FAQ - How to use it with the Sensor Light Blueprint
This allows you to use the same light switch in Lights - Switches - Scenes - Scripts to manually bypass your automation.
Important Note:
If the light has been turned ON by automation, you will need to turn it OFF and back ON for it to register the manual control.
In this blueprint, enter the same light (light switch) used in the Lights - Switches - Scenes - Scripts input of the Sensor Light Blueprint into Target Entities To Track.
Create a toggle helper and select it in Manual Control Status - Toggle Helper.
In your Sensor Light Blueprint’s automation, go to the bypass section and enable 3 - Enable the Bypass - Keep the light’s current state. Then, enter the toggle helper used in the Manual Control Status Tracker blueprint into Option 3 of the bypass section.
Now, you can use the same light switch in your Sensor Light blueprint. When you manually turn ON the light, it will activate the toggle helper, which in turn triggers the bypass. Remember, you will need to manually turn OFF the light or use the auto OFF feature.
Can I use the same Toggle Helper for both Option 1 and Option 3 in the Sensor Light blueprint automation? The reason I ask is because I’ve already setup the Sensor Light with a Toggle Helper using Option 1 and I’m thinking of keeping it since some people in the house are used to using it already.
I’m having trouble getting it to work with your shower humidity blueprint. Does this only work if it’s a switch or a light? My entity is a fan. fan.small_bath_fan
@blacky are you planning to combine this into your other BPs to add the logic of IF it was turned on/off manually or by automation? It would create more less to manager (fewer automations) and add a lot more unified control. Back when I ran a Vera automation system, it had the built-in logic to know if the command source was automation or the device itself… really make things more flexible and trackable!
Ok, I need some help with this. I am using the sensor light BP to turn on my light when motion is detected or a door opens after sunset and before sunrise. This works perfect. The light turns off automatic after 1 minute but my girlfriend always turns it off manual. When you do this it is turned on before you leave the room since it detects motion again. I would like the following: when you turn off the light manually then the automation should be turned off for let’s say 1 minute.
I tried to use the bypass with this helper but cannot figure it out to work.
The light which is turned on is not a light but a switch (the light switch is connected to a signer relay which turns on the light).
I was hoping you might be able to help. I’m trying to use this in line with your humidity bathroom fan blueprint but can’t get it to work.
The manual switch doesn’t seem to turn the fan on at all, any chance you could let me know where i’m going wrong?