🚿 Bathroom Humidity Exhaust Fan


Sorry for the late reply as I have been really busy at work and now I am back to normal now.

The thing I think the problem is your rising humidity % is 0.2. Your ‘badkamer vochtigheid afgeleide’ is probably above this value normally and it needs to cross over the set value to trigger the automation… so if it is always above it never crosses over to trigger the automation. More information on how to set this up correctly can be found here. Maybe try a value of 1 to start, I have my setting at 3.2.

Lets go through some more of your settings.

I noticed you have added another entity into your ‘Fan Switch’… ‘input_boolean.duco_ventilation_high_speed_toggle_helper’… not sure if this is for a link to my toilet blueprint.

It also looks like you are using a fan with different speeds and you would like the fan on low speed all the time, then when you have a shower the fan should go to high speed then back to low speed as I see you have entered in your ‘switch.duco_ventilation_low_permanent’ into the ‘Input - Fan Speed - Switch Off’ input and ‘Enable the fan speed - turn off option’ in ‘Use The Fan Speed Options’. If that is the case then you have done well and your settings are correct :+1:

Regarding bypass: You have enter in an entity but you haven’t enabled an option. If you would like to use the bypass then you will need to select 1 of the 3 options in ‘Use The Trigger Sensor By-pass’.

Regarding your humidity sensor entity you enter into ‘Input - Bathroom Humidity Sensor’… that is a really nice option when you have back to back showers but if you would like to use this option you will need to enable it in ‘Use The Maximum Humidity Option’ and set your max % in ‘Maximum Humidity’ as shown below.

Hope this gets you going. If you have any questions please ask and let us know how you go.

Blacky :smiley:

Thanks for your reply.
I have the blueprint working now.
I changed my humidity sensor, i think the old one was not correct.
After the change the blue print was working, now only fine tuning.

Nice one thanks for letting us know.

Blacky :smiley:

The ventilation of the bathroom is starting now when a shower starts, but till now it doesn’t stop the ventilation. Are my settings correct or do i have forgotten something?

And this are the automation settings:

alias: Badkamer Ventilatie
description: ""
  path: Blackshome/bathroom-humidity-exhaust-fan.yaml
    trigger: sensor.badkamer_vochtigheid_afgeleide
        - switch.duco_ventilation_high_permanent
    rising_humidity: 1
    falling_humidity: -0.7
    include_fan_speed: fan_speed_disabled
    include_lights: lights_enabled
    light_time_delay: 5
    include_light_control: []
    light_colour_temperature: 6000
    light_transition_on: 2
    light_transition_off: 4
    fan_speed_low: []
      - switch.duco_ventilation_auto_permanent
    by_pass: input_boolean.bathroom_humidity_sensor_by_pass
    bathroom_humidity_sensor: sensor.badkamer_temperatuur_vochtigheid_luchtvochtigheid
    manual_fan_switch_time_delay: 5
    time_delay: 10
    time_out: 20
    include_max_humidity: maximum_humidity_disabled
    max_humidity: 100

After a lot of trying, i don’t get the fan to stop, or in my case to go to the low speed.
I am certainly doing something wrong, but i don’t know what.

Maybe it is my fan.
My fan can not switched off, i have 3 possible states.
Fan low speed
Fan mid speed
Fan high speed
The fan is always on.

When i shower is must go to the high speed, and that is working.
after the shower i want the fan goes to the “Low” speed, so i have choosen for “Input - Fan Speed - Switch Off” the entity for my fan low speed (switch.duco_ventilation_auto_permanent). Is this correct?

It is now more then 35 minutes after the shower, and the fan is stil on high speed.
The save-guard is on 20 minutes, so in my opinion the fans hast already to be on the low speed.


Thanks for providing your YAML. You will need to enable the fan speed options as shown below. Once you do this it should work.

Let us know how you go.

Blacky :smiley:

Thanks, that was the solution.
Stupid i didn’t see it.
I thought with filling in the entity for fan stop, the stop was automatic enabled.

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Does anyone know if there is a way of turning off the fan if a window is opened?

It was something I heard on the Home Assistant podcast today. The person talking about his home automations mentioned that he had incorporated a switch that turned off the extractor fan if a window in the room was opened, or prevented the fan from coming on if there was a window open in the room.

We will normally leave windows open for long periods from late spring to early autumn and if humidity rises enough to trigger the automation, we don’t want the fan coming on.

I’m already using a binary_sensor.overnight as a derivative sensor bypass to prevent the fan coming on at night, so I wondered if the manual switch option might serve to turn the fan off if a window is opened?

What I’m not sure about is that the state of the window sensor will be on when open, so would that turn off the fan if I use it as the manual switch? Would reversing the state of the switch serve that purpose ie make the state of the window sensor off when the window is open?


Hi Dave, I see you are still using the blueprint. Hope all is going well :+1:

I have had a look at this. You have a binary_sensor.overnight.

The next thing you would like is a window sensor but only work between late spring to early autumn.

You will first need your window sensor. Then make another sensor so it can only come ON between late spring to early autumn and the window is open. For this example lets call it ‘Bathroom Window Sensor Spring Autumn’

Once done you then group your binary_sensor.overnight and ‘Bathroom Window Sensor Spring Autumn’.

You then use that group sensor only in bypass option 2.

Now when your binary_sensor.overnight or your ‘Bathroom Window Sensor Spring Autumn’ is ON it will turn the fan OFF and stop the automation from running.

Here is your code for your ‘Bathroom Window Sensor Spring Autumn’

Go to Settings / Devices & Services / Helpers Tab at the top / Create Helper / Template / Binary Sensor / Enter in the name you would like to call it and set the device class to window (You can chose anything you like here) and in “State Template” paste the code below replacing the input (binary_sensor.your_window_contact_sensor_entity_id_here) with your entity ID. Then in the top line of the code you will see month and day for the start and end. Just change that to suit your liking for late spring to early autumn. Once happy click submit.

{% if now().date() >= now().replace(month=4, day=1).date() and now().date() <= now().replace(month=9, day=30).date() %}
  {{ states('binary_sensor.your_window_contact_sensor_entity_id_here') == 'on' }}
{% else %}
{% endif %}

Screen shot below.

Hope this helps you… let us know if this works for you.

Blacky :smiley:

Hi Blacky

That’s great thanks. I didn’t think of grouping my binary_sensor.overnight with a bathroom_window_open sensor. I also hadn’t thought to only have the bathroom_window_open sensor only active across my required range of dates. Nice touch :+1:

I already have a window sensor so the first part is already done :laughing:

As for the remainder, I’ll get on that right away and report back on how it goes.

******* UPDATE *********

Template sensor created :white_check_mark:
Group created :white_check_mark:
Tested :white_check_mark:

Great. So the fan came on when the shower was in use. Once finished I opened the window and the fan went off. Result :+1:

So, apart from my own use case, I don’t know if this would be useful to others. If it is, perhaps include the ability to add multiple sensors to the derivative bypass option and have them behave like a group?


Hi Dave

Nice one glad you got it going and thanks for letting us know.

Yeah it would be nice. I need to go through the bypass but it is not just a quick one in this blueprint. Since adding the manual fan switch and the automation link I don’t use the bypass anymore but hopefully one day I will revisit it.

Blacky :smiley:

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Hi Blacky

I spoke too soon. It seems the group entity didn’t like the True or False state of the template sensor

{% if now().date() >= now().replace(month=4, day=1).date() and now().date() <= now().replace(month=9, day=30).date() %}
  {{ states('binary_sensor.your_window_contact_sensor_entity_id_here') == 'on' }}
{% else %}
{% endif %}

I didn’t realise until I opened the window when the other entity in the group (a binary sensor) was off and the group remained off :thinking:

Anyway, I changed the template sensor to a binary_sensor

  -  binary_sensor:
      - name: "En-Suite Window Spring Summer"
        unique_id: en_suite_window_spring_summer
        state: >-
          {{ now().date() >= now().replace(month=4, day=15).date() and now().date() <= now().replace(month=9, day=15).date() and 
            is_state('binary_sensor.en_suite_window_sensor_contact','on') }}

and that now works.


Hi Dave

Yea, you needed to update the code to suit your entity ID. Nice though you figured it out and starting to get the hang of YAML changing it to suit your template :+1:

Blacky :smiley:

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Thanks for saving me hours of frustration with this Blueprint. I set it up according to all the info provided and it works 100%.

I would like this automation to run only during a specific time. Eg 18:00 to 20:00 in the evenings.

Any advice how to setup this time for the blueprint?


Welcome to the community.

You can create a schedule helper for this and use the bypass option 2. When you create your schedule helper make sure it is OFF the times you would like to allow the automation to run. To create a helper go to settings > devices and services > click on helpers tab at the top > click create helper and select schedule. Example below.

Once created enter it into ‘Humidity Derivative Sensor By-pass’ and make sure you select ‘2 - Enable the By-pass - Turn the fan and enabled options OFF’.

Question: I didn’t put a time option in because I was thinking regardless what time you have a shower it is very important to run the fan even it it has some noise at night when everyone is sleeping. Some people have a sleep mode that they enable when they go to bed so you can use that in the bypass to stop it but is more of a user decision when this happens. I am trying to understand your use case so I can get better. My question is, Why do you only want to run this automation between 6pm to 10pm.

Hope this helps you.

Blacky :smiley:

Hi. I live at the coast and the humidity varies and changes all day and this was causing the fan and light to switch on unnecessary. This been my reason to have a time allocated to when the blueprint should be active. Are the blue bars on the helper indicating the time that the blueprint is OFF and should not run? Are these settings correct that I have entered into the Blueprint



Thanks for the info.

Yes the blue bars are for when the helper will be ON thus the bypass will be active and the automation will not run.

Your bypass settings will be like this.

Blacky :smiley:

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Setting up the sensor - apparently, we must now specify the metric prefix - none is no longer an option for me - what to use?


I just set up a test one on HA 2024.5.1. I did not have to put in a metric prefix. Please try again and maybe switch your browser if you still have problems. I am using Firefox.

Let us know how you go.

Blacky :smiley:

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Thank you for the help. Interesting (running 2024.5.1), looks like I’m only having this issue when I modify an existing sensor - worked perfectly when I created a new sensor.

Thanks again