switch’ functionality while ensuring your automations continue to work, you must create a trigger-based template binary sensor.

Please follow these steps

Step 1: Create a template binary sensor by adding the code below into your “configuration.yaml” file.

The things you will need to change are:

  • switch.your_fan_switch_id_here = Replace this with the entity ID of your fan switch used in ‘Fan Switch’.

The things you can change to your liking are:

  • Manual Fan Switch = This is the name you would like to call your new binary sensor.
  • fan-clock = The icon used. You can change it to your preference or remove the line icon: mdi:fan-clock if you don’t want an icon. To see what icons you can use click here.
  - trigger:
      - platform: state
        entity_id: switch.your_fan_switch_id_here
        to: "on"
        id: "t1"
      - platform: state
        entity_id: switch.your_fan_switch_id_here
        to: "off"

      - name: "Manual Fan Switch"
        icon: mdi:fan-clock
        state: >
          {% if trigger.id == 't1' and trigger.to_state.context.parent_id is none %}
          {% else %}
          {% endif %}

Step 2: Once you have added it into your “configuration.yaml” file, for it to take effect you have 2 options.

  1. Go into developer tools / under ‘YAML configuration reloading’, click ‘Template Entities’ (recommended).
  • OR
  1. Restart Home Assistant.

Step 3: You can only add it into either the ‘Manual Trigger’ or ‘Manual Fan Switch’. You can not add it into both choose only one.


Step 4: Your done :partying_face: test it out.


Blacky :grinning:

Back to FAQ: Click Here

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Thank you, I’ve now added this and will test over the next few days.

How will this work if the fan Is manually switched on and then the humidity spikes after being turned on manually. Will the automation run or will the manual switch auto off time be used?


In the ‘Manual Fan Switch’ it should take over and the automation should run.

In the ‘Bypass’ it will not run until you turn it OFF.

When you test it can you let us know how you go.

Blacky :smiley:

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Awesome! I have done it all and using the Manual Fan Switch option; I can confirm that the auto-off delay works fine. Will give it a shot along with a shower tonight. (i have no doubts though :wink: )
Also, thank you for the guidance on doing my first configuration.yaml edit :handshake:


Nice one thanks for letting us know.

Now you got the bug and it is why we love Home Assistant… you can do what you want :+1:

Blacky :smiley:

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Hey, Blacky,
manually turning on the fan as per your modification above works great, thanks for your modification.
P.S. P.S. My fear of a similar problem with the combination of manual switch and wifi controller when controlling the lights did not materialize: I used your blueprint “Switch - Turn ON & OFF Entities” to associate 3 switches (one switch is master, the other 2 slaves) - everything works fine, mechanical on/off and control by automation.
Thanks a lot for your help!


Thanks for letting us know. It is always good if someone tests it out on a different setup.

It is also good to know it working on my other blueprint. A lot of people have been asking for it. I going to post it up on the other blueprints as a FAQ soon. I am just going through the final testing of the next release for this blueprint.

Blacky :smiley:

Hi Blacky,
Same here, I tested it all last night and worked like a well oiled machine!!. Much appreciated for your kindness sharing all this with the HA community!
I did a bit of analysis for my own understanding, and came up with this fwiw:

Thank you for this, sadly I got an error while importing the blue print. All I needed was the idea of the derivative anyway. So I got a simplified version running now (just turning up the ventilation and lowering it back down). I have a heat recovery system in house, so I’m going to do some stuff with multiple sensors. My idea was to use some helpers which will say high humidity, or high CO2 and if anyone of them is high the ventilation will change. Maybe even add people are home or not in the future. Could save significant amounts of energy.

Anyway, Thanks for this! Its a really nice showcase.

Manual Switch seems to be working ok for me as well.

I’m running on at 1.5% and off at -2.5% seems to be working quite well at the moment.

The fun will start in winter :smiley:


You need to be on the latest version of HA.

For all the rest, I don’t know why you are posting it here. Please stay on topic as this post is for this blueprint. If you would like talk to others about what you are doing then please create another topic.

Blacky :smiley:


Nice one 2 out of 3, we are going well so far :crossed_fingers:

Your welcome, and thanks for your kind words.

It is a whole lot of fun once you get into it. Good to see your getting the hang of it and thanks for sharing your graph.

Blacky :smiley:

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3 out of 3 :partying_face: YES! :facepunch:

Nice one glad it is all working for you.

You do have another winter mode but the next release will help in the winter months as they can be tricky. It is all done and ready to go, just doing final UI checks.

Blacky :smiley:

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New update 2.5

New Feature :new:

  • Manual Trigger - This feature allows you to manually trigger the automation. It replaces the humidity derivative settings in either ‘Default - Summer Mode’ or ‘Winter Mode,’ configurations. Turning it ON initiates the automation process, and turning it OFF starts the time delay. Note that auto triggers can and will override the manual trigger option if triggered.

    This feature can operate with or without a humidity sensor, which is particularly useful if the humidity sensor malfunctions, allowing time for repairs and reducing stress levels. Additionally, it can initiate the fan to turn ON before a shower, aiding in humidity removal before the auto triggers take over. It is designed with good spouse approval in mind.

Maintenance :toolbox:

  • Update deprecated code for light control in kelvin.

Bugs Fixed :bug:

  • Fixed bypass - It would turn fan OFF if bypass was disabled but bypass entity was entered in and you turned bypass entity OFF.
  • Fixed HA restart when using manual switch. It will now wait for the set time delay when HA restarts.

If you like this blueprint? Consider hitting the :heart: button in the top post :+1:

If you like my blueprints, and would like to show your support or just say thank you? Click Here :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Blacky :grinning:

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Looking great! I upgraded to this version, most of the old settings carried over no problem, and everything is working fine for me, thanks Blacky!

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