Broadlink Integration - add support for RM4 Mini

@Jamezz98 An exact duplicate of what I said :wink:

Thanks @aceindy. I must somehow missed your post, apologies. :slight_smile:

I just noticed that it will NOT survive a core update (but the configuration does) until the pull request on the BroadLink source has been committed…

I have not tried the latest core update yet since i made the change just in case it removed it. But if i already have my device configured through the integration now, will it matter if the device type is no longer in the file?
Once configured will it keep working anyway?

Not here…my was reset to default,
That resulted in my rm4c not able to load until I re-added the line again
(you can see it fails in logs)
However, once I re-added the line, everything worked again as before the upgrade :wink:

I have to say that after the reboot (several reboots) the lines I added in the are still there.
I added the lines in the middle of the file…

Reboot seems to be ok…core update not…:wink:

Ja… It’s so uncomfortable to backup and restore the at every update, like the today one!

Hmm…same same here with 2029.12.2

Thinking aloud, i think it is possible to:
-clone the official broadlink repository,
-add the missing line for RM4C mini
-add this repository (manually or using HACS) to custom_components

Will try this when i have time (and share the github url)

Hmm…sorry…can’t find the file, so no go for now

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For those who cannot find the file, especially on HassOS, I managed to solve the issue by following the advice found at

  1. Open Home Assistant and install the “SSH & Web Terminal” add-on (NOT the original SSH add-on).
  2. Disable Protection mode
  3. Open the Terminal web UI
  4. Enter: docker exec -it homeassistant /bin/bash
  5. Enter: pip3 install --upgrade git+ --no-deps
  6. Restart Home Assistant.

Your newer device should now be recognized by the Broadlink integration. It works for 0x6539.


Esto funciono perfecto para mi!

Muchas gracias Motik68

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Method of editing the also worked for me with a RM4C thanks.

If Motik68’s solution doesn’t work for you after updating to the 2021.3.4 version, try the solution from here:
It installs the broadlink library from another repo:

  1. Open Home Assistant and install “SSH & Web Terminal” add-on
  2. Disable Protection mode
  3. Click “Terminal” on the sidebar and install the patch.
docker exec -it homeassistant /bin/bash
pip3 install git+ --force-reinstall --no-deps
  1. Restart the server.

Thanks! Works for me. But as mentioned before, this will not survive core updates. Just repeat the steps after updating the core.

Is this still a problem? Should I buy the mini 3 instead of 4? I just want that it works out of the box. Any advice?

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It looks like it has made it in to the master repository (line 90)

0x6539: (rm4mini, "RM4C mini", "Broadlink"),

So it should not be an issue anymore (but i haven’t actually checked it, as i am currently not using it)

it was the PR which added it on Jan 8th


My problem is when trying to integrate my RM4 mini it says unable to conect… just took the IP from the router… any clue ?

Connect to the device

Failed to connect

Can this integration start automation when a signal comes over RF 433, for example, from a leak sensor?

To my knowledge, broadlink is used to send IR/RF433 signals, it only receives them when in learning mode.

Looks like you eed a sonoff rf bridge (tasmota) or something

Integration will never be able to keep the learning mode for a long time?