Bosch Solution 2000 / 3000 Alarm Integration

Yeah, you need to add the repository to HACS for it to show up
Eventually the goal will be to get it upstreamed into home assistant so that HACS is not needed, and that is what bosch want done with it eventually

Hi, thank you so much for all your efforts!

I recently moved into a new house, and here is an existing Bosch 2000 system, but no IP module.

I considered getting the Konnected board, but would prefer the Bosch alarm to still work, and the RJ45 Konnected is very expensive.

So I am now thinking to rather just buy a B426 ip board.

One question, after you have set up everything, would this still require any Bosch cloud services to be online for this to keep working? I prefer to have most of my HA stuff being able to work even if my internet would be off. Or does this require a internet connection to Bosch services?

Thanks again!

It talks directly to the panel, the bosch cloud services are not involved at all

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Thanks Sanjay!

Im currently even using dev bosch boards, and donā€™t have them hooked up to the bosch cloud at all but it all still works :slight_smile:

This is awesome. So you have a Bosch alarm + network module and the addon interactive directly with the alarm/network module locally?

Exactly, it uses the ā€œmode 2ā€ protocol that these panels support locally

Whats the easiest way to change from the old integration to the new one?

Unfortunately, there isnā€™t one, they are totally different integrations, so you just have to remove the old one and set the new one up again. It was actuallly an integration for b/g series panels before, and then I added support for the 3000, and just recently I have now added back history support so it is feature compatible with the old one, only much more stable. It also supports subscription based history for when that firmware update eventually comes out (hence why i have test panels from bosch to test features on some firmware they are working on.)

At this point I even have B series panels and potentially even an AMAX panel on the way, so the hope is we end up with a single integration that supports a wide variety of bosch panels! Currently the AMAX is the only panel we donā€™t support right now, but the hope is once that arrives that will change.

Hi sanjay are you able to share your parts list for your dev bosch boards?
Iā€™d like to purchase for testing/setup prior to swapping it out with current Solution 880.

Funnily enough, i myself switched from a solution 800 of some sort (I cant remember which one) to a solution 3000 + B426M + IUI-SOL-ICON. I paid an alarm installer to do this swap however, as at the time I didnā€™t really know much about panels. For your points, they should still work, I am actually using my old points as i asked the installer to leave all my old hardware when they did the install. Luckily being that they are both solution boards, the termination resistors havenā€™t changed.

My dev boards actually came straight from bosch, and were provided specifically with development firmware, and are pretty much the same, though i did end up using an IUI-SOL-TEXT instead of the IUI-SOL-ICON as for testing it made things a little easier for me. Both pads work though, the TEXT is just a little easier to do configuring on when testing, but the ICON does look a little nicer.

Also, as of a few days ago, history support got merged into the new integration. This makes it feature complete with the old integration, it just took a lot more work for this one as I had to write it in a way that it would work for a bunch of bosch panels.

Thanks for that. Yeah I currently have the IUI-SOL-ICON, but I prefer the IUI-SOL-TEXT. Itā€™s much easier to use and navigate and actually has a menu/navigation similar to the IUI-SOL-TS5 and IUI-SOL-TS7.

There are some kits here that Iā€™m looking at getting.

So is the firmware on your dev board any different to the latest v2.1?

Yeah there are some automation specific features being worked on at the moment such as push based events instead of needing to poll, which will be quite good once they are released.

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@sanjay900 suddenly my solution 2000 with b426 not working, and force to install bosch alarm, now trying this new repoā€¦GitHub - mag1024/bosch-alarm-homeassistant: Home Assistant integration using the bosch-alarm-mode2 library
how can i find the automation passcode rsc+ passcode? is it compatible to my system?

i cant remember was asked me beforeā€¦ i have rsc+ app and i can login to my account and connect to my panelā€¦
appreciate your help on this.

Use your user code - the same one use for the rsc+ app. Its the same code you used on the other addon.

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its saying failed to connectā€¦ but i can access the URL from my browser.

Mind opening a github issue here? Issues Ā· mag1024/bosch-alarm-homeassistant Ā· GitHub
I donā€™t really read this forum often, and its easier to track issues like this over there.

Out of curiousity though, what do you mean by you were forced to install the new integration? Was the old one also not able to connect?

Hi there, donā€™t know if this helps but I am consistently able to connect if I turn on IPv6 on my Bosch solution 3000 and enable it on my router. I am consistently unable to connect otherwise. Cheers for the awesome integration!

Is this why thereā€™s a 1-20 seconds delay from the light on the PIR turns on and motion being triggered in HA? If so, itā€™s pretty much useless for light on automation until they release a firmware where it pushes instead of polling.
Had DSC and Envisalink before, it was nearly instantaneous.